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File: sql.cls.php

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File: sql.cls.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: SQL Function Class
Class: SQL Handling Functions
Execute common MySQL database SQL queries
Author: By
Last change: add some function specially auto insert update function
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 29,867 bytes



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<?php /* * class name : sqlFunctions * developed by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon * version : 1.00 * date : May 17, 2006 * dependency : none * homepage : * email : * developed for: */ /* * change log * * 20110825: fix an internal bug * 20110818: handle error with debug flag * 20100111: add new function to set core class instance any time "setCoreClassInstance($pi_core_class)" * 20080527: add a new function for safe string with real escape functionality * 20080525: fixed but for link identifier at mysql_query [runQuery] * 20080522: implement connection identifier with internal $this->curlink variable * 20080519: fixed bug to implement mysql_real_escape_string with stripslashes if magic quote enabled checking * */ /* var $defaultdb=NULL; var $dbhost=NULL; var $dbuser=NULL; var $dbpass=NULL; var $curlink=false; var $curdatabase=''; var $curtable=''; var $clsCore; var $lastSQLquery; var $lastSuccessfulSql; var $lastInsertedID; var $lastAffectedRows=0; function __construct($p_core_class, $p_default_database='', $p_cur_link=false){ function setCoreClassInstance($pi_core_class){ function setConnection($p_conn){ function setMyDatabase($p_dbname){ function setCurrentTable($p_table){ function openMyConn($p_dbhost='', $p_dbuser='', $p_dbpass=''){ function openMyDatabase($p_dbname=''){ function openMyDatabaseX($p_dbhost, $p_dbuser, $p_dbpass, $p_dbname){ function mysql_current_db(){ function isDbOpened($p_dbname=''){ function isTableExists($p_tablename=NULL){ // * $p_type=0 : unspecified or dynamic // * $p_type=1 : only insert operation // * $p_type=2 : only update operation function sqlInsertUpdate($p_fields, $p_pk_value='', $p_pk_name='', $p_table='', $p_pk_remove=true, $p_type=0){ function getTotalRows($p_rs=NULL){ // usage : total number of rows in value using sql count() function function getTotalRowsX($p_table_name, $p_condition=NULL){ function getInsSql($p_fields, $p_table=NULL){ function getUpdtSql($p_fields, $p_condition, $p_table=''){ function build_sql($p_fld, $p_val, $p_condition='and'){ function getRowsVal($p_sql, $p_col_idx=-1){ // usages : return array fetch with assoc mode function getRowsValX($p_sql, $p_rwnum=0){ function getMysqlDtTm($p_dt=0){ // usage: isValExist($kwrd, 'keyword', 'resume_keywords', true, "and `skcid`='$skcid'") function isValExist($p_value, $p_field_name='id', $p_table=NULL, $p_case_ignored = true, $p_extra_condition = NULL){ function sqlFetchAssoc($p_rs){ function sqlFetchRow($p_rs){ function sqlFetchObject($p_rs){ function getLastExecutedQuery(){ function getLastSuccessfulQuery(){ function getLastInsertedID(){ function runQuery($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ function getRows($p_idfieldname, $p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ function getArrWithIdAsKey($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ function sqlSafeString($p_val, $p_real_escaping_enabled=true) { function isValidDateTime($dateTime){ function __destruct(){ */ if(!defined('no')) define('no', 0, true); if(!defined('yes')) define('yes', 1, true); class sqlFunctions{ var $defaultdb=NULL; var $dbhost=NULL; var $dbuser=NULL; var $dbpass=NULL; var $curlink=false; var $curdatabase=''; var $curtable=''; var $clsCore; var $lastSQLquery; var $lastSuccessfulSql; var $lastInsertedID; var $lastAffectedRows=0; var $lstSRWCLID=true; // Last sql query run with classes link identifier i.e. $this->curlink var $myrs; var $thisdb=false; var $updtFlag=false; var $ensureSafeData=true; var $dbSafeOpenFl=false; static $curSystemTime=NULL; var $error_level=1; # 0: no error output at all - just save error into class variable, 1: no error is shows to bowser but with comment (default), 2: all error shows and halt process var $errors; var $error_fl=false; /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function __construct($p_core_class=NULL, $p_default_database='', $p_cur_link=false){ if(isset($p_core_class)){ $this->clsCore=$p_core_class; sqlFunctions::$curSystemTime=$this->clsCore->getMyCurrentTime(); } if(strlen($p_default_database)>0) $this->defaultdb=$p_default_database; if(strlen($this->defaultdb)>0) $this->curdatabase=trim($this->defaultdb); if($p_cur_link){ $this->curlink=$p_cur_link; $this->curdatabase=trim($this->defaultdb); } $this->ensureSafeData=true; return true; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20110818 last modified date : 20110818 */ function showSQLError($p_err_msg, $p_error_type=E_USER_ERROR){ $this->error_fl=true; $err_msg=$p_err_msg.' [Error Type # '.$p_error_type.']'; $errlvl=$this->error_level; switch($errlvl){ case 0: $this->errors[]=$err_msg; break; case 1: echo '<!-- '.htmlentities($err_msg).' -->'; break; case 2: default: trigger_error($p_err_msg, $p_error_type); } return true; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20100111 last modified date : 20100111 */ function setCoreClassInstance($pi_core_class){ if(isset($p_core_class)){ $this->clsCore=$p_core_class; $this->clsCore->setMySqlInstance($this); } return true; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20080522 last modified date : 20080522 */ // Please use this function before every module running of this class function setConnection($p_conn){ if(!is_resource($p_conn)) $this->showSQLError('<h3>Invalid Resource Identifier</h3>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $this->dbSafeOpenFl=false; $this->curlink=$p_conn; return true; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20091201 */ function setMyDatabase($p_dbname, $p_set_through_sql=true){ return $this->openMyDatabase($p_dbname, $p_set_through_sql); } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ // Please use this function before every module running of this class function setCurrentTable($p_table){ $this->curtable=trim($p_table); return true; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20080522 */ function openMyConn($p_dbhost=NULL, $p_dbuser=NULL, $p_dbpass=NULL, $p_pconnect=true){ $f_dbhost=$this->dbhost; $f_dbuser=$this->dbuser; $f_dbpass=$this->dbpass; if(isset($p_dbhost) && strlen($p_dbhost)>0) $f_dbhost=$p_dbhost; if(isset($p_dbuser) && strlen($p_dbuser)>0) $f_dbuser=$p_dbuser; if($f_dbpass!=$p_dbpass) $f_dbpass=$p_dbpass; if(!isset($f_dbhost) || strlen($f_dbhost)<=0) $this->showSQLError('<h3>NULL Database Host</h3>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); if(!isset($f_dbuser) || strlen($f_dbuser)<=0) $this->showSQLError('<h3>NULL Database User</h3>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); if(!isset($f_dbpass) || strlen($f_dbpass)<=0) $this->showSQLError('<h3>NULL Database Password</h3>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); if(!$this->curlink || $f_dbhost!=$this->dbhost || $f_dbuser!=$this->dbuser || $f_dbpass!=$this->dbpass){ $func2conn=(true==$p_pconnect?'mysql_pconnect':'mysql_connect'); ## we can't use @ sign cause if we found error then we will handle error with a message ## if(true==$p_pconnect) $f_lnk=mysql_pconnect($f_dbhost, $f_dbuser, $f_dbpass); ## else $f_lnk=mysql_connect($f_dbhost, $f_dbuser, $f_dbpass); $f_lnk=$func2conn($f_dbhost, $f_dbuser, $f_dbpass); if($f_lnk){ $this->curlink=$f_lnk; $this->dbhost=$f_dbhost; $this->dbuser=$f_dbuser; $this->dbpass=$f_dbpass; }else $this->showSQLError('<h3>Cannot open connection..</h3><div>Host: '.$f_dbhost.', User: '.$f_dbuser.'<!-- , Password: '.substr($f_dbpass, 0, 3).'... --></div>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } if(isset($this->curlink) && is_resource($this->curlink)) return $this->curlink; return false; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20091201 */ function openMyDatabase($p_dbname=NULL, $p_open_db=true){ if(strlen($p_dbname)>0) $f_dbname=trim($p_dbname); elseif(strlen($this->curdatabase)>0) $f_dbname=$this->curdatabase; elseif(strlen($this->defaultdb)>0) $f_dbname=trim($this->defaultdb); if(!is_resource($this->curlink)) $this->openMyConn(); if($this->curlink && strlen($f_dbname)>0){ if(true===$p_open_db){ if(!$this->isDbOpened($f_dbname)){ $this->thisdb=mysql_select_db($f_dbname, $this->curlink) or die('Could not select database!'); if($this->thisdb) $this->curdatabase=$f_dbname; return $this->thisdb; } }else $this->curdatabase=$f_dbname; return true; } return false; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20090504 last modified date : 20071030 */ function openMyDatabaseX($p_dbhost, $p_dbuser, $p_dbpass, $p_dbname){ $rtrn=$this->openMyConn($p_dbhost, $p_dbuser, $p_dbpass); if(false!==$rtrn) $this->openMyDatabase($p_dbname); if(false!==$rtrn) $this->dbSafeOpenFl=true; return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function mysql_current_db($p_return_through_sql=true){ if(true===$p_return_through_sql){ if(!isset($this->curlink)) trigger_error('<h3>No Database Connection!</h3>'.mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $r=$this->runQuery('SELECT DATABASE()') or die('<h3>Cannot select database..</h3>'.mysql_error()); if($r) $v=mysql_result($r,0); }else $v=$this->curdatabase; return $v; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function isDbOpened($p_dbname=NULL){ if(strlen($p_dbname)>0){ $v_dbname=$this->mysql_current_db(); if($v_dbname==$p_dbname) return true; } return false; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20080110 last modified date : 20080110 */ function isTableExists($p_tablename=NULL){ $bOk=false; if(isset($this->curtable) && @strlen($this->curtable)>0) $tblnm=$this->curtable; if(isset($p_tablename)>0) $tblnm=$p_tablename; if(isset($tblnm)){ $rs=$this->runQuery('SHOW TABLES'); while(list($tname)=$this->sqlFetchRow($rs)){ if($tname==$p_tablename) $bOk=true; } } return $bOk; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ /* * $p_type=0 : unspecified or dynamic * $p_type=1 : only insert operation * $p_type=2 : only update operation */ function sqlInsertUpdate($p_fields, $p_pk_value=NULL, $p_pk_name=NULL, $p_table=NULL, $p_pk_remove=true, $p_type=0){ $f_return=false; $f_update=false; if(strlen($this->curtable)>0) $f_table=$this->curtable; if(strlen($p_table)>0) $f_table=$p_table; if(isset($p_pk_value)) $f_pk_value=$p_pk_value; if(strlen($p_pk_name)>0){ if(isset($p_pk_value)) $f_update=$this->isValExist($p_pk_value, $p_pk_name, $f_table); if(true==$p_pk_remove) unset($p_fields[$p_pk_name]); elseif(isset($p_fields[$p_pk_name])) $f_pk_value=$p_fields[$p_pk_name]; } $v_sql=$this->getInsSql($p_fields, $f_table); if($p_type==0 || $p_type==2){ if(true==$f_update) $v_sql=$this->getUpdtSql($p_fields, '`'.$p_pk_name.'`=\''.$p_pk_value.'\'', $f_table); if($p_type==2 && strlen($p_pk_name)<=0) $v_sql=''; if($p_type==2 && false==$f_update) $v_sql=''; } if(strlen($v_sql)>0){ $this->lastSQLquery=$v_sql; $v_rs=$this->runQuery($v_sql); if($v_rs){ $this->lastSuccessfulSql=$v_sql; if(isset($f_pk_value)) $f_return=$f_pk_value; if(false==$f_update){ if(!isset($p_pk_value)){ if(is_resource($this->curlink)) $f_return=@mysql_insert_id($this->curlink); else $f_return=@mysql_insert_id(); } $this->lastInsertedID=$f_return; } $this->curtable=trim($f_table); } } return $f_return; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getTotalRows($p_rs=NULL){ $r_rows=0; if(is_resource($p_rs)) $r_rows=mysql_num_rows($p_rs); return $r_rows; } /* usage : total number of rows in value useing sql count() function created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20071206 last modified date : 20071206 */ function getTotalRowsX($p_table_name, $p_condition=NULL){ $f_dbname=(strlen($this->curdatabase)>0?'`'.$this->curdatabase.'`.':''); $f_sql='select count(*) from '.$f_dbname.'`'.$p_table_name.'`'; if(NULL!=$p_condition) $f_sql.=' where '.$p_condition; $f_tot=0; $f_get=$this->getRowsVal($f_sql, 0); if(intval($f_get)>0) $f_tot=intval($f_get); return $f_tot; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20091126 */ function getInsSql($p_fields, $p_table=NULL){ $return_sql=''; if(strlen($p_table)>0) $f_table=$p_table; elseif(strlen($this->curtable)>0) $f_table=$this->curtable; if(isset($f_table) && is_array($p_fields)){ $sap=NULL; while (list($key, $val) = each($p_fields)){ if(strlen(trim($val))>0){ $keys_ins.=$sap."`$key`"; $vals_ins.=$sap."'".$this->sqlSafeString($val)."'"; $sap=', '; } } $f_dbname=(strlen($this->curdatabase)>0?'`'.$this->curdatabase.'`.':''); $return_sql="insert into $f_dbname`$f_table` ( $keys_ins ) values ( $vals_ins )"; } return $return_sql; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20091126 */ function getUpdtSql($p_fields, $p_condition, $p_table=''){ $return_sql=''; if(strlen($p_table)>0) $f_table=$p_table; elseif(strlen($this->v_table)>0) $f_table=$this->v_table; if(isset($f_table) && is_array($p_fields)){ $sap = ""; while (list($key, $val)=each($p_fields)){ $set_fields.=$sap.' `'.$key.'`='.(strlen(trim($val))>0?"'".$this->sqlSafeString($val)."'":'NULL'); $sap = ', '; } $f_dbname=(strlen($this->curdatabase)>0?'`'.$this->curdatabase.'`.':''); $return_sql="update $f_dbname`$p_table` set $set_fields where $p_condition"; } return $return_sql; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getSqlForLikeOperator($p_fld, $p_val, $p_condition='and', $p_condsap=','){ $return_val=NULL; if(strlen($p_fld)>0 && strlen($p_val)>0){ $vals=explode($p_condsap, trim($p_val)); $frstTm=true; if(is_array($vals) && count($vals)>0){ foreach($vals as $valX){ if($frstTm==false) $return_valX.=" ".$p_condition." "; $val=strtolower(trim($valX)); $return_valX.="lower(`".trim($p_fld)."`) like '%".$this->sqlSafeString($val)."%'"; $frstTm=false; } $return_val=' ('.$return_valX.') '; } } return $return_val; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getRowsResult($p_sql, $p_row_idx=0, $fld=NULL){ $fVal=false; $this->lastSQLquery=$p_sql; $f_rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql); if($f_rs){ $this->lastSuccessfulSql=$p_sql; if($this->getTotalRows($f_rs)>0){ if(isset($fld)) $fVal=mysql_result($f_rs, intval($p_row_idx), $fld); else $fVal=mysql_result($f_rs, intval($p_row_idx)); } } return $fVal; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getRowsVal($p_sql, $p_col_idx=-1){ $this->lastSQLquery=$p_sql; $f_rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql); if($f_rs){ $this->lastSuccessfulSql=$p_sql; if($this->getTotalRows($f_rs)>0){ $f_rw=$this->sqlFetchRow($f_rs); if(intval($p_col_idx)>=0) return stripslashes($f_rw[intval($p_col_idx)]); else return $f_rw; }else return true; }else return false; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20080402 last modified date : 20080402 usages : return array fetch with assoc mode */ function getRowsValX($p_sql, $p_rwnum=0){ $f_rtrn=false; $this->lastSQLquery=$p_sql; $f_rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql); if($f_rs){ $this->lastSuccessfulSql=$p_sql; if($this->getTotalRows($f_rs)>0){ $f_ctr=0; $f_fl=true; while(true==$f_fl){ $f_rw=$this->sqlFetchAssoc($f_rs); if($f_ctr==$p_rwnum && true==$f_fl){ $f_fl=false; unset($f_rtrn); foreach($f_rw as $fld=>$val) $f_rtrn[$fld]=stripslashes($val); } $f_ctr++; } } } return $f_rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ static function getMysqlDtTm($p_dt=0){ // if(!isset($this->clsCore)) trigger_error('You must set core class instance. Use setCoreClassInstance($pi_core_class) to set.', E_USER_ERROR); if($p_dt<=0) $p_dt=(isset(sqlFunctions::$curSystemTime)?sqlFunctions::$curSystemTime:time()); return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $p_dt); } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20091126 usage: isValExist($kwrd, 'keyword', 'resume_keywords', true, "and `skcid`='$skcid'") */ function isValExist($p_value, $p_field_name='id', $p_table=NULL, $p_case_ignored = true, $p_extra_condition = NULL){ $return_val = false; if(strlen($p_table)>0) $p_table_name=$p_table; elseif(strlen($this->v_table)>0) $p_table_name=$this->v_table; if(strlen(trim($p_value))>0 && isset($p_table_name)>0){ $v_value = trim($p_value); $condition1 = "lower(`".$p_field_name."`)='".strtolower($this->sqlSafeString($v_value))."'"; if($p_case_ignored == false) $condition1="`".trim($p_field_name)."` = '".$this->sqlSafeString($v_value)."'"; $f_dbname=(strlen($this->curdatabase)>0?'`'.$this->curdatabase.'`.':''); $v_sql = "select `".trim($p_field_name)."` from $f_dbname`".trim($p_table_name)."` where $condition1"; if(strlen($p_extra_condition) > 0) $v_sql.=' '.trim($p_extra_condition); $v_rs = $this->runQuery($v_sql); if($v_rs){ if($this->getTotalRows($v_rs)>0){ $v_rw=$this->sqlFetchRow($v_rs); $v_data = trim($v_rw[0]); if($v_data == $v_value) $return_val = true; } } } return $return_val; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20090616 last modified date : 20090616 */ function getFetchedSafeRowArray($p_rw=NULL){ if(true==$this->ensureSafeData && is_array($p_rw) && isset($p_rw)){ foreach($p_rw as $k=>$v) $f_rtrn[$k]=(is_null($v)?NULL:stripslashes($v)); }else $f_rtrn=$p_rw; return $f_rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function sqlFetchAssoc($p_rs=NULL){ $frs=$this->myrs; if(isset($p_rs)) $frs=$p_rs; if($frs){ $r_rw=mysql_fetch_assoc($frs); if(!isset($p_rs)) $this->myrs=$frs; $rtrn=(true==$this->ensureSafeData?$this->getFetchedSafeRowArray($r_rw):$r_rw); } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20080522 */ function sqlFetchRow($p_rs=NULL){ $frs=$this->myrs; if(isset($p_rs)) $frs=$p_rs; if($frs){ $r_rw=mysql_fetch_row($frs); if(!isset($p_rs)) $this->myrs=$frs; $rtrn=(true==$this->ensureSafeData?$this->getFetchedSafeRowArray($r_rw):$r_rw); } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function sqlFetchArray($p_rs=NULL){ $frs=$this->myrs; if(isset($p_rs)) $frs=$p_rs; if($frs){ $r_rw=mysql_fetch_array($frs); if(!isset($p_rs)) $this->myrs=$frs; $rtrn=(true==$this->ensureSafeData?$this->getFetchedSafeRowArray($r_rw):$r_rw); } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20080522 */ function sqlFetchObject($p_rs=NULL, $p_result_type=NULL){ $frs=$this->myrs; if(isset($p_rs)) $frs=$p_rs; if($frs){ $r_rw=mysql_fetch_object($frs, $p_result_type); if(!isset($p_rs)) $this->myrs=$frs; $rtrn=(true==$this->ensureSafeData?$this->getFetchedSafeRowArray($r_rw):$r_rw); } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : last modified date : function sqlGetResult($p_rs=NULL, $p_rownum=0){ $frs=$this->myrs; if(isset($p_rs)) $frs=$p_rs; if($frs){ $r_rw=mysql_result($frs, $p_rownum, ); if(!isset($p_rs)) $this->myrs=$frs; } if(is_array($r_rw) && isset($r_rw)){ foreach($r_rw as $k=>$v) $f_rtrn[$k]=stripslashes($v); } return $f_rtrn; } */ /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getLastExecutedQuery(){ return $this->lastSQLquery; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function getLastSuccessfulQuery(){ return $this->lastSuccessfulSql; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20080522 */ function getLastInsertedID($p_lnk=NULL){ if(isset($this->curlink) && is_resource($this->curlink)) $flnkid=$this->curlink; if(isset($p_lnk) && is_resource($p_lnk)) $flnkid=$p_lnk; if(!isset($this->lastInsertedID)){ if(isset($flnkid)) $this->lastInsertedID=mysql_insert_id($flnkid); else $this->lastInsertedID=mysql_insert_id(); } $rtrn=$this->lastInsertedID; unset($this->lastInsertedID); return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20080522 */ function runQuery($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ $this->lastAffectedRows=0; // this is not implemented very well.. i plan to implement this function later... $this->lastSQLquery=$p_sql; $flnkid=(is_resource($p_lnk_identifier)?$p_lnk_identifier:(is_resource($this->curlink)?$this->curlink:false)); $rs=(is_resource($flnkid)?mysql_query($p_sql, $flnkid):mysql_query($p_sql)); if($rs){ $this->lstSRWCLID=(isset($p_lnk_identifier)?false:true); $this->lastAffectedRows=(is_resource($flnkid)?mysql_affected_rows($flnkid):mysql_affected_rows()); // this is not implemented very well.. i plan to implement this function later... so please use this at your own risk!!! $this->lastSuccessfulSql=$p_sql; $rtrn=$this->myrs=$rs; if(true==$this->updtFlag && $this->lastAffectedRows<=0) $rtrn=false; $this->updtFlag=false; }else{ echo("<div><strong>SQL Syntex Error...</strong><br><em>$p_sql</em></div>"); trigger_error("<div><font color=red>".(is_resource($flnkid)?mysql_error($flnkid):mysql_error())."</font></div>", E_USER_ERROR); } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20100610 last modified date : 20100610 */ function isMysqlLinkAlive($p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ $flnkid=(is_resource($p_lnk_identifier)?$p_lnk_identifier:(is_resource($this->curlink)?$this->curlink:false)); $rtrn=(is_resource($flnkid)?mysql_ping($flnkid):mysql_ping()); return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20071031 last modified date : 20080522 */ function getAllRows($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ $cf_return=false; $rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier); if($rs && $this->getTotalRows($rs)>0){ $ctr=0; while($rw=$this->sqlFetchAssoc($rs)){ foreach($rw as $k=>$v) $rx[$k]=stripslashes($v); $cf_return[$ctr]=$rx; $ctr++; } } return $cf_return; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20071030 last modified date : 20080522 */ function getRows($p_idfieldname, $p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ $cf_return=false; $rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier); if($rs){ if($this->getTotalRows($rs)>0){ while($rw=$this->sqlFetchAssoc($rs)){ foreach($rw as $k=>$v) $rx[$k]=stripslashes($v); $cf_return[$rx[$p_idfieldname]]=$rx; } } } return $cf_return; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20071031 last modified date : 20080522 */ function getArrWithIdAsKey($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier=NULL){ $cf_return=false; $rs=$this->runQuery($p_sql, $p_lnk_identifier); if($rs){ if($this->getTotalRows($rs)>0){ while($rw=$this->sqlFetchRow($rs)) $cf_return[trim($rw[0])]=trim(stripslashes($rw[1])); } } return $cf_return; } /* real escaping or addslashes after checking magic quotes enable or not... for security measure of sql injection or sql hijeking.. created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20080527 last modified date : 20080527 */ static function sqlSafeString($p_val, $p_real_escaping_enabled=true) { if(true==$p_real_escaping_enabled) $f_val=mysql_real_escape_string((get_magic_quotes_gpc()==yes?stripslashes($p_val):$p_val)); else $f_val=(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==yes?$p_val:addslashes($p_val)); return $f_val; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function isValidDateTime($dateTime){ if(strlen($dateTime)>=19 && preg_match("/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/", $dateTime, $matches)){ if(checkdate($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1])) return true; } return false; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20101027 last modified date : 20101027 */ function delFromSingleTable($p_table, $p_cond_arr=NULL, $p_common_cond=NULL){ $del_sql='delete from `'.$p_table.'`'; if((isset($p_cond_arr) && is_array($p_cond_arr)) || isset($p_common_cond)){ if(isset($p_cond_arr) && is_array($p_cond_arr)){ if(isset($p_common_cond)) $p_common_cond_sql=' AND '.$p_common_cond; foreach($p_cond_arr as $idx=>$val){ $opt=false; $opt_num=false; foreach($val as $idx2=>$val2){ if(is_numeric($idx2) && false===$opt){ $cond_sqlX.=$idx2_num_sap.' \''.$val2.'\''; $idx2_num_sap=', '; $opt_num=true; }elseif(false===$opt_num && !is_numeric($idx2)){ $cond_sqlX.=$idx1_sap.' `'.$idx2.'`=\''.$val2.'\' '; $idx1_sap=' AND '; $opt=true; } } if(isset($cond_sql)){ if(true===$opt) $cond_sql.=$idx_sap.' ('.$cond_sqlX.$p_common_cond_sql.') '; if(true==$opt_num) $cond_sql.=$idx_sap.' (`'.$idx.'` IN ('.$cond_sqlX.') '.$p_common_cond_sql.') '; if(true===$opt || true==$opt_num) $idx_sap=' OR '; unset($cond_sqlX); } if(!isset($cond_sql)) $cond_sql='1'; $del_sql.=' where '.$cond_sql; } }else $del_sql.=' where '.$p_common_cond; }else $del_sql.=' where 1'; return $this->runQuery($del_sql); } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20091011 last modified date : 20091011 */ function isDataNeedUpdate($p_source_sql, $p_comparing_array, $p_case_ignore=true) { $rtrn=false; if(is_array($p_comparing_array)){ $rtrn=(count($p_comparing_array)>0?true:false); $source=$this->getAllRows($p_source_sql); if(is_array($source) && count($source)>0){ $rtrn=true; if(count($source)==count($p_comparing_array)){ $rtrn=false; foreach($source as $rw){ $data=reset($rw); $found=false; foreach($p_comparing_array as $current){ $found=((true==$p_case_ignore && strtolower($current)==strtolower($data)) || (false==$p_case_ignore && $current==$data))?true:false; if(true==$found) break; } if(false==$found){ $rtrn=true; break; } } } //if(count($source)==count($p_comparing_array)){ } //if(is_array($source) && count($source)>0){ } return $rtrn; } /* created by : Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon ( created date : 20060517 last modified date : 20071030 */ function __destruct(){ if(is_resource($this->curlink)) mysql_close($this->curlink); if(isset($this->curlink)) unset($this->curlink); unset($this->curdatabase); $this->curtable=''; $this->lastSQLquery=''; $this->lastSuccessfulSql=''; } }