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  Classes of Francesco Danti   Sphinx PHP Doc RST   Download  
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Documentation
Class: Sphinx PHP Doc RST
Generate Sphinx documentation from PHPDoc comments
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,705 bytes



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Forked and refactor by Francesco "Abbadon1334" Danti.

Now working as intended, with good coverage.

Generate reStructuredText for Sphinx based documentation from PHPDoc annotations.

This project is heavily based on phpDocumentor/Reflection and makes use of sphinxcontrib-phpdomain.

An example for the documentation output can be found in our own documentation


Install phpdoc-to-rst to your project directory:

composer require --dev abbadon1334/phpdoc-to-rst

Command line usage

Run the command line tool to parse the folders containing your PHP tree and render the reStructuredText files to the output directory:

php vendor/bin/phpdoc-to-rst generate --repo-base "$PWD" --repo-github -t docs/rst/ src/

Programatically usage to generate documentation rst

    // your source path or multiple path to be parsed
    $src = [__DIR__.'/../src'];
    // destination path for the documentation
    $dst = __DIR__.'/../docs/api';
    $apiDocBuilder = new ApiDocBuilder($src, $dst);
    // DEBUG FATURES : optional
    // optional : activate verbosity
    // optional : activate debug
    // EXTENSIONS : optional
     * Do not render classes marked with phpDoc internal tag
     * Do only render public methods/properties.
     * Do not render classes marked with phpDoc internal tag
     * Do only render public methods/properties.
     * This extension will render a list of methods  for easy access
     * at the beginning of classes, interfaces and traits.
     * This extension adds a link to the source at github to all elements.
     * Arguments
     * 0 => Url to the github repo (required)
     * 1 => Path to the git repository (required)
     * 2 => Branch to link to (default=master)
    $apiDocBuilder->addExtension(GithubLocationExtension::class, [
    // Build documentation