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  Classes of ASHFAQAHMED   MS Word And Excel   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main Eample File
Class: MS Word And Excel
Serve Word and Excel files as HTML
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 3,050 bytes


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<title>Creating Ms Word And Ms Excel Document With Simple Php Class</title>

$doc = new MsCreator();
$doc->File = "Ashfaq";
$doc->Type = "";
$doc->Text = "
<h3>This Is Testing Word Document Created With MsWord Class.<br> Developed by Ashfaq!</h3>
<table border='1' width='900%' style='border-collapse: collapse;'>
<tr bgcolor='gray' style='color: white;'>
<td width='100' align='center'>1</td>
<td width='200' align='left'>Ashfaq</td>
<td width='200' align='left'>[email protected]</td>
<td width='100' align='center'>0333-2710311</td>
<td width='100' align='center'>Hyderabad</td>
<td width='100' align='center'>pakistan</td>

$doc = new MsCreator();
$doc->File = "Ashfaq";
$doc->Type = "Excel";
$doc->Text = "
<table border='1' width='200%'>
<tr bgcolor='white' style='color: red;'>
<TH COLSPAN=6>This Is Testing Excel Sheet Created By Php Ms Word Class Developed By Ashfaq</th>
<td COLSPAN=6></td>


<table border='1' width='200%'>
<tr bgcolor='gray' style='color: white;'>
<td width='100' align='center'>1</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Php</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Books</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>3</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$500</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$1500</td>

<td width='100' align='center'>2</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Cds</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Video Cds</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>500</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$10</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$5000</td>


<td width='100' align='center'>3</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Hard Disks</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>Hd Drives</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>2</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$800</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$1600</td>


<td width='100' align='center'>4</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>laptop</td>
<td width='300' align='left'>P4 laptops</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>5</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$1000</td>
<td width='200' align='center'>$50000</td>


<h3 style='font-family: verdanad;'>Click Below To Test This Class</h3>
<form action="" method="post">
         <input type="submit" value=" Create Doc File" name="Doc">

<form action="" method="post">
         <input type="submit" value="Create Excel File" name="Excel">