* Directory2Gallery - Gallery maker
* Do you need to create photo gallery from all the images recursivley kept in
* different folders? Do you like to filter those files? Well, you can do it rite away!
* just copy this index.php file and paste it in your desired location. Point your browser to it
* And see the fun!!
* This file contains some code used only when you drop this file in any folder to access the
* folder for viewing as gallery. Optionally you may use jQuery tools overlay or something
* like that to add overlay effect. Owh by the way NO HTACCESS IS REQUIRED!
* @package Directory2Gallery
* @category Class
* @license LGPL
* @since Version 1.3
* @author Nurul Ferdous <[email protected]>
* @link http://dynamicguy.com
* @todo Overlay implementation
* @see http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/overlay/index.html
class Dir2Gallery
private $_limit;
protected $_randomized;
protected $_maxWidth, $_maxHeight;
* @param Array $whiteLists Allowed file extensions
* @param Integer $limit
* @param Boolean $randomize whether to randomize the resultset or not
* @param Integer $maxWidth maximum width of an image
* @param Integer $maxHeight maximum height of an image
public function __construct($whiteLists, $limit, $randomize, $maxWidth, $maxHeight)
$this->_init($limit, $randomize, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);
* Initializing common resources
* @param Integer $limit
* @param Boolean $randomize whether to randomize the resultset or not
* @param Integer $maxWidth maximum width of an image
* @param Integer $maxHeight maximum height of an image
private function _init($limit, $randomize, $maxWidth, $maxHeight)
$this->_limit = $limit;
$this->_randomized = $randomize;
$this->_maxWidth = $maxWidth;
$this->_maxHeight = $maxHeight;
* Display the Galllery. All the magic happens here!
* @param Array $whiteLists Allowed file extensions
* @return Void Alternatively you can return the value like this: {return $html;}
public function makeGallery($whiteLists)
$images = $this->_getCleanedFiles($whiteLists);
if ($images) {
$html = '<ul>';
foreach ($images as $image) {
$html .= '<li style="display:inline;margin: 5px 10px 5px 0">';
$html .= $this->_scaleImage($image['path'], $this->_maxWidth, 100, $image['name']);
$html .= '</li>';
$html .= '<ul>';
} else {
$html = "Oops! our bad!! you haven't put any files in your directory. Please feed'em some files dude!!!";
echo $html;
* Scale the image proportionately for the thumbnail image
* @param String $p Image path
* @param Integer $mw Maxumum width for an image
* @param Integer $mh Maxumum height for an image
* @param String $title
* @return String
private function _scaleImage($originalImage, $toWidth, $toHeight, $title = '')
// Get the original geometry and calculate scales
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($originalImage);
$xscale = $width / $toWidth;
$yscale = $height / $toHeight;
// Recalculate new size with default ratio
if ($yscale > $xscale) {
$new_width = round($width * (1 / $yscale));
$new_height = round($height * (1 / $yscale));
} else {
$new_width = round($width * (1 / $xscale));
$new_height = round($height * (1 / $xscale));
$dir = 'cache/' . $toWidth . 'x' . $toHeight;
$filepath = $dir . strstr($originalImage, '/');
$ext = strtolower(strstr($filepath, '.'));
// Resize the original image
$imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
if ($ext == '.jpg') {
$imageTmp = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImage);
} elseif ($ext == '.gif') {
$imageTmp = imagecreatefromgif($originalImage);
imagecopyresampled($imageResized, $imageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) {
$error = error_get_last();
echo 'Error: unable to write in ' . $filepath . '. make sure that ' . getcwd() . ' has write permission';
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
if ($ext == '.jpg') {
imagejpeg($imageResized, $dir . strstr($originalImage, '/'));
} elseif ($ext == '.gif') {
imagegif($imageResized, $dir . strstr($originalImage, '/'));
return("<a href='{$originalImage}'><img style='padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd;' src='{$originalImage}' alt='{$title}' title='{$title}' width='{$new_width}' height='{$new_height}' /></a>");
* A little house keeping :)
* @param Array $filter the whitelist of allowed files
* @return Array
private function _getCleanedFiles($filter)
$dirtyArray = $this->_directoryToArray('.', true);
foreach ($dirtyArray as $data) {
if (is_file($data)) {
// get the file extension by taking everything after the last dot
$extension = end(explode('.', $data));
// if there is no filter set or the filter is set and matches
if (in_array($extension, $filter)) {
// add the file details to the file list
$cleanArray[] = array(
'path' => $data,
'name' => end(explode('/', $data)),
'extension' => $extension,
'size' => filesize($data),
'mime' => mime_content_type($data)
return $cleanArray;
* @param String $directory the directory path
* @param Boolean $recursive whether to grab files recursively or not
* @return Array
private function _directoryToArray($directory = '.', $recursive = TRUE)
$array_items = array();
if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != 'cache') {
if (is_dir($directory . "/" . $file)) {
if ($recursive) {
$array_items = array_merge($array_items, $this->_directoryToArray($directory . "/" . $file, $recursive));
$file = $directory . "/" . $file;
$array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
} else {
$file = $directory . "/" . $file;
$array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
if ($this->_randomized)
if (!$this->_limit)
$this->_limit = count($array_items);
return array_slice($array_items, 0, $this->_limit);
// initializing the class
$gallery = new Dir2Gallery(array('GIF', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'), null, true, 100, 100);
/* End of file index.php */