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Class: MySQL Backup
Backup MySQL databases to files with SQL commands
Author: By
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Date: 19 years ago
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MySQL database backup class, version 1.0.0 HOW TO USE 1. Create the instance of MySQL_Backup class. 2. Define necessary properties. 3. Call Execute() method to create backup. require_once 'mysql_backup.class.php'; $backup_obj = new MySQL_Backup(); $backup_obj->server = 'localhost'; $backup_obj->username = 'username'; $backup_obj->password = 'password'; $backup_obj->database = 'dbname'; $backup_obj->tables = array(); $backup_obj->drop_tables = true; $backup_obj->struct_only = false; $backup_obj->comments = true; $backup_obj->fname_format = 'd_m_y__H_i_s'; if (!$backup_obj->Execute(MSB_DOWNLOAD, '', true)) { die($backup_obj->error); } PUBLIC PROPERTIES var $server = 'localhost'; The name of MySQL server. var $port = 3306; The port of MySQl server. var $username = 'root'; Database username. var $password = ''; Database password. var $database = ''; Name of the database. var $link_id = -1; MySQL link identifier of the current connection. You can set this if you want to connect the MySQL server by your own. var $connected = false; Set true if the connection is already established before calling Execute(). var $tables = array(); Tables you want to backup. All tables in the database will be backed up if this array is empty. var $drop_tables = true; Add DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queries before CREATE TABLE in backup file. var $struct_only = false; Only structure of the tables will be backed up if true. var $comments = true; Include comments in backup file if true. var $backup_dir = ''; Directory on the server where the backup file will be placed. Used only if task parameter equals to MSB_SAVE in Execute() method. var $fname_format = 'd_m_y__H_i_s'; Default file name format. var $error = ''; Error message. PUBLIC METHODS function Execute($task = MSB_STRING, $fname = '', $compress = false) $task - operation to perform: MSB_STRING - return SQL commands as a string; MSB_SAVE - create the backup file on the server; MSB_DOWNLOAD - save backup file in the user's computer. $fname - optional name of backup file. $compress - use GZip compression?