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File: index.php

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File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: index
Class: ini_manager
Manipulate configuration files in the ini format
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,099 bytes



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require_once( "ini_fn.php" );

//set_params_ini( "One", "opt2", "how come are you there?", "test.ini" ) ;
//echo get_params_ini( "One", "opt2", "test.ini" ) ;

//echo get_params_ini( "Fourth", "opt16", "test.ini" ) ;

delete_entry_ini("Three", "opt10", "test2.ini");
echo "the record has been removed.";

delete_key("Three", "test2.ini");
echo "the record (s) has been added.";

echo "the record (s) has been added.";


if ( find_entry( "test2.ini", "Three", "opt6" ) )
 echo "the entry record has been found.";
 echo "the entry record has not been found.";

if ( find_key( "test2.ini", "Three" ) )
 echo "the entry record has been found.";
 echo "the entry record has not been found.";

add_entry( "test2.ini", "Three", "SubSub", "SupSup" );
echo "the record has been added.";

$list01= list_key_values( "test2.ini" ) ;
print_r( $list01 );

$list02= list_entry_values( "test2.ini" , "Two" ) ;
print_r( $list02 );
