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File: RSS.php

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File: RSS.php
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Class: RSS
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<?php // $Id: rssmulti.php,v 1.3 2000/07/24 20:19:40 hroi Exp $ // RSS parser class. Copyright 2000 Hroi Sigurdsson // Requires expat XML. // Should be able to parse both 0.9 and 0.91 versions of RSS. class RSS { // Public properties // Holds channel metadata. var $Channel = array(); // Holds all <item> elements and data. var $Items = array(); // Holds one <item> element, copied from Items by next_item() // @see>item() // @see RSS.$Items var $Item = array(); // Holds data from the optional <image> element and subelements var $Image = false; // Holds data from the optional <textinput> element and subelements var $TextInput = array(); // Holds data from the optional <skipDays> element and subelements var $SkipDays = array(); // Holds data from the optional <skipHours> element and subelements var $SkipHours = array(); // Contain an error message, if any errors occur. var $Error; // Private properties var $xml_parser; var $_rssfile; var $current_element; var $parent_element; var $item_position = 0; function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs = array()){ $this->parent_element = $this->current_element; $this->current_element = $name; } function characterData($parser, $data){ switch($this->parent_element){ case "CHANNEL": switch($this->current_element) { case "TITLE": case "LINK": case "DESCRIPTION": case "LANGUAGE": case "RATING": $this->Channel[strtolower($this->current_element)] .= trim($data); } break; case "IMAGE": switch($this->current_element) { case "TITLE": case "URL": case "LINK": case "WIDTH": case "HEIGHT": case "DESCRIPTION": $this->Image[strtolower($this->current_element)] .= trim($data); } break; case "ITEM": switch($this->current_element) { case "TITLE": case "LINK": case "DESCRIPTION": $this->Items[$this->item_position][strtolower($this->current_element)] .= trim($data); } break; case "TEXTINPUT": switch($this->current_element) { case "TITLE": case "DESCRIPTION": case "NAME": case "LINK": $this->TextInput[strtolower($this->current_element)] .= trim($data); } break; case "SKIPHOURS": switch($this->current_element) { case "HOUR": $this->SkipHours[] = $data; } break; case "SKIPDAYS": switch($this->current_element) { case "DAY": $this->SkipDays[] = $data; } } } function endElement($parser, $name) { $this->current_element = $this->parent_element; if($name == "ITEM") { $this->item_position++; } } // Constructor. Pass it a filename. function RSS($filename) { if($this->_rss_file = @file($filename, 1)){ $this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->xml_parser, &$this); xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_parser, "characterData"); return $this->parse(); } else { $this->Error = 'Could not fetch file'; return false; } } function parse() { if(!count($this->_rss_file)){ $this->Error = "Empty or missing data."; return false; } else { while(list(, $line) = each($this->_rss_file)) { if(!xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $line)) { $this->Error = xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->xml_parser)); return false; } } xml_parser_free($this->xml_parser); unset($this->_rss_file); } $this->item_position = 0; return true; } // Steps through the Items array and sets the Item array. Returns false when no items are left. function next_item() { if(count($this->Items) <= $this->item_position) { return false; } else { $this->Item = &$this->Items[$this->item_position]; $this->item_position++; return true; } } function error() { return $this->Error; } function item($key) { return $this->Item[$key]; } function channel($key) { return $this->Channel[$key]; } function image($key) { return $this->Image[$key]; } } ?>