PHP Classes

File: crud360/css/crud360.css

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  Classes of Muhammad Usman   PHP CRUD 360 Form Generator   crud360/css/crud360.css   Download  
File: crud360/css/crud360.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP CRUD 360 Form Generator
Generate forms for administration panels
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 4,953 bytes



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@charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Document */ table { table-layout: fixed; word-wrap:break-word; } .source { border:1px solid #ccc; margin:15px 0; padding:15px; border-radius:15px; word-wrap:break-word; } .paginator { padding:5px 15px; text-align:center; border-top:1px solid #C4E8FF; border-bottom:1px solid #C4E8FF; } .pagination-trigger { } .paginator .btn-link { padding: 3px 6px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin: 3px; border-radius: 5px; background:#f3f3f3; border:1px solid #ccc; } .paginator .btn-link:hover { text-decoration:none; background:#509DDC; color:#fff; border:1px solid #3093CB; } .fade-record-link { color:#aaa; } .record-info { font-size:12px; font-style:italic; color:#666; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color:#555; font-family:Segoe, "Segoe UI", "DejaVu Sans", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight:100; margin:30px 0; } p { color:#333; font-weight:300; } h6,h5 { text-align:center; margin:20px 0; } h3 { background:#f3f3f3; padding:15px; } h4 { margin-top:40px; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; padding-bottom:5px; } .form-control { margin-bottom:8px; border-radius:0; font-size:13px; box-shadow:0 0 5px #ddd; /*padding:0.4rem !important;*/ } .form-control:focus { box-shadow:0 0 5px #aaa; } select.form-control:not([size]):not([multiple]) { height:calc(2.5rem - 6px) !important; } select option:first-child, select{ color: #aaa; } .mce-panel { margin-bottom:15px !important; } form { margin-bottom:40px; } textarea { resize:vertical; } label { font-size:11px; color:#333; font-weight:bold; } .pure-link { margin-top:-6px !important; padding-left:0 !important; margin-left:0 !important; } .p15 { padding:15px; } .crud360-form-msg { margin:15px 0; } .title-required { color:red; } .crud360-records-holder{ padding-bottom:15px; margin-bottom:50px; /*border-bottom:3px solid #f0f0f0;*/ } .alert { border-radius:0; margin:0; } .add-button { padding:15px; background:#fbfbfb; border-bottom:3px solid #ccc; } .add-button h4 { margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; font-weight:normal; font-size:22px; margin-bottom:10px !important; border:none !important; } .add-button-body { text-align:right; } .table td { padding:5px 0px !important; padding-right:5px !important; color:#666; font-size:13px; } table th { padding:5px 0px !important; padding-right:5px !important; font-size:13px; color:#555; border:none !important; } .table .operations { padding-right:0px !important; } .crud360-records-video { margin-right:5px; } .crud360-records-img { margin-right:5px; } td i { color:#ccc; } td span { color:#999; } td .btn { padding:4px 6px !important; font-size:13px; } #update-form { } .form-control, .form-control:disabled, .form-control[readonly] { border:none !important; border-bottom:2px solid #ccc !important; } form-control:disabled, .form-control[readonly] { background:#eee !important; } .crud360-form { background:#FAFAFA; padding:15px 0; border:1px solid #ddd; display:none; margin-bottom:30px; } .delete-notice { color:#d9534f; font-weight:bold; } .crud360-form-delete { background:#fff0f0; padding:15px 0; border:1px solid #a55454; border-radius:5px; display:none; margin-bottom:30px; } .nomodal-body { } .nomodal-footer { padding-top:15px; } .nomodal-title { } .add-button .btn-primary, .add-button .btn-info { font-size:13px; margin-bottom:0; padding:8px; } @media only screen and (max-width : 1200px) { td .btn, td { padding:4px 6px !important; font-size:13px; } .operations .btn { margin:5px 0; } td,th { font-size:13px; } } /* Small Devices, Tablets */ @media only screen and (max-width : 768px) { .add-button-body { text-align:center; } .add-button { margin-top:30px; } .add-button h4 { text-align:center; font-size:20px; padding:0; } .add-button .btn-primary { margin-top:15px; font-size:13px; margin-bottom:0; padding:5px; } /* body.modal-open, .modal-open .navbar-fixed-top, .modal-open .navbar-fixed-bottom { margin-right: 0; height:200%; } .modal { left: 50%; bottom: auto; right: auto; z-index: 1050; padding: 0; width: 500px; margin-left: -250px; background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #999999; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 6px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 3px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); background-clip: padding-box; } .modal.container { max-width: none; } .modal-backdrop { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1040; } */ .hide-768 { display:none; width:0; height:0; opacity:0; visibility: collapse; } } .crud360-hide-row { height:0; display:non; color:#fff; opacity:0; visibility: collapse; } .tpl-key { text-transform:capitalize; font-weight:bold; } .records-tpl div { } .paddbottom { padding-bottom:15px; }