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File: app/Resources/i18n/en_US/Attribute.json

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File: app/Resources/i18n/en_US/Attribute.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,329 bytes



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{ "fields": { "attributeGroup": "Attribute Group", "productAttributes": "Product attributes", "typeValue": "Values", "type": "Attribute Type", "code": "Code", "name": "Attribute Name", "products": "Products", "productAttributeValues": "Product Attribute Values", "isRequired": "Required", "productFamilyAttributes": "Product Family Attributes", "isMultilang": "Multi-Language", "locale": "Locale", "parent": "Parent" }, "options": { "type": { "array": "Array", "bool": "Boolean", "date": "Date", "datetime": "DateTime", "enum": "Enum", "float": "Float", "int": "Int", "multiEnum": "Multi-Enum", "text": "Text", "unit": "Unit", "url": "Url", "varchar": "Varchar", "wysiwyg": "Wysiwyg", "image": "Image" } }, "links": { "attributeGroup": "Attribute Group", "productAttributes": "Product attributes", "products": "Products", "productAttributeValues": "Product Attribute Values", "productFamilies": "Product families", "productFamilyAttributes": "Product Family Attributes" }, "labels": { "Create Attribute": "Create Attribute", "productFamily": "Product Family", "addNewValue": "Add new value" }, "messages": { "sameNumberOptions": "You must set the same number of options", "productsCountWithAttribute": "Count of products where this attribute is set: <strong>{count}</strong>" }, "filterLabels": { "All": "All" }, "queueManager": { "Adding a locale '%s' for an attribute '%s'": "Adding a locale '%s' for an attribute '%s'" }, "exceptions": { "You can not unlink product family attribute": "You can not unlink product family attribute", "Attribute with such CODE already exist": "Attribute with such CODE already exist", "Attribute is used in product families. Please, update product families first": "Attribute is used in product families. Please, update product families first", "Attribute is used in products. Please, update products first": "Attribute is used in products. Please, update products first", "You can't change field of Type in Attribute": "You can't change field of Type in Attribute", "The attribute already has a group": "The attribute already has a group" } }