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File: Generic.php
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Description: Base class
Class: DbSimple
Abstraction to access several SQL databases
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<?php /** * DbSimple_Generic: universal database connected by DSN. * (C) 2005 Dmitry Koterov, * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * See * * Use static DbSimple_Generic::connect($dsn) call if you don't know * database type and parameters, but have its DSN. * * Additional keys can be added by appending a URI query string to the * end of the DSN. * * The format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form: * phptype(dbsyntax)://username:password@protocol+hostspec/database?option=8&another=true * * Most variations are allowed: * phptype://username:password@protocol+hostspec:110//usr/db_file.db?mode=0644 * phptype://username:password@hostspec/database_name * phptype://username:password@hostspec * phptype://username@hostspec * phptype://hostspec/database * phptype://hostspec * phptype(dbsyntax) * phptype * * Parsing code is partially grabbed from PEAR DB class, * initial author: Tomas V.V.Cox <[email protected]>. * * Ñontains 3 classes: * - DbSimple_Generic: database factory class * - DbSimple_Generic_Database: common database methods * - DbSimple_Generic_Blob: common BLOB support * - DbSimple_Generic_LastError: error reporting and tracking * * Special result-set fields: * - ARRAY_KEY* ("*" means "anything") * - PARENT_KEY * * Transforms: * - GET_ATTRIBUTES * - CALC_TOTAL * - GET_TOTAL * - UNIQ_KEY * * Query attributes: * - BLOB_OBJ * - CACHE * * @version 2.x $Id: Generic.php 79 2007-01-04 13:53:05Z tIT $ */ /** * Use this constant as placeholder value to skip optional SQL block [...]. */ define('DBSIMPLE_SKIP', log(0)); /** * Names of special columns in result-set which is used * as array key (or karent key in forest-based resultsets) in * resulting hash. */ define('DBSIMPLE_ARRAY_KEY', 'ARRAY_KEY'); // hash-based resultset support define('DBSIMPLE_PARENT_KEY', 'PARENT_KEY'); // forrest-based resultset support /** * DbSimple factory. */ class DbSimple_Generic { /** * DbSimple_Generic connect(mixed $dsn) * * Universal static function to connect ANY database using DSN syntax. * Choose database driver according to DSN. Return new instance * of this driver. */ function& connect($dsn) { // Load database driver and create its instance. $parsed = DbSimple_Generic::parseDSN($dsn); if (!$parsed) { $dummy = null; return $dummy; } $class = 'DbSimple_'.ucfirst($parsed['scheme']); if (!class_exists($class)) { $file = str_replace('_', '/', $class) . ".php"; // Try to load library file from standard include_path. if ($f = @fopen($file, "r", true)) { fclose($f); require_once($file); } else { // Wrong include_path; try to load from current directory. $base = basename($file); $dir = dirname(__FILE__); if (@is_file($path = "$dir/$base")) { require_once($path); } else { trigger_error("Error loading database driver: no file $file in include_path; no file $base in $dir", E_USER_ERROR); return null; } } } $object =& new $class($parsed); if (isset($parsed['ident_prefix'])) { $object->setIdentPrefix($parsed['ident_prefix']); } $object->setCachePrefix(md5(serialize($parsed['dsn']))); return $object; } /** * array parseDSN(mixed $dsn) * Parse a data source name. * See parse_url() for details. */ function parseDSN($dsn) { if (is_array($dsn)) return $dsn; $parsed = @parse_url($dsn); if (!$parsed) return null; $params = null; if (!empty($parsed['query'])) { parse_str($parsed['query'], $params); $parsed += $params; } $parsed['dsn'] = $dsn; return $parsed; } } /** * Base class for all databases. * Can create transactions and new BLOBs, parse DSNs. * * Logger is COMMON for multiple transactions. * Error handler is private for each transaction and database. */ class DbSimple_Generic_Database extends DbSimple_Generic_LastError { /** * Public methods. */ /** * object blob($blob_id) * Create new blob */ function blob($blob_id = null) { return $this->_performNewBlob($blob_id); } /** * void transaction($mode) * Create new transaction. */ function transaction($mode=null) { $this->_logQuery('-- START TRANSACTION '.$mode); return $this->_performTransaction($mode); } /** * mixed commit() * Commit the transaction. */ function commit() { $this->_logQuery('-- COMMIT'); return $this->_performCommit(); } /** * mixed rollback() * Rollback the transaction. */ function rollback() { $this->_logQuery('-- ROLLBACK'); return $this->_performRollback(); } /** * mixed select(string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Execute query and return the result. */ function select($query) { $args = func_get_args(); $total = false; return $this->_query($args, $total); } /** * mixed selectPage(int &$total, string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Execute query and return the result. * Total number of found rows (independent to LIMIT) is returned in $total * (in most cases second query is performed to calculate $total). */ function selectPage(&$total, $query) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $total = true; return $this->_query($args, $total); } /** * hash selectRow(string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Return the first row of query result. * On errors return null and set last error. * If no one row found, return array()! It is useful while debugging, * because PHP DOES NOT generates notice on $row['abc'] if $row === null * or $row === false (but, if $row is empty array, notice is generated). */ function selectRow() { $args = func_get_args(); $total = false; $rows = $this->_query($args, $total); if (!is_array($rows)) return $rows; if (!count($rows)) return array(); reset($rows); return current($rows); } /** * array selectCol(string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Return the first column of query result as array. */ function selectCol() { $args = func_get_args(); $total = false; $rows = $this->_query($args, $total); if (!is_array($rows)) return $rows; $col = array(); foreach ($rows as $k=>$row) { reset($row); $col[$k] = current($row); } return $col; } /** * scalar selectCell(string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Return the first cell of the first column of query result. * If no one row selected, return null. */ function selectCell() { $args = func_get_args(); $total = false; $rows = $this->_query($args, $total); if (!is_array($rows)) return $rows; if (!count($rows)) return null; reset($rows); $row = current($rows); if (!is_array($row)) return $row; reset($row); return current($row); } /** * mixed query(string $query [, $arg1] [,$arg2] ...) * Alias for select(). May be used for INSERT or UPDATE queries. */ function query() { $args = func_get_args(); $total = false; return $this->_query($args, $total); } /** * string escape(mixed $s, bool $isIdent=false) * Enclose the string into database quotes correctly escaping * special characters. If $isIdent is true, value quoted as identifier * (e.g.: `value` in MySQL, "value" in Firebird, [value] in MSSQL). */ function escape($s, $isIdent=false) { return $this->_performEscape($s, $isIdent); } /** * callback setLogger(callback $logger) * Set query logger called before each query is executed. * Returns previous logger. */ function setLogger($logger) { $prev = $this->_logger; $this->_logger = $logger; return $prev; } /** * callback setCacher(callback $cacher) * Set cache mechanism called during each query if specified. * Returns previous handler. */ function setCacher($cacher) { $prev = $this->_cacher; $this->_cacher = $cacher; return $prev; } /** * string setIdentPrefix($prx) * Set identifier prefix used for $_ placeholder. */ function setIdentPrefix($prx) { $old = $this->_identPrefix; if ($prx !== null) $this->_identPrefix = $prx; return $old; } /** * string setIdentPrefix($prx) * Set cache prefix used in key caclulation. */ function setCachePrefix($prx) { $old = $this->_cachePrefix; if ($prx !== null) $this->_cachePrefix = $prx; return $old; } /** * array getStatistics() * Returns various statistical information. */ function getStatistics() { return $this->_statistics; } /** * Virtual protected methods */ function ____________PROTECTED() {} // for phpEclipse outline /** * string _performEscape(mixed $s, bool $isIdent=false) */ function _performEscape($s, $isIdent) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * object _performNewBlob($id) * * Returns new blob object. */ function& _performNewBlob($id) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * list _performGetBlobFieldNames($resultResource) * Get list of all BLOB field names in result-set. */ function _performGetBlobFieldNames($result) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * mixed _performTransformQuery(array &$query, string $how) * * Transform query different way specified by $how. * May return some information about performed transform. */ function _performTransformQuery(&$queryMain, $how) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * resource _performQuery($arrayQuery) * Must return: * - For SELECT queries: ID of result-set (PHP resource). * - For other queries: query status (scalar). * - For error queries: null (and call _setLastError()). */ function _performQuery($arrayQuery) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * mixed _performFetch($resultResource) * Fetch ONE NEXT row from result-set. * Must return: * - For SELECT queries: all the rows of the query (2d arrray). * - For INSERT queries: ID of inserted row. * - For UPDATE queries: number of updated rows. * - For other queries: query status (scalar). * - For error queries: null (and call _setLastError()). */ function _performFetch($result) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * array _performTotal($arrayQuery) */ function _performTotal($arrayQuery) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * mixed _performTransaction($mode) * Start new transaction. */ function _performTransaction($mode=null) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * mixed _performCommit() * Commit the transaction. */ function _performCommit() { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * mixed _performRollback() * Rollback the transaction. */ function _performRollback() { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * string _performGetPlaceholderIgnoreRe() * Return regular expression which matches ignored query parts. * This is needed to skip placeholder replacement inside comments, constants etc. */ function _performGetPlaceholderIgnoreRe() { return ''; } /** * Returns marker for native database placeholder. E.g. in FireBird it is '?', * in PostgreSQL - '$1', '$2' etc. * * @param int $n Number of native placeholder from the beginning of the query (begins from 0!). * @return string String representation of native placeholder marker (by default - '?'). */ function _performGetNativePlaceholderMarker($n) { return '?'; } /** * Private methods. */ function ____________PRIVATE() {} // for phpEclipse outline /** * array _query($query, &$total) * See _performQuery(). */ function _query($query, &$total) { // Fetch query attributes. $this->attributes = $this->_transformQuery($query, 'GET_ATTRIBUTES'); // Modify query if needed for total counting. if ($total) { $this->_transformQuery($query, 'CALC_TOTAL'); } $rows = null; $cache_it = false; if (!empty($this->attributes['CACHE']) && is_callable($this->_cacher)) { $hash = $this->_cachePrefix . md5(serialize($query)); // Getting data from cache if possible $fetchTime = $firstFetchTime = 0; $qStart = $this->_microtime(); $cacheData = $this->_cache($hash); $queryTime = $this->_microtime() - $qStart; $storeTime = isset($cacheData['storeTime']) ? $cacheData['storeTime'] : null; $invalCache = isset($cacheData['invalCache']) ? $cacheData['invalCache'] : null; $result = isset($cacheData['result']) ? $cacheData['result'] : null; $rows = isset($cacheData['rows']) ? $cacheData['rows'] : null; $cache_params = $this->attributes['CACHE']; // Calculating cache time to live $re = '/ ( ([0-9]+) #2 - hours h)? [ \t]* ( ([0-9]+) #4 - minutes m)? [ \t]* ( ([0-9]+) #6 - seconds s?)? (,)? /sx'; $m = null; preg_match($re, $cache_params, $m); $ttl = @$m[6] + @$m[4] * 60 + @$m[2] * 3600; // Cutting out time param - now there are just fields for uniqKey or nothing $cache_params = trim(preg_replace($re, '', $cache_params, 1)); $uniq_key = null; // UNIQ_KEY calculation if (!empty($cache_params)) { $dummy = null; // There is no need in query, cos' needle in $this->attributes['CACHE'] $this->_transformQuery($dummy, 'UNIQ_KEY'); $uniq_key = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'select'), $dummy); $uniq_key = md5(serialize($uniq_key)); } // Check TTL? $ttl = empty($ttl) ? true : (int)$storeTime > (time() - $ttl); // Invalidate cache? if ($ttl && $uniq_key == $invalCache) { $this->_logQuery($query); $this->_logQueryStat($queryTime, $fetchTime, $firstFetchTime, $rows); } else $cache_it = true; } if ($rows === null) { $this->_logQuery($query); // Run the query (counting time). $qStart = $this->_microtime(); $result = $this->_performQuery($query); $fetchTime = $firstFetchTime = 0; if (is_resource($result)) { $rows = array(); // Fetch result row by row. $fStart = $this->_microtime(); $row = $this->_performFetch($result); $firstFetchTime = $this->_microtime() - $fStart; if ($row !== null) { $rows[] = $row; while ($row=$this->_performFetch($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $fetchTime = $this->_microtime() - $fStart; } else { $rows = $result; } $queryTime = $this->_microtime() - $qStart; // Log query statistics. $this->_logQueryStat($queryTime, $fetchTime, $firstFetchTime, $rows); // Prepare BLOB objects if needed. if (is_array($rows) && !empty($this->attributes['BLOB_OBJ'])) { $blobFieldNames = $this->_performGetBlobFieldNames($result); foreach ($blobFieldNames as $name) { for ($r = count($rows)-1; $r>=0; $r--) { $rows[$r][$name] =& $this->_performNewBlob($rows[$r][$name]); } } } // Transform resulting rows. $result = $this->_transformResult($rows); // Storing data in cache if ($cache_it && is_callable($this->_cacher)) { $this->_cache( $hash, array( 'storeTime' => time(), 'invalCache' => $uniq_key, 'result' => $result, 'rows' => $rows ) ); } } // Count total number of rows if needed. if (is_array($result) && $total) { $this->_transformQuery($query, 'GET_TOTAL'); $total = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'selectCell'), $query); } return $result; } /** * mixed _transformQuery(array &$query, string $how) * * Transform query different way specified by $how. * May return some information about performed transform. */ function _transformQuery(&$query, $how) { // Do overriden transformation. $result = $this->_performTransformQuery($query, $how); if ($result === true) return $result; // Common transformations. switch ($how) { case 'GET_ATTRIBUTES': // Extract query attributes. $options = array(); $q = $query[0]; $m = null; while (preg_match('/^ \s* -- [ \t]+ (\w+): ([^\r\n]+) [\r\n]* /sx', $q, $m)) { $options[$m[1]] = trim($m[2]); $q = substr($q, strlen($m[0])); } return $options; case 'UNIQ_KEY': $q = $this->attributes['CACHE']; $i = 0; $query = " -- UNIQ_KEY\n"; while(preg_match('/(\w+)\.\w+/sx', $q, $m)) { if($i > 0)$query .= "\nUNION\n"; $query .= 'SELECT MAX('.$m[0].') AS M, COUNT(*) AS C FROM '.$m[1]; $q = substr($q, strlen($m[0])); $i++; } return true; ; } // No such transform. $this->_setLastError(-1, "No such transform type: $how", $query); } /** * void _expandPlaceholders(array &$queryAndArgs, bool $useNative=false) * Replace placeholders by quoted values. * Modify $queryAndArgs. */ function _expandPlaceholders(&$queryAndArgs, $useNative=false) { $cacheCode = null; if ($this->_logger) { // Serialize is much faster than placeholder expansion. So use caching. $cacheCode = crc32(serialize($queryAndArgs) . $useNative); if (isset($this->_placeholderCache[$cacheCode])) { $queryAndArgs = $this->_placeholderCache[$cacheCode]; return; } } if (!is_array($queryAndArgs)) { $queryAndArgs = array($queryAndArgs); } $this->_placeholderNativeArgs = $useNative? array() : null; $this->_placeholderArgs = array_reverse($queryAndArgs); $query = array_pop($this->_placeholderArgs); // array_pop is faster than array_shift // Do all the work. $query = $this->_expandPlaceholdersFlow($query); if ($useNative) { array_unshift($this->_placeholderNativeArgs, $query); $queryAndArgs = $this->_placeholderNativeArgs; } else { $queryAndArgs = array($query); } if ($cacheCode) { $this->_placeholderCache[$cacheCode] = $queryAndArgs; } } /** * Do real placeholder processing. * Imply that all interval variables (_placeholder_*) already prepared. * May be called recurrent! */ function _expandPlaceholdersFlow($query) { $re = '{ (?> # Ignored chunks. (?> # Comment. -- [^\r\n]* ) | (?> # DB-specifics. ' . trim($this->_performGetPlaceholderIgnoreRe()) . ' ) ) | (?> # Optional blocks \{ ( (?> (?>[^{}]*) | (?R) )* ) #1 \} ) | (?> # Placeholder (\?) ( [_dsafn\#]? ) #2 #3 ) }sx'; $query = preg_replace_callback( $re, array(&$this, '_expandPlaceholdersCallback'), $query ); return $query; } /** * string _expandPlaceholdersCallback(list $m) * Internal function to replace placeholders (see preg_replace_callback). */ function _expandPlaceholdersCallback($m) { // Placeholder. if (!empty($m[2])) { $type = $m[3]; // Idenifier prefix. if ($type == '_') { return $this->_identPrefix; } // Value-based placeholder. if (!$this->_placeholderArgs) return 'DBSIMPLE_ERROR_NO_VALUE'; $value = array_pop($this->_placeholderArgs); // Skip this value? if ($value === DBSIMPLE_SKIP) { $this->_placeholderNoValueFound = true; return ''; } // First process guaranteed non-native placeholders. switch ($type) { case 'a': if (!$value) $this->_placeholderNoValueFound = true; if (!is_array($value)) return 'DBSIMPLE_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_ARRAY'; $parts = array(); foreach ($value as $k=>$v) { $v = $v === null? 'NULL' : $this->escape($v); if (!is_int($k)) { $k = $this->escape($k, true); $parts[] = "$k=$v"; } else { $parts[] = $v; } } return join(', ', $parts); case "#": // Identifier. if (!is_array($value)) return $this->escape($value, true); $parts = array(); foreach ($value as $identifier) { if (!is_string($identifier)) return 'DBSIMPLE_ERROR_ARRAY_VALUE_NOT_STRING'; $parts[] = $this->escape($identifier, true); } return join(', ', $parts); case 'n': // NULL-based placeholder. return empty($value)? 'NULL' : intval($value); } // Native arguments are not processed. if ($this->_placeholderNativeArgs !== null) { $this->_placeholderNativeArgs[] = $value; return $this->_performGetNativePlaceholderMarker(count($this->_placeholderNativeArgs) - 1); } // In non-native mode arguments are quoted. if ($value === null) return 'NULL'; switch ($type) { case '': if (!is_scalar($value)) return 'DBSIMPLE_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_SCALAR'; return $this->escape($value); case 'd': return intval($value); case 'f': return str_replace(',', '.', floatval($value)); } // By default - escape as string. return $this->escape($value); } // Optional block. if (isset($m[1]) && strlen($block=$m[1])) { $prev = @$this->_placeholderNoValueFound; $block = $this->_expandPlaceholdersFlow($block); $block = $this->_placeholderNoValueFound? '' : ' ' . $block . ' '; $this->_placeholderNoValueFound = $prev; // recurrent-safe return $block; } // Default: skipped part of the string. return $m[0]; } /** * void _setLastError($code, $msg, $query) * Set last database error context. * Aditionally expand placeholders. */ function _setLastError($code, $msg, $query) { if (is_array($query)) { $this->_expandPlaceholders($query, false); $query = $query[0]; } return DbSimple_Generic_LastError::_setLastError($code, $msg, $query); } /** * Return microtime as float value. */ function _microtime() { $t = explode(" ", microtime()); return $t[0] + $t[1]; } /** * Convert SQL field-list to COUNT(...) clause * (e.g. 'DISTINCT a AS aa, b AS bb' -> 'COUNT(DISTINCT a, b)'). */ function _fieldList2Count($fields) { $m = null; if (preg_match('/^\s* DISTINCT \s* (.*)/sx', $fields, $m)) { $fields = $m[1]; $fields = preg_replace('/\s+ AS \s+ .*? (?=,|$)/sx', '', $fields); return "COUNT(DISTINCT $fields)"; } else { return 'COUNT(*)'; } } /** * array _transformResult(list $rows) * Transform resulting rows to various formats. */ function _transformResult($rows) { // Process ARRAY_KEY feature. if (is_array($rows) && $rows) { // Find ARRAY_KEY* AND PARENT_KEY fields in field list. $pk = null; $ak = array(); foreach (current($rows) as $fieldName => $dummy) { if (0 == strncasecmp($fieldName, DBSIMPLE_ARRAY_KEY, strlen(DBSIMPLE_ARRAY_KEY))) { $ak[] = $fieldName; } else if (0 == strncasecmp($fieldName, DBSIMPLE_PARENT_KEY, strlen(DBSIMPLE_PARENT_KEY))) { $pk = $fieldName; } } natsort($ak); // sort ARRAY_KEY* using natural comparision if ($ak) { // Tree-based array? Fields: ARRAY_KEY, PARENT_KEY if ($pk !== null) { return $this->_transformResultToForest($rows, $ak[0], $pk); } // Key-based array? Fields: ARRAY_KEY. return $this->_transformResultToHash($rows, $ak); } } return $rows; } /** * Converts rowset to key-based array. * * @param array $rows Two-dimensional array of resulting rows. * @param array $ak List of ARRAY_KEY* field names. * @return array Transformed array. */ function _transformResultToHash($rows, $arrayKeys) { $arrayKeys = (array)$arrayKeys; $result = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { // Iterate over all of ARRAY_KEY* fields and build array dimensions. $current =& $result; foreach ($arrayKeys as $ak) { $key = $row[$ak]; unset($row[$ak]); // remove ARRAY_KEY* field from result row if ($key !== null) { $current =& $current[$key]; } else { // IF ARRAY_KEY field === null, use array auto-indices. $tmp = array(); $current[] =& $tmp; $current =& $tmp; unset($tmp); // we use ætmp, because don't know the value of auto-index } } $current = $row; // save the row in last dimension } return $result; } /** * Converts rowset to the forest. * * @param array $rows Two-dimensional array of resulting rows. * @param string $idName Name of ID field. * @param string $pidName Name of PARENT_ID field. * @return array Transformed array (tree). */ function _transformResultToForest($rows, $idName, $pidName) { $children = array(); // children of each ID $ids = array(); // Collect who are children of whom. foreach ($rows as $i=>$r) { $row =& $rows[$i]; $id = $row[$idName]; $pid = $row[$pidName]; if ($id == $pid) $pid = null; $children[$pid][$id] =& $row; if (!isset($children[$id])) $children[$id] = array(); $row['childNodes'] =& $children[$id]; $ids[$row[$idName]] = true; } // Root elements are elements with non-found PIDs. $forest = array(); foreach ($rows as $i=>$r) { $row =& $rows[$i]; $id = $row[$idName]; $pid = $row[$pidName]; if ($pid == $id) $pid = null; if (!isset($ids[$pid])) { $forest[$row[$idName]] =& $row; } unset($row[$idName]); unset($row[$pidName]); } return $forest; } /** * void _logQuery($query, $noTrace=false) * Must be called on each query. * If $noTrace is true, library caller is not solved (speed improvement). */ function _logQuery($query, $noTrace=false) { if (!$this->_logger) return; $this->_expandPlaceholders($query, false); $args = array(); $args[] =& $this; $args[] = $query[0]; $args[] = $noTrace? null : $this->findLibraryCaller(); return call_user_func_array($this->_logger, $args); } /** * void _logQueryStat($queryTime, $fetchTime, $firstFetchTime, $rows) * Log information about performed query statistics. */ function _logQueryStat($queryTime, $fetchTime, $firstFetchTime, $rows) { // Always increment counters. $this->_statistics['time'] += $queryTime; $this->_statistics['count']++; // If no logger, economize CPU resources and actually log nothing. if (!$this->_logger) return; $dt = round($queryTime * 1000); $firstFetchTime = round($firstFetchTime*1000); $tailFetchTime = round($fetchTime * 1000) - $firstFetchTime; $log = " -- "; if ($firstFetchTime + $tailFetchTime) { $log = sprintf(" -- %d ms = %d+%d".($tailFetchTime? "+%d" : ""), $dt, $dt-$firstFetchTime-$tailFetchTime, $firstFetchTime, $tailFetchTime); } else { $log = sprintf(" -- %d ms", $dt); } $log .= "; returned "; if (!is_array($rows)) { $log .= $this->escape($rows); } else { $detailed = null; if (count($rows) == 1) { $len = 0; $values = array(); foreach ($rows[0] as $k=>$v) { $len += strlen($v); if ($len > $this->MAX_LOG_ROW_LEN) { break; } $values[] = $v === null? 'NULL' : $this->escape($v); } if ($len <= $this->MAX_LOG_ROW_LEN) { $detailed = "(" . preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", join(', ', $values)) . ")"; } } if ($detailed) { $log .= $detailed; } else { $log .= count($rows). " row(s)"; } } $this->_logQuery($log, true); } /** * mixed _cache($hash, $result=null, $ttl=null) * Calls cache mechanism if possible. */ function _cache($hash, $result=null, $ttl=null) { if (is_callable($this->_cacher)) return call_user_func($this->_cacher, $hash, $result, $ttl); else return false; } /** * protected constructor(string $dsn) * * Prevent from direct creation of this object. */ function DbSimple_Generic_Database() { die("This is protected constructor! Do not instantiate directly at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } // Identifiers prefix (used for ?_ placeholder). var $_identPrefix = ''; // Queries statistics. var $_statistics = array( 'time' => 0, 'count' => 0, ); var $_cachePrefix = ''; var $_logger = null; var $_cacher = null; var $_placeholderArgs, $_placeholderNativeArgs, $_placeholderCache=array(); var $_placeholderNoValueFound = false; /** * When string representation of row (in characters) is greater than this, * row data will not be logged. */ var $MAX_LOG_ROW_LEN = 128; } /** * Database BLOB. * Can read blob chunk by chunk, write data to BLOB. */ class DbSimple_Generic_Blob extends DbSimple_Generic_LastError { /** * string read(int $length) * Returns following $length bytes from the blob. */ function read($len) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * string write($data) * Appends data to blob. */ function write($data) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * int length() * Returns length of the blob. */ function length() { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } /** * blobid close() * Closes the blob. Return its ID. No other way to obtain this ID! */ function close() { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__); } } /** * Support for error tracking. * Can hold error messages, error queries and build proper stacktraces. */ class DbSimple_Generic_LastError { var $error = null; var $errmsg = null; var $errorHandler = null; var $ignoresInTraceRe = 'DbSimple_.*::.* | call_user_func.*'; /** * abstract void _logQuery($query) * Must be overriden in derived class. */ function _logQuery($query) { die("Method must be defined in derived class. Abstract function called at ".__FILE__." line ".__LINE__);; } /** * void _resetLastError() * Reset the last error. Must be called on correct queries. */ function _resetLastError() { $this->error = $this->errmsg = null; } /** * void _setLastError(int $code, string $message, string $query) * Fill $this->error property with error information. Error context * (code initiated the query outside DbSimple) is assigned automatically. */ function _setLastError($code, $msg, $query) { $context = "unknown"; if ($t = $this->findLibraryCaller()) { $context = (isset($t['file'])? $t['file'] : '?') . ' line ' . (isset($t['line'])? $t['line'] : '?'); } $this->error = array( 'code' => $code, 'message' => rtrim($msg), 'query' => $query, 'context' => $context, ); $this->errmsg = rtrim($msg) . ($context? " at $context" : ""); $this->_logQuery(" -- error #".$code.": ".preg_replace('/(\r?\n)+/s', ' ', $this->errmsg)); if (is_callable($this->errorHandler)) { call_user_func($this->errorHandler, $this->errmsg, $this->error); } return null; } /** * callback setErrorHandler(callback $handler) * Set new error handler called on database errors. * Handler gets 3 arguments: * - error message * - full error context information (last query etc.) */ function setErrorHandler($handler) { $prev = $this->errorHandler; $this->errorHandler = $handler; // In case of setting first error handler for already existed // error - call the handler now (usual after connect()). if (!$prev && $this->error) { call_user_func($this->errorHandler, $this->errmsg, $this->error); } return $prev; } /** * void addIgnoreInTrace($reName) * Add regular expression matching ClassName::functionName or functionName. * Matched stack frames will be ignored in stack traces passed to query logger. */ function addIgnoreInTrace($name) { $this->ignoresInTraceRe .= "|" . $name; } /** * array of array findLibraryCaller() * Return part of stacktrace before calling first library method. * Used in debug purposes (query logging etc.). */ function findLibraryCaller() { $caller = call_user_func( array(&$this, 'debug_backtrace_smart'), $this->ignoresInTraceRe, true ); return $caller; } /** * array debug_backtrace_smart($ignoresRe=null, $returnCaller=false) * * Return stacktrace. Correctly work with call_user_func* * (totally skip them correcting caller references). * If $returnCaller is true, return only first matched caller, * not all stacktrace. * * @version 2.03 */ function debug_backtrace_smart($ignoresRe=null, $returnCaller=false) { if (!is_callable($tracer='debug_backtrace')) return array(); $trace = $tracer(); if ($ignoresRe !== null) $ignoresRe = "/^(?>{$ignoresRe})$/six"; $smart = array(); $framesSeen = 0; for ($i=0, $n=count($trace); $i<$n; $i++) { $t = $trace[$i]; if (!$t) continue; // Next frame. $next = isset($trace[$i+1])? $trace[$i+1] : null; // Dummy frame before call_user_func* frames. if (!isset($t['file'])) { $t['over_function'] = $trace[$i+1]['function']; $t = $t + $trace[$i+1]; $trace[$i+1] = null; // skip call_user_func on next iteration } // Skip myself frame. if (++$framesSeen < 2) continue; // 'class' and 'function' field of next frame define where // this frame function situated. Skip frames for functions // situated in ignored places. if ($ignoresRe && $next) { // Name of function "inside which" frame was generated. $frameCaller = (isset($next['class'])? $next['class'].'::' : '') . (isset($next['function'])? $next['function'] : ''); if (preg_match($ignoresRe, $frameCaller)) continue; } // On each iteration we consider ability to add PREVIOUS frame // to $smart stack. if ($returnCaller) return $t; $smart[] = $t; } return $smart; } } ?>