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File: pajax-commom.js

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  Classes of Guilherme Blanco   pAjax   pajax-commom.js   Download  
File: pajax-commom.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Commom Support for JS between browsers
Class: pAjax
Do RPC calls from the browser without page reloads
Author: By
Last change: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Version 1.5.9 - Date: 2007-01-22 13:57 |
- Fixed some bugs - thanks Cristian Rusu for patches
- Added method getJavaScript
- Added support to IE7
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 10,050 bytes



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function XmlHttp() { var req; try { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (req.readyState == null) { req.readyState = 1; req.addEventListener("load", function () { req.readyState = 4; if (typeof req.onreadystatechange == "function") req.onreadystatechange(); }, false); } return req; } if (window.ActiveXObject) { var prefixes = ["MSXML5", "MSXML4", "MSXML3", "MSXML2", "MSXML", "Microsoft"]; for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { try { req = new ActiveXObject(prefixes[i] + ".XmlHttp"); return req; } catch (ex) {} } } } catch (ex) {} throw new Error("XmlHttp Objects not supported by client browser"); } XmlHttp.prototype = new Object; XmlHttp.create = function () { return new XmlHttp(); } function XmlDocument() { var req; try { if (window.ActiveXObject) { var libraries = ["MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XmlDom"]; for (var i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { try { req = new ActiveXObject(libraries[i]); return req; } catch (ex) {} } } else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) { req = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); req.addEventListener("load", function () { this.readyState = 4; }, false); req.readyState = 4; return req; } } catch (ex) { } throw new Error("XmlDocument Objects not supported by client browser"); } XmlDocument.prototype = new Object; XmlDocument.create = function () { return new XmlDocument(); } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { (function () { var _xmlDocumentPrototype = XMLDocument.prototype; _xmlDocumentPrototype.__proto__ = { __proto__ : _xmlDocumentPrototype.__proto__ }; var _p = _xmlDocumentPrototype.__proto__; _p.createNode = function (aType, aName, aNamespace) { switch (aType) { case 1: if (aNamespace && aNamespace != "") return this.createElementNS(aNamespace, aName); else return this.createElement(aName); case 2: if (aNamespace && aNamespace != "") return this.createAttributeNS(aNamespace, aName); else return this.createAttribute(aName); case 3: default: return this.createTextNode(""); } }; _p.loadXML = function (sXml) { var d = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(sXml, "text/xml"); while (this.hasChildNodes()) this.removeChild(this.lastChild); for (var i = 0; d < d.childNodes.length; i++) this.appendChild(this.importNode(d.childNodes[i], true)); }; _p.__load__ = _xmlDocumentPrototype.load; _p.load = function (sURI) { this.readyState = 0; this.__load__(sURI); }; _p.setProperty = function (sName,sValue) { if (sName == "SelectionNamespaces") { this.__selectionNamespaces__ = {}; var parts = sValue.split(/\s+/); var re = /^xmlns\:([^=]+)\=((\"([^\"]*)\")|(\'([^\']*)\'))$/; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { re.test(parts[i]); this.__selectionNamespaces__[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$4 || RegExp.$6; } } }; _p.__defineSetter__("onreadystatechange", function (f) { if(this.__onreadystatechange__) this.removeEventListener("load", this.__onreadystatechange__, false); this.__onreadystatechange__ = f; if (f) this.addEventListener("load", f, false); return f; }); _p.__defineGetter__("onreadystatechange", function () { return this.__onreadystatechange__; }); XmlDocument.__mozHasParseError__ = function (oDoc) { return !oDoc.documentElement || oDoc.documentElement.localName == "parsererror" && oDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("xmlns") == ""; }; _p.__defineGetter__("parseError", function() { var hasError = XmlDocument.__mozHasParseError__(this); var res = { errorCode: 0, filepos: 0, line: 0, linepos: 0, reason: "", srcText: "", url:"" }; if (hasError) { res.errorCode= -1; try { res.srcText = this.getElementsByTagName("sourcetext")[0]; res.srcText = res.srcText.replace(/\n\-\^$/,""); } catch (ex) { res.srcText = ""; } try { var s =; var re = /XML Parsing Error\:(.+)\nLocation\:(.+)\nLine Number(\d+)\,Column(\d+)/; var a = re.exec(s); res.reason = a[1]; res.url = a[2]; res.line = a[3]; res.linepos = a[4]; } catch (ex) { res.reason = "Unknown"; } } return res; }); var _nodePrototype = Node.prototype; _nodePrototype.__proto__ = { __proto__ : _nodePrototype.__proto__ }; _p = _nodePrototype.__proto__; _p.__defineGetter__("xml", function() { return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this, "text/xml"); }); _p.__defineGetter__("baseName", function() { var lParts = this.nodeName.split(":"); return lParts[lParts.length - 1]; }); _p.__defineGetter__("text", function() { var sb = new Array(this.childNodes.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) sb[i] = this.childNodes[i].text; return sb.join(""); }); _p.selectNodes = function (sExpr) { var d = (this.nodeType == 9) ? this : this.ownerDocument; var nsRes = d.createNSResolver((this.nodeType == 9) ? this.documentElement : this); var nsRes2; if (d.__selectionNamespaces__) { nsRes2 = function (s) { if (s in d.__selectionNamespaces__) return d.__selectionNamespaces__[s]; return nsRes.lookupNamespaceURI(s); }; } else nsRes2 = nsRes; var xpRes = d.evaluate(sExpr, this, nsRes2, 5, null); var res = []; var item; while ((item = xpRes.iterateNext())) res.push(item); return res; }; _p.selectSingleNode = function (sExpr) { var d = (this.nodeType == 9) ? this : this.ownerDocument; var nsRes = d.createNSResolver((this.nodeType == 9) ? this.documentElement : this); var nsRes2; if(d.__selectionNamespaces__) { nsRes2 = function (s) { if (s in d.__selectionNamespaces__) return d.__selectionNamespaces__[s]; return nsRes.lookupNamespaceURI(s); }; } else nsRes2 = nsRes; var xpRes = d.evaluate(sExpr, this, nsRes2, 9, null); return xpRes.singleNodeValue; }; _p.transformNode = function (oXsltNode) { var d = (this.nodeType == 9) ? this : this.ownerDocument; var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); processor.importStylesheet(oXsltNode); var df = processor.transformToFragment(this, d); return df.xml; }; _p.transformNodeToObject = function (oXsltNode, oOutputDocument) { var d = (this.nodeType == 9) ? this : this.ownerDocument; var outDoc = (oOutputDocument.nodeType == 9) ? oOutputDocument : oOutputDocument.ownerDocument; var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); processor.importStylesheet(oXsltNode); var df = processor.transformToFragment(this, d); while (oOutputDocument.hasChildNodes()) oOutputDocument.removeChild(oOutputDocument.lastChild); for (var i = 0; i < df.childNodes.length; i++) oOutputDocument.appendChild(outDoc.importNode(df.childNodes[i],true)); }; var _attrPrototype = Attr.prototype; _attrPrototype.__proto__ = { __proto__ : _attrPrototype.__proto__ }; _p = _attrPrototype.__proto__; _p.__defineGetter__("xml", function() { var nv = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this); return this.nodeName + "=\"" + nv.replace(/\"/g,"&quot;") + "\""; }); var _textPrototype = Text.prototype; _textPrototype.__proto__ = { __proto__ : _textPrototype.__proto__ }; _p = _textPrototype.__proto__; _p.__defineGetter__("text", function() { return this.nodeValue; }); })(); }