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File: Sql.class.php

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File: Sql.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Wrapper class for parsing and compiling sql, adding joins, condition etc.
Class: SQL Parse and Compile
Parse and compose SQL queries programatically
Author: By
Last change: update
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 10,338 bytes


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<?php /** * * Sql * @package Model * @subpackage Model_Sql * @author Thomas Sch�fer * @since 05.08.2008 15:30:41 * @version 0.2.1 * @desc parses and compiles sql statements */ /** * * Sql * @package Sql * @author Thomas Sch�fer * @since 05.08.2008 15:30:41 * @version 0.2.1 * @desc parses and compiles sql statements */ class Sql { private $properties = array( "Adapter" => false, ); /** * construct and set adapter name * * @param string $adapter mysql|mysqli <= QDataObject */ public function __construct($adapter="mysqli") { $this->properties["Adapter"] = strtolower($adapter); } /** * facade for Sql_Parser::parse * parse sql and merge with properties * * @param string $sql * @return self */ public function parse($sql) { $parser = new Sql_Parser($sql); $parsed = $parser->parse(); if(is_array($parsed)) { $this->properties = array_merge($this->properties, $parsed); return $this; } else { $this->properties["Error"] = $parsed; return $this; } } /** * facade for Sql_Compiler::compile * compile properties to sql * * @return string */ public function compile() { $compile = new Sql_Compiler(); $sql = $compile->compile($this->properties); //$sql = str_replace("'?'","?",$sql); return $sql; } /** * facade for compile * @return string */ public function getSql($array=null){ return $this->compile($array); } /*join methods*/ /** * setJoinLeft * @desc left join * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setJoinLeft($array) { $this->setJoin("left", $array); return $this; } /** * setJoinOuterLeft * @desc left outer join * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setJoinOuterLeft($array) { $this->setJoin("outer left", $array); return $this; } /** * setJoinRight * @desc left right * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setJoinRight($array) { $this->setJoin("right", $array); return $this; } /** * setJoinOuterLeft * @desc right outer join * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setJoinOuterRight($array) { $this->setJoin("outer right", $array); return $this; } /** * setJoinInner * @desc inner join * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setJoinInner($array) { $this->setJoin("inner", $array); return $this; } /** * setJoin * @desc common join builder * @access private * @param array $array * @return void */ private function setJoin($type, $array){ $this->properties["Join"][] = strtoupper($type). " JOIN"; $a = explode(".", $array["Left"]["Value"]); $this->properties["TableNames"][] = count($a)==1?"":$a[0]; $this->properties["TableAliases"][] = isset($array["Left"]["Alias"]) ? $array["Left"]["Alias"]:''; $b = explode(".", $array["Right"]["Value"]); $this->properties["TableNames"][] = count($b)==1?"":$b[0]; $this->properties["TableAliases"][] = isset($array["Right"]["Alias"]) ? $array["Right"]["Alias"]:''; $this->properties["Joins"][] = $array; } /** * setProperty * @desc common property setter * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setProperty($key, $value) { $this->properties[$key] = $value; } /*where methods*/ /** * setAndWhere * @desc default condition * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setAndWhere($array) { if(empty($this->properties["Where"])) { $where = $array; } else { $subwhere = array(); $subwhere["Left"] = $this->getWhere(); $subwhere["Op"] = "AND"; $subwhere["Right"] = $array; $where["Left"]["Value"] = $subwhere; $where["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } $this->setWhere($where); return $this; } /** * setOrWhere * @desc default condition builder * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setOrWhere($array) { $where = array(); if(empty($this->properties["Where"])) { $where["Left"]["Value"] = $array; $where["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } else { $subwhere = array(); $subwhere["Left"] = $this->getWhere(); $subwhere["Op"] = "OR"; $subwhere["Right"] = $array; $where["Left"]["Value"] = $subwhere; $where["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } $this->setWhere($where); return $this; } /*having method*/ /** * setAndHaving * @desc having * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setAndHaving($array) { if(empty($this->properties["Having"])) { $having = $array; } else { $subhaving = array(); $subhaving["Left"] = $this->getHaving(); $subhaving["Op"] = "AND"; $subhaving["Right"] = $array; $having["Left"]["Value"] = $subhaving; $having["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } $this->setHaving($having); return $this; } /** * setOrHaving * @desc having * @param array $array * @return self */ public function setOrHaving($array) { $having = array(); if(empty($this->properties["Having"])) { $having["Left"]["Value"] = $array; $having["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } else { $subhaving = array(); $subhaving["Left"] = $this->getHaving(); $subhaving["Op"] = "OR"; $subhaving["Right"] = $array; $having["Left"]["Value"] = $subhaving; $having["Left"]["Type"] = "subclause"; } $this->setWhere($having); return $this; } /** * __call * @desc dynamically calling properties * - has => checks if a property exists * - add => adds a new array to specified property * - set => sets a property * - get => gets a property * @example $sqlObject->getTableNames() * @param array $array * @return self */ public function __call($funcName, $args) { $methodType = substr($funcName, 0, 3); $method = substr($funcName, 3); switch ($methodType) { case "has": if(array_key_exists($method, $this->properties)) { if(isset($this->properties[$method])) { return true; } else { return false; } } break; case "add": if(is_array($args[0])) { foreach($args[0] as $arg){ $this->properties[$method][] = $arg; } } else { $this->properties[$method][] = $args[0]; } return $this; case "set": if(array_key_exists($method, $this->properties)) { $this->properties[$method] = $args[0]; } else { $this->properties[$method] = $args[0]; } return $this; case "get": if(array_key_exists($method, $this->properties)) { if(isset($args[0]) and isset($this->properties[$method][$args[0]]) ) { return $this->properties[$method][$args[0]]; } else { return $this->properties[$method]; } } break; } } /** * helper */ /** * concatHelper * @param string * @desc string that joins to values of a concatenation * @return array */ public static function concatHelper() { $string = ""; if(func_num_args()>0) { $args = func_get_args(); $string = implode("", $args); } else { $string = ' '; } return array( $string ); } /** * inHelper * * @desc setups in condition part * @param array $array array(1,2,5) * @return array */ public static function inHelper($array){ $in = array(); foreach($array as $value) { $in["Value"][] = $value; $in["Type"][] = "int_val"; } return $in; } /** * whereHelper * * @desc setups where condition values * @param mixed $leftValue * @param mixed $rightValue * @param mixed $operator * @param mixed $leftType * @param mixed $rightType * @return array */ public static function whereHelper($leftValue,$rightValue,$operator="=",$leftType="ident",$rightType="int_val"){ switch(strtolower( $operator ) ) { case "in": return array( "Left"=>array( "Value"=>$leftValue, "Type"=>$leftType ), "Op"=>$operator, "Right"=> self::inHelper($rightValue) ); default: return array( "Left"=>array( "Value"=>$leftValue, "Type"=>$leftType ), "Op"=>$operator, "Right"=>array( "Value"=>$rightValue, "Type"=>$rightType ) ); } } /** * functionHelper * * @desc setups functions * @param array $array * @return array */ public static function functionHelper($array) { switch(strtolower( $array[0] ) ) { case "concat": $arrMap = array(); $arrMap["Name"] = $array[0]; foreach($array[1] as $key => $value) { switch(gettype($value)) { case "array": $arrMap["Arg"][] = Sql_Parser::DBLQUOTE . implode("", $value ) . Sql_Parser::DBLQUOTE; break; default: $arrMap["Arg"][] = $value; break; } } if(isset($array[2]) and is_string($array[2])) { $arrMap["Alias"] = $array[2]; } return array( $arrMap ); default: $arguments = count($array); if($arguments>1) { $result = array(); if(isset($array[0])) { $result[0]["Name"] = strtoupper( $array[0] ); } if( isset($array[1]) and isset($array[1]["Type"]) and isset($array[1]["Value"])) { // single argument function switch($array[1]["Type"]){ case "ident": case "int_val": case "real_val": $result[0]["Arg"][0] = $array[1]["Value"]; break; default: $result[0]["Arg"][0] = '"'.$array[1]["Value"].'"'; break; } } elseif (isset( $array[1][0] ) and isset($array[1][0]["Type"]) and isset($array[1][0]["Value"])) { // double and more arguments functions foreach($array[1] as $index => $value){ switch($value["Type"]){ case "ident": case "int_val": case "real_val": $result[0]["Arg"][$index] = $value["Value"]; break; default: $result[0]["Arg"][$index] = '"'.$value["Value"].'"'; break; } } } if(isset($array[2]) and is_string($array[2])) { $result[0]["Alias"] = $array[2]; } return $result; } break; } } }