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File: plugins/tbs_plugin_html.php

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  Classes of Skrol29   TinyButStrong template engine   plugins/tbs_plugin_html.php   Download  
File: plugins/tbs_plugin_html.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Plugin HTML
Class: TinyButStrong template engine
Template Engine for Pro and Beginners
Author: By
Last change: Fixed bugs:
HTML plug-in version 1.0.8: parameter "select" now works with values containing special HTML characters.
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 7,454 bytes


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TinyButStrong plug-in: HTML (requires TBS >= 3.3.0)
Version 1.0.7, on 2009-09-07, by Skrol29
Version 1.0.8, on 2013-09-30, by Skrol29

$GLOBALS['_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns'][] = TBS_HTML; // Auto-install

class clsTbsPlugInHtml {

OnInstall() {
$this->Version = '1.0.8';
    return array(

OnOperation($FieldName,&$Value,&$PrmLst,&$Source,$PosBeg,$PosEnd,&$Loc) {
    if (
$PrmLst['ope']!=='html') return;
    if (isset(
$PrmLst['select'])) {
false; // Return false to avoid TBS merging the current field
} elseif (isset($PrmLst['look'])) {
        if (
$this->f_Html_IsHtml($Value)) {
$PrmLst['look'] = '1';
$Loc->ConvMode = false; // no conversion
} else {
$PrmLst['look'] = '0';
$Loc->ConvMode = 1; // conversion to HTML

f_Html_InsertAttribute(&$Txt,&$Attr,$Pos) {
// Check for XHTML end characters
if ($Txt[$Pos-1]==='/') {
        if (
$Txt[$Pos-1]===' ') $Pos--;
// Insert the parameter
$Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$Attr,$Pos,0);

f_Html_MergeItems(&$Txt,$ValueLst,$PrmLst,$PosBeg,$PosEnd) {
// Select items of a list, or radio or check buttons.

$TBS =& $this->TBS;

    if (
$PrmLst['select']===true) { // Means set with no value
$IsList = true;
$ParentTag = 'select';
$ItemTag = 'option';
$ItemPrm = 'selected';
    } else {
$IsList = false;
$ParentTag = 'form';
$ItemTag = 'input';
$ItemPrm = 'checked';
    if (
is_array($ValueLst)) {
$ValNbr = count($ValueLst);
    } else {
$ValueLst = array($ValueLst);
$ValNbr = 1;

// Values in HTML
$ValueHtmlLst = array();
    foreach (
$ValueLst as $i => $v) {
$vh = htmlspecialchars($v);
        if (
$vh!=$v) $ValueHtmlLst[$vh] = $i;

$AddMissing = ($IsList and isset($PrmLst['addmissing']));
    if (
$AddMissing) $Missing = $ValueLst;
    if (isset(
$PrmLst['selbounds'])) $ParentTag = $PrmLst['selbounds'];
$ItemPrmZ = ' '.$ItemPrm.'="'.$ItemPrm.'"';

$TagO = $TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$ParentTag,true,$PosBeg-1,false,1,false);

    if (
$TagO!==false) {

$TagC = $TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,$ParentTag,false,$PosEnd+1,true,-1,false);
        if (
$TagC!==false) {

// We will work on the zone only
$ZoneSrc = substr($Txt,$TagO->PosEnd+1,$TagC->PosBeg - $TagO->PosEnd -1);
$PosBegZ = $PosBeg - $TagO->PosEnd - 1;
$PosEndZ = $PosEnd - $TagO->PosEnd - 1;

$DelTbsTag = true;
// Save and delete the option item that contains the TBS tag
if ($IsList) {
// Search for the opening tag before
$ItemLoc = $TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($ZoneSrc,$ItemTag,true,$PosBegZ,false,false,false);
                if (
$ItemLoc!==false) {
// Check if there is no closing option between the opening option and the TBS tag
if (strpos(substr($ZoneSrc,$ItemLoc->PosEnd+1,$PosBegZ-$ItemLoc->PosEnd-1),'</')===false) {
$DelTbsTag = false;
// Search for the closing tag after (taking care that this closing tag is optional in some HTML version)
$OptCPos = strpos($ZoneSrc,'<',$PosEndZ+1);
                        if (
$OptCPos===false) {
$OptCPos = strlen($ZoneSrc);
                        } else {
                            if ((
$OptCPos+1<strlen($ZoneSrc)) and ($ZoneSrc[$OptCPos+1]==='/')) {
$OptCPos = strpos($ZoneSrc,'>',$OptCPos);
                                if (
$OptCPos===false) {
$OptCPos = strlen($ZoneSrc);
                                } else {
$len = $OptCPos - $ItemLoc->PosBeg;
$OptSave = substr($ZoneSrc,$ItemLoc->PosBeg,$len); // Save the item
$PosBegS = $PosBegZ - $ItemLoc->PosBeg;
$PosEndS = $PosEndZ - $ItemLoc->PosBeg;
$ZoneSrc = substr_replace($ZoneSrc,'',$ItemLoc->PosBeg,$len); // Delete the item

            if (
$DelTbsTag) $ZoneSrc = substr_replace($ZoneSrc,'',$PosBegZ,$PosEndZ-$PosBegZ+1);

// Now, we going to scan all of the item tags
$Pos = 0;
$SelNbr = 0;

            while (
$ItemLoc = $TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($ZoneSrc,$ItemTag,true,$Pos,true,false,true)) {

// we get the value of the item
$ItemValue = false;
                if (
$IsList) {
// Look for the end of the item
$OptCPos = strpos($ZoneSrc,'<',$ItemLoc->PosEnd+1);
                    if (
$OptCPos===false) $OptCPos = strlen($ZoneSrc);
                    if (isset(
$ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'])) {
$ItemValue = $ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'];
                    } else {
// The value of the option is its caption.
$ItemValue = substr($ZoneSrc,$ItemLoc->PosEnd+1,$OptCPos - $ItemLoc->PosEnd - 1);
$ItemValue = str_replace(chr(9),' ',$ItemValue);
$ItemValue = str_replace(chr(10),' ',$ItemValue);
$ItemValue = str_replace(chr(13),' ',$ItemValue);
$ItemValue = trim($ItemValue);
$Pos = $OptCPos;
                } else {
                    if ((isset(
$ItemLoc->PrmLst['name'])) and (isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst['value']))) {
                        if (
strcasecmp($PrmLst['select'],$ItemLoc->PrmLst['name'])==0) {
$ItemValue = $ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'];
$Pos = $ItemLoc->PosEnd;

// Check the value and select the current item
if ($ItemValue!==false) {
$x = array_search($ItemValue,$ValueLst,false);
                    if ( (
$x===false) && (isset($ValueHtmlLst[$ItemValue])) ) {
$x = $ValueHtmlLst[$ItemValue];
                    if (
$x!==false) {
                        if (!isset(
$ItemLoc->PrmLst[$ItemPrm])) {
$Pos = $Pos + strlen($ItemPrmZ);
                        if (
$AddMissing) unset($Missing[$x]);
                        if (
$IsList and ($SelNbr>=$ValNbr)) {
// Optimization: in a list of options, values should be unique.
$AddMissing = false;


//--> while ($ItemLoc = ... ) {

if ($AddMissing and isset($OptSave)) {
                foreach (
$Missing as $x) {
$ZoneSrc = $ZoneSrc.substr($OptSave,0,$PosBegS).$x.substr($OptSave,$PosEndS+1);

$Txt = substr_replace($Txt,$ZoneSrc,$TagO->PosEnd+1,$TagC->PosBeg-$TagO->PosEnd-1);

//--> if ($TagC!==false) {
} //--> if ($TagO!==false) {


f_Html_IsHtml(&$Txt) {
// This function returns True if the text seems to have some HTML tags.

    // Search for opening and closing tags
$pos = strpos($Txt,'<');
    if ( (
$pos!==false) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
$pos = strpos($Txt,'>',$pos + 1);
        if ( (
$pos!==false) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
$pos = strpos($Txt,'</',$pos + 1);
            if ( (
$pos!==false)and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
$pos = strpos($Txt,'>',$pos + 1);
                if (
$pos!==false) return true;

// Search for special char
$pos = strpos($Txt,'&');
    if ( (
$pos!==false) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
$pos2 = strpos($Txt,';',$pos+1);
        if (
$pos2!==false) {
$x = substr($Txt,$pos+1,$pos2-$pos-1); // We extract the found text between the couple of tags
if (strlen($x)<=10) {
                if (
strpos($x,' ')===false) return true;

// Look for a simple tag
$Loc1 = $this->TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,'BR',true,0,true,false,false); // line break
if ($Loc1!==false) return true;
$Loc1 = $this->TBS->f_Xml_FindTag($Txt,'HR',true,0,true,false,false); // horizontal line
if ($Loc1!==false) return true;



