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File: ProtectedContent.php

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  Classes of Claudius Tiberiu Iacob   Authenticator_ciacob   ProtectedContent.php   Download  
File: ProtectedContent.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: See "HoToInstall.txt" for info
Class: Authenticator_ciacob
Register and authenticate users
Author: By
Last change: Changed File Role.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 2,910 bytes


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require_once ('domit/xml_domit_include.php');
    require_once (
    require_once (
    require_once (
    require_once (

    * Checks whether we are logged in. This is done by attempting to trade our cached session unique id
    * for a new one:
    * <new session id> = Authenticator::getInstance()->authenticate (<old session id>);
function attemptToLoginFromCache () {
$cachedSessionData = trim ($_COOKIE["AuthenticatorDemo"]);
        if (!empty (
$cachedSessionData)) {
$newSessionData = Authenticator::getInstance()->authenticate ($cachedSessionData);
$isAuthenticated = !is_numeric ($newSessionData);
        if (
$isAuthenticated) {
storeSessionData ($newSessionData);
        } else {
// If authentication fails, you may want to test the value returned. For instance, you
            // may test it against these constants:
            // - Authenticator::SESSION_UID_EXPIRED
            // - Authenticator::INVALID_SESSION_UID
            // - Authenticator::IP_HAS_CHANGED
            // You could then print error messages to the user, instead of just redirecting him.
header ('Location: ../AuthenticatorDemo.php');
            exit ();

    * Ends the current session on demand. This is done as:
    * Authenticator::getInstance()->unAuthenticate (<session unique id>);
function endSession () {
$cachedSessionData = trim ($_COOKIE["AuthenticatorDemo"]);
Authenticator::getInstance()->unAuthenticate ($cachedSessionData);

    * Stores the session unique id on the client machine.
    * The session lifetime is limited by the Authenticator module, internally. If you use a
    * cookie as the local storage medium, give it a long lifetime. This will rule out potential
    * issues. In this demo, we make the cookie last one day, although our Authenticator is
    * configured to allow 15 minutes per session at most.
function storeSessionData ($sessionData) {
$cookieExpireTime = (time() + 86400);
$cookiePath = '/';
setcookie ('AuthenticatorDemo', $sessionData, $cookieExpireTime, $cookiePath);

// This code is run as the page loads...
$action = trim ($_POST['action']);
    if (
$action == 'Logout') {
endSession ();
attemptToLoginFromCache ();
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" >
        <h2>Protected Content</h2>
        <p>This is a sample page holding <em>protected</em> content. This page cannot be loaded in
        your browser without prior authenticating with your username and password.</p>
        <hr />
        <form action="" method="post">
                <input type="submit" name="action" value="Logout" />