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File: appz/type_ahead_db/autosuggestcontroller.js

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  Classes of Guilherme Blanco   pAjax   appz/type_ahead_db/autosuggestcontroller.js   Download  
File: appz/type_ahead_db/autosuggestcontroller.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auto Suggestion Controller Script
Class: pAjax
Do RPC calls from the browser without page reloads
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,459 bytes



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/* * AutoSuggestController based on Nicholas C.Zackas code */ function AutoSuggestController(oTextBox, oProvider) { this.provider = oProvider; this.textbox = oTextBox; this.init(); } var _p = AutoSuggestController.prototype; _p.init = function () { var oThis = this; this.textbox.onkeyup = function (e) { oThis.handleKeyUp(e); } } _p.selectRange = function (iStart, iLength) { if (this.textbox.createTextRange) { var oRange = this.textbox.createTextRange(); oRange.moveStart("character", iStart); oRange.moveEnd("character", iLength - this.textbox.value.length);; } else if (this.textbox.setSelectionRange) this.textbox.setSelectionRange(iStart, iLength); this.textbox.focus(); } _p.typeAhead = function (sSuggestion) { if (this.textbox.createTextRange || this.textbox.setSelectionRange) { var iLength = this.textbox.value.length; this.textbox.value = sSuggestion; this.selectRange(iLength, sSuggestion.length); } } _p.autoSuggest = function (aSuggestions) { if (aSuggestions.length > 0) this.typeAhead(aSuggestions[0]); } _p.handleKeyUp = function (e) { var oEvent = window.event || e; var code = oEvent.keyCode; if (!(code < 32 || (code >= 33 && code <= 46) || (code >= 112 && code <= 123))) this.provider.requestSuggestions(this); }