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File: Time_When.php

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File: Time_When.php
Role: Class source
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Description: class
Class: Time_When
Convert relative times into English expressions
Author: By
Last change: Changed to version 0.2
- Added so its possible to - 2.5 day = 3 days, 2.4 days = 2 days
- Can now also get times from the future
- Cleaned everything a bit
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 18,210 bytes



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<?php /** * @package Time * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009, Martin Aarhof * @author Martin Aarhof <martin at aarhof dot eu> */ /** * A class to get those nice "just a moment ago", "1 day ago", "6 hours ago" or "in about 2 months", instead of a simple timestamp. * This can also be reconfigured for own use. * * @package Time_When * @version 0.2 * * @changelog * - Version 0.2 * - Added so its possible to - 2.5 day = 3 days, 2.4 days = 2 days * - Can now also get times from the future * - Cleaned everything a bit * - Version 0.1 * - Initial version * * @todo * - Better way to count time diff. * - GET RID OF THAT SWITCH {@link createAssignments()} * */ class Time_When { const EQUALS = '=='; const LESS_THAN = '<'; const HIGHER_THAN = '>'; /** * Placeholder for our types (with times in the past), can be added at {@link addType()} and removed by {@link removeType()} * @var array */ protected $types = array(); /** * Placeholder for our types (with times in the future), can be added at {@link addType()} and removed by {@link removeType()} * @var array */ protected $typesFuture = array(); /** * Placeholder for our timers can be added at {@link addTimer()} * @var array */ protected $timer = array(); /** * Identifier to text in type * @var string */ public $textAssigner = '?'; /** * Text to replace with the time from the type * @var string */ public $textReplacer = '[NUM]'; /** * Use round or floor (round 2.5 day = 3 days, 2.4 days = 2 days, floor - always 2 days in this scenario) * @var boolean */ public $useRound = true; /** * Instance * @var Time_When */ static $_instance; /** * Constructor, in this you can set some default types. * Initiate using {@link getIntance()} * @access protected */ protected function __construct() { $this->types = array( 'now' => array('time' => 0, 'text' => 'Just now!'), '-sec' => array('time' => -60, 'text' => 'moments ago'), '-min' => array('time' => -(60*60), 'text' => $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ago', 'assign' => array($this->textReplacer, array(self::LESS_THAN, 2, 'minute', 'minutes'))), '-hour' => array('time' => -(60*60*60), 'text' => $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ago', 'assign' => array($this->textReplacer, array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'hour', 'hours'))), '-day' => array('time' => -(60*60*60*24), 'text' => $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ago', 'assign' => array($this->textReplacer, array(self::HIGHER_THAN, 1, 'days', 'day'))), '-month' => array('time' => -(60*60*60*24*30), 'text' => $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ago', 'assign' => array($this->textReplacer, array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'month', 'months'))), '-year' => array('time' => -(60*60*60*24*30*12), 'text' => $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ago', 'assign' => array($this->textReplacer, array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'year', 'years'))), '-galaxy' => array('time' => -(60*60*60*24*30*12*200), 'text' => 'Long, long time ago, in a far far galaxy'), ); $this->typesFuture = array( 'now' => array('time' => 0, 'text' => 'Just now!'), '+sec' => array('time' => 60, 'text' => 'almost right away'), '+min' => array('time' => (60*60), 'text' => 'In about: ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner, 'assign' => array('[NUM]', array(self::LESS_THAN, 2, 'minute', 'minutes'))), '+hour' => array('time' => (60*60*60), 'text' => 'In about: ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner, 'assign' => array('[NUM]', array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'hour', 'hours'))), '+day' => array('time' => (60*60*60*24), 'text' => 'In about: ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner, 'assign' => array('[NUM]', array(self::HIGHER_THAN, 1, 'days', 'day'))), '+month' => array('time' => (60*60*60*24*30), 'text' => 'In about: ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner, 'assign' => array('[NUM]', array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'month', 'months'))), '+year' => array('time' => (60*60*60*24*30*12), 'text' => 'In about: ' . $this->textAssigner . ' ' . $this->textAssigner, 'assign' => array('[NUM]', array(self::EQUALS, 1, 'year', 'years'))), '+galaxy' => array('time' => (60*60*60*24*30*12*200), 'text' => 'We were landed on Mars for 10 years ago'), ); $this->timer = array(); } /** * Disallow cloning - this is a singleton! * @access private */ private function __clone() { } /** * Singleton instance * @access public * @return Time_When */ public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) self::$_instance = new self(); return self::$_instance; } /** * Resetting everything * @access public * @return Time_When */ public function reset() { $this->__construct(); return $this; } /** * Method to add new types {@link types} to our conversion. * $name HAS TO BE UNIQUE! * * @access public * @example example.php 0 38 * @param string $name a unique identifier * @param array $options - $options['time'] and $options['text'] is required! - see example for options * @throws Exception * @return Time_When */ public function addType($name, array $options) { if (!isset($options['time']) || !isset($options['text'])) throw new Exception('addType requires $options["time"] and $options["text"]'); if (isset($this->types[$name]) || isset($this->typesFuture[$name])) throw new Exception('$this->types / $this->typesFuture already have a ' . $name . ', please use a unique identifier'); if ($options['time'] > 0) $this->typesFuture[$name] = $options; else $this->types[$name] = $options; return $this; } /** * Method to remove a type from {@link types} using the name * * @access public * @example example.php 0 38 * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function removeType($name) { if (isset($this->types[$name])) { unset($this->types[$name]); return true; } if (isset($this->typesFuture[$name])) { unset($this->typesFuture[$name]); return true; } return false; } /** * Method to add timers to the conversion * * @access public * @example example.php 38 111 * @param timestamp $endtime timestamp of the endtime * @param timestamp $starttime timestamp of the starttime ( null = time() ) * @param mixed $id a unique identifier if you convert many at one time * @return Time_When */ public function addTimer($endtime, $starttime = null, $id = null) { $starttime = ($starttime === null ? time() : $starttime); $array = array('starttimer' => $starttime, 'endtimer' => $endtime, 'timer' => $starttime-$endtime); if ($id !== null) $this->timer[$id] = $array; else $this->timer[] = $array; return $this; } /** * Method to remove one or all timers * * @access public * @example example.php 111 * @param mixed $id a unique identifier if you want to remove only one * @return integer numbers of deleted timers */ public function removeTimer($id = null) { if ($id === null) { $count = count($this->timer); $this->timer = array(); return $count; } if (isset($this->timer[$id])) { unset($this->timer[$id]); return 1; } else return 0; } /** * To get our results, and only get the results. * If more than one {@link timer} this will return array otherwise just a string * * @access public * @example example.php 38 111 * @return mixed */ public function __toString() { $results = $this->getResult(); $returns = array(); $count = count($this->timer); foreach($this->timer AS $id => $timer) { if ($count == 1) return $timer['result']['translated']; else $returns[$id] = $timer['result']['translated']; } $this->removeTimer(); return $returns; } /** * @access public * @see {@link __toString()} * @return mixed */ public function toString() { return $this->__toString(); } /** * To get our results, with all information about the conversion tool used. * * @access public * @example example.php 38 111 * @return array */ public function getResult() { $last = null; // Which should we use? foreach ($this->timer AS $timerid => $timer) { if ($timer['timer'] > 0) { // Times for the future uasort($this->typesFuture, array(self, 'sorttypesFuture')); $last = null; foreach (array_reverse($this->typesFuture, true) AS $name => $options) { if ($last === null && ($timer['timer'] >= $options['time'])) { $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, $name, $options); break; } // If the time in the types are smaller than the timer, we dont want that, // but we will store the name in the $last if ($options['time'] <= $timer['timer']) { $last = $name; continue; } // Aha, here the timer is larger than types timer, so we will pick the last one found // But if we havent found a $last, we will get the name from the loop $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, ($last === null ? $name : $last), $options[($last === null ? $name : $last)] ); } if (! $this->timer[$timerid]['result']) { // Here the timer is larger than all the types timer, so we will use the last found $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, $last, $options[$last]); } } else { // Times for the past // Lets start by sorting the types array uasort($this->types, array(self, 'sorttypesPast')); #echo '<pre>'; #var_dump($this->types); #exit; $last = null; foreach ($this->types AS $name => $options) { if ($last === null && ($options['time'] <= $timer['timer'])) { $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, $name, $this->types[$name]); break; } // If the time in the types are bigger than the timer, we dont want that, // but we will store the name in the $last if ($options['time'] >= $timer['timer']) { $last = $name; continue; } // Aha, here the timer is larger than types timer, so we will pick the last one found // But if we havent found a $last, we will get the name from the loop $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, ($last === null ? $name : $last), $this->types[($last === null ? $name : $last)] ); } if (! $this->timer[$timerid]['result']) { // Here the timer is larger than all the types timer, so we will use the last found $this->timer[$timerid]['result'] = $this->getUnit($timerid, $last, $this->types[$last]); } } } return $this->timer; } /** * Our main method which convert our {@link timer} using {@link types} to get our conversion * * @access protected * @param string $timerId * @param string $name * @return array * @throws Exception */ protected function getUnit($timerId, $name, $options) { $timer = $this->timer[$timerId]; $options['time'] = ($options['time'] == 0 ? 1 : $options['time']); if ($timer['timer'] > 0) $timestring = $timer['timer']/$options['time']; // Future times elseif ($timer['timer'] < 0) $timestring = $timer['timer']/$options['time']; // Past times else $timestring = 0; // Zero :) if ($this->useRound) $floored = round($timestring); elseif ($timer['timer'] >= 0) $floored = ceil($timestring); else $floored = floor($timestring); $assignments = self::createAssignments($options, $floored, $this->textAssigner, $this->textReplacer); if ($assignments) { $options['timestring'] = array('floored' => $floored, 'normal' => $timestring); $options['assignments'] = $assignments; $options['text'] = ($this->textAssigner != '%s' ? str_replace($this->textAssigner, '%s', $options['text']) : $options['text']); $text = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge((array)$options['text'], $assignments)); } else { $text = $options['text']; } return array('converter' => array($name => $options), 'translated' => $text); } /** * Method which returns a array of needles found in haystack * * @access private * @param string $haystack * @param string $needle * @param integer $offset * @return array */ static private function strallpos($haystack,$needle,$offset = 0) { $result = array(); for($i = $offset; $i<strlen($haystack); $i++) { $pos = strpos($haystack,$needle,$i); if($pos !== FALSE) { $offset = $pos; if($offset >= $i) { $i = $offset; $result[] = $offset; } } } return $result; } /** * Private function to create our text translation * * @access private * @param array $assignments * @param integer $number * @return array */ static private function createAssignments($options, $number, $textassign, $textreplacer) { $assignments = (isset($options['assign']) ? count($options['assign']) : 0); $questionmarks = count(self::strallpos($options['text'], $textassign)); if ($questionmarks > $assignments) throw new Exception('There are more ' . $textassign . ' (' . $questionmarks . ') in the text than in the assignments (' . $assignments. ')'); if ($questionmarks < $assignments) throw new Exception('There are less ' . $textassign . ' (' . $questionmarks . ') in the text than in the assignments (' . $assignments. ')'); $ret = array(); if ($assignments) { foreach ($options['assign'] AS $assign) { if (is_array($assign)) { list($sep, $num, $true, $false) = $assign; /** * @todo get rid of the switch! * $assignments[] = ($timer $sep $num ? $true : $false); * would be the best! */ switch ($sep) { case self::LESS_THAN: $ret[] = ($number < (int)$num ? $true : $false); break; case self::HIGHER_THAN: $ret[] = ($number > (int)$num ? $true : $false); break; case self::EQUALS: $ret[] = ($number == (int)$num ? $true : $false); break; } } else $ret[] = str_replace($textreplacer, $number, $assign); } } return $ret; } /** * Just a method to sort our array for the times from the past * * @access private * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return int */ static private function sorttypesPast($a, $b) { if ($a['time'] == $b['time']) return 0; return ($a['time'] > $b['time']) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Just a method to sort our array for the times to the future * * @access private * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return int */ static private function sorttypesFuture($a, $b) { if ($a['time'] == $b['time']) return 0; return ($a['time'] < $b['time']) ? -1 : 1; } }