1. How to Implement a PHP Fingerprint Attendance System Using WebAuthN Web Authentication Standard
Updated on: 2025-02-11
Posted on: 2025-02-11
Blog: Digital package blog
Package: Digital
This package provides a PHP implementation of the WebAuthn specification. It allows users to authenticate with a PHP application using a digital fingerprint reader without entering user passwords.

1. How to Create Your PHP Reporting Tool That Exports Data From Arrays to Excel Spreadsheets Using Templates
Updated on: 2025-02-06
Posted on: 2025-02-06
Blog: PHP Report package blog
Package: PHP Report
PHP code can generate spreadsheets in XLS format using several packages.
This package exports data from the PHP array to files using the Excel, HTML, and PDF formats.
It can use templates in the XLS format to help developers define better how they want the exported spreadsheet to appear when the exported file is opened in Microsoft Excel or a similar program that supports the XLS format.

1. How to Use a PHP Text-to-Speech Library to Generate Audio with Realistic Voices with the ElevenLabs Artificial Intelligence API
Updated on: 2025-01-29
Posted on: 2025-01-29
Blog: ElevenLabs Laravel package blog
Package: ElevenLabs Laravel
These solutions can be useful in creating promotional videos to help market products and services.
The PHP package provides a Laravel service that accesses the ElevenLabs API to generate audio with voices that speak the text passed to the API as a parameter.

1. How to Use a PHP Excel Spreadsheet Manipulation Class to Convert the Spreadsheet Position Letters to the Column Number
Updated on: 2025-01-28
Posted on: 2025-01-28
Blog: IrisSG Technical Test package blog
Package: IrisSG Technical Test
Spreadsheet table columns have identifiers for the column position using letters.
This package can convert the spreadsheet position letters to the respective number of the column.

1. How to use Block phpclasses_latest of Ascoos Cms
Updated on: 2024-10-11
Posted on: 2024-10-11
Blog: PHP Classes Latest package blog
Package: PHP Classes Latest

1. How to use block "article_author_more" of Ascoos Cms
Updated on: 2024-10-10
Posted on: 2024-10-10
Blog: More Author Articles package blog
Package: More Author Articles
1) Installing the `article_author_more` Block
2) Editing and configuration of its parameters.
3) The result we have.

1. How to use Block background_selector of Ascoos Cms
Updated on: 2024-10-01
Posted on: 2024-10-01
Blog: Background Selector package blog
Package: Background Selector

1. How to Use a Better PHP UUID Generator to Generate Unique Identifier Strings
Updated on: 2024-08-14
Posted on: 2024-08-14
Blog: PHP Generate ULID package blog
Package: PHP Generate ULID
There are specifications on how to generate a UUID value. Each version has its restrictions.
A ULID is an evolution of the UUID to generate unique identifiers that provide compatibility with UUID, among other advantages.
This package implements ULID generation, validation, and recovery of details in PHP.

6. UpMVC and React Component Generators
Updated on: 2024-07-17
Posted on: 2024-07-17
Blog: upMVC package blog
Package: upMVC

1. How to Do Laravel Performance Optimization by Detecting the Slower Parts of a Laravel Application
Updated on: 2024-07-17
Posted on: 2024-06-03
Blog: Laravel Profiler package blog
Package: Laravel Profiler
When it is necessary to optimize the performance of an application, the first step to optimize is to profile the application to detect which parts are slower.
This package implements a profiler solution for Laravel applications. It can listen to application events that execute code that usually takes longer to run, like database queries and HTTP requests sent to external servers.