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File: app/Resources/i18n/de_DE/Channel.json

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File: app/Resources/i18n/de_DE/Channel.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,468 bytes



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{ "fields": { "categories": "Kategorien", "description": "Beschreibung", "currencies": "Währung", "category": "Kategorie", "code": "Code", "channelProducts": "Produkte des Kanals", "descriptionDeDe": "Beschreibung DeDe", "descriptionEnUs": "Beschreibung EnUs", "descriptionEsEs": "Beschreibung EsEs", "descriptionFrFr": "Beschreibung FrFr", "isActive": "Aktiv", "nameDeDe": "Name DeDe", "nameEnUs": "Name EnUs", "nameEsEs": "Name EsEs", "nameFrFr": "Name FrFr", "createdAt": "erstellt am", "createdBy": "erstellt von", "modifiedAt": "geändert am", "modifiedBy": "geändert von", "locales": "Sprache", "products": "Produkte", "productFamilyAttributes": "Produktfamilie Attribute" }, "links": { "category": "Kategorie", "channelProducts": "Produkte des Kanals", "createdBy": "erstellt von", "modifiedBy": "geändert von", "products": "Produkte", "productFamilyAttributes": "Produktfamilie Attribute" }, "labels": { "Create Channel": "Kanal erstellen" }, "options": { "type": { "base": "Base", "amazon": "Amazon", "afterbuy": "Afterbuy" } }, "exceptions": { "You should choose a root category": "Sie müssen eine Stammkategorie auswählen", "Category is required": "Die Kategorie ist erforderlich", "Channel with such CODE already exist": "Der Kanal mit einem solchen CODE existiert bereits" } }