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File: tests/error_handler.php

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  Classes of Guilherme Blanco   pAjax   tests/error_handler.php   Download  
File: tests/error_handler.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Parser error test
Class: pAjax
Do RPC calls from the browser without page reloads
Author: By
Last change: - Updated tests to allow working with disabled domain protection and with
enabled export protection
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 2,508 bytes



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require_once "../class.pAjax.php";

something1() { return func_get_args(); }

something2() { return pg_connect("dbname=database user=username password=password"); }

$AJAX = new pAjax;
$AJAX->export("something1", "something2");

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
    <title>Complex Structure Example 2</title>
    <?php pAjax::showJavaScript(".."); ?>

    <h1>Complex Structure 2 Example plus Error Handler</h1>
    <p>Call something1 or something2 on server. If ?call=1, it will call something1 (default is no argument sent). If ?call=2, it will test the parser error</p>
    <script type="text/javascript">

function Test() {;

    // If you call something2, you'll experience an JS error with the following description:
    // "Unknown PHP type while parsing [Resource id #XX], type resource"
    var req = this.prepare("something<?=((isset($_GET['call'])) ? $_GET['call'] : 1)?>", pAjaxRequest.POST);
    // If you need to execute the item in another page, remove the handleRequest
    // and add it in the URI set. All data will be sent to the selected page
    // req.setURI("algo.php");
    req.setParam("teste", Array("valoãr1", "valéor", Array("vaülor3", "valo'r4")));
    req.setParam("dataAtual", new Date());
    req.setParam("testeStruct", {teste: 0, w2: {item0: 9, item1: 10.98, boolTest: true}, a: "testa\"ndo comprimento de caracteres e vendo como eles se comportam quando a quantidade excede o limite designado pelo script. Será que já alcançamos 100 chars?"});


var _p = Test.prototype = new pAjax;

_p.onLoad = function () {
    var o = this.getResponse();
    // Array example
    alert("Item[0]: " + o[0][0] + "\nItem[1]: " + o[0][1] + "\nItem[2][0]: " + o[0][2][0] + "\nItem[2][1]: " + o[0][2][1]);

    // Date Time example
    alert("DateTime: " + o[1]);

    // Struct example
    alert("TESTE: " + o[2].teste + "\nW2.Item0: " + o[2].w2.item0 + "\nW2.Item1: " + o[2].w2.item1 + "\nW2.boolTest: " + o[2].w2.boolTest + "\nA: " + o[2].a);
    <input type="button" onclick="new Test()" value="Click me!" />