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File: SchemeCreator.class.php

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File: SchemeCreator.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: MySQL Schema creation class
Class: Scheme Creator
Get the schema of a MySQL database into a XML file
Author: By
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Date: 15 years ago
Size: 14,321 bytes



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<?php /** * SchemeCreator * @author Thomas Schaefer * @email */ class SchemeCreator { private $connectionData; private $connection; private $resource; private $results; private $outputDirectory; private $header = array( "FieldNames" => false, "TableNames" => false, "Databases" => false, ); public function __construct($outputDirectory=""){ $this->outputDirectory = $outputDirectory; } public function doCreate(){ $this->fetchAll(); $this->build(); } public function fetchAll(){ $context = $this->connectionData->database; $result = $this->showTablesIn($context)->getObjects(); foreach($result as $key => $value) { $relationName = $context .".". $value->{"Tables_in_".$context}; $this->results[$value->{"Tables_in_".$context}] = $this->describe($relationName); $this->results[$value->{"Tables_in_".$context}]["FullQualifiedName"] = $relationName; $constraints = $this->showJoinedConstraintsWithColumnsOnRelation($context, $value->{"Tables_in_".$context})->getObjects(); if(count($constraints)) { $this->results[$value->{"Tables_in_".$context}]["Constraints"] = $constraints; } $references = $this->showJoinedReference($context, $value->{"Tables_in_".$context})->getObjects(); if(count($references)) { $this->results[$value->{"Tables_in_".$context}]["References"] = $references; } if(isset( $value->{"Tables_in_".$context})) { $tables = $this->getTableInfo($context, $value->{"Tables_in_".$context})->getObject(); $this->results[$value->{"Tables_in_".$context}]["Info"] = $tables; } } return $this; } /** * build * @return void */ public function build() { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<database></database>'); $xml->addAttribute("name",$this->connectionData->database); foreach($this->results as $name => $result) { $table = $xml->addChild("table"); $table->addAttribute("name", $result["TableNames"][0]); $table->addAttribute("phpName", self::ucfirstAndCamelcased($result["TableNames"][0] ) ); if($tableResults = $result["Info"]) { $table->addAttribute("engine", $tableResults->ENGINE); $table->addAttribute("type", self::ucfirstAndCamelcased( str_replace("" ,"_",strtolower( $tableResults->TABLE_TYPE ) ) ) ); $table->addAttribute("collation", $tableResults->TABLE_COLLATION ); $table->addAttribute("comment", $tableResults->TABLE_COMMENT ); } foreach($result["Columns"] as $fullPhpPerspectiveName => $columnName) { $column = $table->addChild("column"); if(isset($result["Attributes"][$columnName])) { foreach($result["Attributes"][$columnName] as $attributeName => $attributeValue){ if(strlen($attributeValue)) { switch($attributeName){ case "required": case "multiple_key": case "primary_key": case "auto_increment": case "unique": if($val=self::intBool($attributeValue)) { $column->addAttribute($attributeName, $val); } break; default: $column->addAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue); break; } } } } $column->addAttribute("phpName",$fullPhpPerspectiveName); } if(array_key_exists("Constraints", $result) and count($result["Constraints"])) { $constraintsResults = $result["Constraints"]; foreach($constraintsResults as $index => $constraints) { $foreignKey = $table->addChild("foreignkey"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("type", "constraint"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("localKey", $constraints->TABLE_SCHEMA.".".$constraints->TABLE_NAME.".".$constraints->COLUMN_NAME); $foreignKey->addAttribute("referenceKey", $constraints->CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA .".".$constraints->REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME.".".$constraints->COLUMN_NAME); $foreignKey->addAttribute("constraintName", $constraints->CONSTRAINT_NAME); $foreignKey->addAttribute("onUpdate", $constraints->UPDATE_RULE); $foreignKey->addAttribute("onDelete", $constraints->DELETE_RULE); $foreignKey->addAttribute("matchOption", $constraints->MATCH_OPTION); } } else { // using internal referencee from table phpmyadmin // myisam engine if(array_key_exists("References", $result) and count($result["References"])) { $constraintsResults = $result["References"]; foreach($constraintsResults as $index => $constraints) { $foreignKey = $table->addChild("foreignkey"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("type", "relationship"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("localKey", $constraints->master_db.".".$constraints->master_table.".".$constraints->master_field); $foreignKey->addAttribute("referenceKey", $constraints->foreign_db.".".$constraints->foreign_table.".".$constraints->foreign_field); $foreignKey->addAttribute("constraintName", $constraints->master_db."_".$constraints->master_table."_".$constraints->master_field); $foreignKey->addAttribute("onUpdate", "NULL"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("onDelete", "NULL"); $foreignKey->addAttribute("matchOption", "NULL"); } } } } // serialize $xml->asXML($this->outputDirectory . $this->connectionData->database.".xml"); return $this; } /** * mysql methods */ /** * * @param string $host * @param string $db * @param string $user * @param string $password */ public function setConnection($host,$db,$user,$password){ $this->connectionData = new stdClass; $this->connectionData->host = $host; $this->connectionData->database = $db; $this->connectionData->user = $user; $this->connectionData->password = $password; return $this; } /** * connext */ private function connect() { if(empty($this->connection)){ $this->connection = mysql_connect($this->connectionData->host, $this->connectionData->user, $this->connectionData->password); if(empty($this->connection)){ throw new Exception("Could not establish database connection. Error: ". mysql_error()); } } } /** * query * @param string $sql * @return void */ private function query($sql) { $this->resource = mysql_query($sql); return $this; } /** * getObject * @return stdClass */ private function getObject() { if(is_resource($this->resource)){ return mysql_fetch_object($this->resource); } else { throw new Exception("No resource available. Error: ". $this->error()); } } /** * getPbjects * @return array */ private function getObjects() { $array = array(); if($this->getNumRows() and !$this->hasError()){ while($obj=$this->getObject()){ $array[] = $obj; } } return $array; } /** * getNumRows * @return int */ private function getNumRows(){ return mysql_num_rows($this->resource); } /** * error * @return string */ private function error(){ return mysql_error($this->connection); } /** * hasError * @return mixed */ private function hasError(){ if (mysql_errno()>0) { return mysql_errno(); } return false; } /** * close */ private function close(){ mysql_close($this->connection); } /** * statements */ /** * showTablesIn * @param string $contextName database * @return resource */ public function showTablesIn($contextName) { return $this->query("SHOW TABLES IN ".$contextName.";"); } /** * showJoinedReference * @param string $contextName database * @param string $relationName table * @return resource */ public function showJoinedReference($contextName, $relationName) { return $this->query("SELECT * FROM phpmyadmin.pma_relation WHERE master_db='".$contextName."' AND master_table='".$relationName."';"); } /** * showJoinedConstraintsWithColumnsOnRelation * @param string $contextName database * @param string $relationName table * @return resource */ public function showJoinedConstraintsWithColumnsOnRelation($contextName, $relationName) { return $this->query("SELECT distinct col.*,rs.* FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS ts LEFT JOIN information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rs ON rs.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=ts.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND rs.TABLE_NAME=ts.TABLE_NAME LEFT JOIN information_schema.COLUMNS col ON col.TABLE_SCHEMA = rs.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND col.TABLE_NAME = rs.TABLE_NAME WHERE ts.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND col.COLUMN_KEY='PRI' AND col.DATA_TYPE='int' AND rs.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA='".$contextName."' AND rs.TABLE_NAME='".$relationName."';"); } /** * getTableInfo * @param string $contextName database * @param string $relationName table * @return resource */ public function getTableInfo($contextName, $relationName) { return $this->query("SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='".$contextName."' AND TABLE_NAME='".$relationName."';"); } /** * describe * @param string $relationName * @return array */ public function describe($relationName){ $header = $this->header; if($relationName) { $rel = explode(".", $relationName); $database = $rel[0]; $table = $rel[1]; $header["Databases"] = array( $database ); $header["TableNames"] = array( $table ); $resultObject = $this->query(" SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".$relationName)->getObjects(); foreach($resultObject as $key => $row) { $object = SchemeCreator::fetchField($row); $perspectiveName = self::ucfirstAndCamelcased($object->name . 'Of' . ucfirst($table). 'In' . ucfirst($database)); $header["ColumnNames"][$table.".".$object->name] = $perspectiveName; $header["Columns"][$perspectiveName] = $object->name; $object->privileges = $row->Privileges; $object->comment = $row->Comment; $header["Attributes"][$object->name] = $object; } } return $header; } /** * convention helpers */ /** * fetchField * @param stdClass $row * @return stdClass */ private static function fetchField($row) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->name = $row->Field; $split = preg_split("/[\(\),]/", $row->Type); $mode = is_array($split)?$split[0]:$split[0]; switch($mode) { case "varchar": case "char": case "int": case "tinyint": case "mediumint": case "smallint": case "bigint": case "bit": $object->type = $split[0]; $object->length = $split[1]; break; case "decimals": case "float": $object->type = $split[0]; $object->length = $split[1]; $object->decimals = $split[2]; break; case "longtext": case "longblob": $object->max_length = 4294967295; $object->type = $mode; break; case "mediumblob": case "mediumtext": $object->max_length = 16777215 ; $object->type = $mode; break; case "blob": case "text": $object->max_length = 65535; $object->type = $mode; break; case "enum": $object->type = $mode; unset($split[0]); unset($split[count($split)]); $object->default = implode(",",$split); break; default: $object->type = $mode; break; } $object->required = ($row->Null == "NO") ? true : false; $object->multiple_key = (stristr($row->Key,"MUL")) ? true : false; $object->primary_key = (stristr($row->Key,"PRI")) ? true : false; $object->unique = (stristr($row->Key,"UNI")) ? true : false; $object->auto_increment = (stristr($row->Extra,"auto_increment")) ? true : false; if(empty($object->default)) { $object->default = $row->Default!=""? true : false; } return $object; } /** * ucfirstAndCamelcased * @param string $word * @return string */ public static function ucfirstAndCamelcased($word = null) { $return = str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $word))); $string = strtoupper(substr($return,0,1)).substr($return,1); return $string; } /** * intBool * @param string $value * @return mixed */ private static function intBool($value) { return ($value==1?"true":false); } }