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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/dashlets/product-status-overview.js

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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/dashlets/product-status-overview.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 8,638 bytes



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/* * Pim * Free Extension * Copyright (c) TreoLabs GmbH * Copyright (c) Kenner Soft Service GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ Espo.define('pim:views/dashlets/product-status-overview', ['views/dashlets/abstract/base','lib!Flotr'], (Dep, Flotr) => Dep.extend({ _template: '<div class="chart-container"></div><div class="legend-container"></div>', name: 'ProductStatusOverview', decimalMark: '.', thousandSeparator: '', colorList: ['#6FA8D6', '#4E6CAD', '#EDC555', '#ED8F42', '#DE6666', '#7CC4A4', '#8A7CC2', '#D4729B'], textColor: '#333333', hoverColor: '#FF3F19', legendColumnWidth: 110, legendColumnNumber: 6, chartContainerMarginBottom: 10, chartData: null, chartContainer: null, legendContainer: null, init: function () {; this.colorList = this.getThemeManager().getParam('chartColorList') || this.colorList; this.textColor = this.getThemeManager().getParam('textColor') || this.textColor; this.hoverColor = this.getThemeManager().getParam('hoverColor') || this.hoverColor; this.decimalMark = this.getPreferenceValue('decimalMark') || this.decimalMark; this.thousandSeparator = this.getPreferenceValue('thousandSeparator') || this.thousandSeparator; this.listenToOnce(this, 'after:render', () => { $(window).on('resize.chart' +, () => { this.adjustChartContainer(); this.draw(); this.adjustLegend(); }); }); this.listenToOnce(this, 'remove', () => { $(window).off('resize.chart' + }); this.listenTo(this, 'resize', () => { window.setTimeout(() => { this.adjustChartContainer(); this.draw(); this.adjustLegend(); }, 10); }); }, afterRender() { this.chartContainer = this.$el.find('.chart-container'); this.legendContainer = this.$el.find('.legend-container'); this.buildChart(); }, buildChart() { this.fetch().then(data => { this.chartData = this.prepareData(data); let colorList = []; let optionColors = this.getMetadata().get(['entityDefs', 'Product', 'fields', 'productStatus', 'optionColors']); (data.list || []).forEach(item => { colorList.push('#' + optionColors[]); }); this.colorList = colorList; this.adjustChartContainer(); this.draw(); this.adjustLegend(); }); }, getPreferenceValue(key) { if (this.getPreferences().has(key)) { return this.getPreferences().get(key) } else if (this.getConfig().has(key)) { return this.getConfig().get(key); } return null; }, getUrl() { return 'Dashlet/ProductsByStatus'; }, fetch() { return this.ajaxGetRequest(this.getUrl()); }, prepareData(data) { return (data.list || []).map(item => { return { label: this.getLanguage().translateOption(, 'productStatus', 'Product'), data: [[0, item.amount]] }; }); }, adjustChartContainer() { let height = Math.ceil(this.getLegendHeight()) + this.chartContainerMarginBottom; this.chartContainer.css({ height: `calc(100% - ${height}px)`, marginBottom: `${this.chartContainerMarginBottom}px` }); }, adjustLegend() { var number = this.getLegendColumnNumber(); if (number) { let dashletChartLegendBoxWidth = this.getThemeManager().getParam('dashletChartLegendBoxWidth') || 21; let containerWidth = this.legendContainer.width(); let width = Math.floor((containerWidth - dashletChartLegendBoxWidth * number) / number); let columnNumber = this.legendContainer.find('> table tr:first-child > td').size() / 2; let tableWidth = (width + dashletChartLegendBoxWidth) * columnNumber; this.legendContainer.find('> table').css('table-layout', 'fixed').attr('width', tableWidth); this.legendContainer.find('td.flotr-legend-label').attr('width', width); this.legendContainer.find('td.flotr-legend-color-box').attr('width', dashletChartLegendBoxWidth); this.legendContainer.find('td.flotr-legend-label > span').each((i, span) => { span.setAttribute('title', span.textContent); }); } }, getLegendHeight() { let lineNumber = Math.ceil(this.chartData.length / this.getLegendColumnNumber()); let lineHeight = this.getThemeManager().getParam('dashletChartLegendRowHeight') || 19; let paddingTopHeight = this.getThemeManager().getParam('dashletChartLegendPaddingTopHeight') || 7; return lineNumber ? (lineHeight * lineNumber + paddingTopHeight) : 0; }, getLegendColumnNumber: function () { return Math.floor(this.$el.closest('.panel-body').width() / this.legendColumnWidth) || this.legendColumnNumber; }, draw() { let self = this; Flotr.draw(this.chartContainer.get(0), this.chartData, { colors: this.colorList, shadowSize: false, pie: { show: true, explode: 0, lineWidth: 1, fillOpacity: 1, sizeRatio: 0.8, labelFormatter(total, value) { let percent = self.formatNumber(Math.round(value / total * 10000) / 100); return `<span class="small" style="font-size: 0.8em; color:${self.textColor}">${percent}%</span>`; } }, grid: { horizontalLines: false, verticalLines: false, outline: '', }, yaxis: { showLabels: false, }, xaxis: { showLabels: false, }, mouse: { track: true, relative: true, lineColor: this.hoverColor, trackFormatter: function (obj) { return `${obj.series.label || self.translate('None')}:<br>${self.formatNumber(parseInt(obj.y))} / ${(100 * (obj.fraction || 0)).toFixed(2)}%`; } }, legend: { show: true, noColumns: self.getLegendColumnNumber(), container: self.legendContainer, labelBoxMargin: 0, labelBoxBorderColor: 'transparent', backgroundOpacity: 0, labelFormatter(label) { return `<span style="color: ${self.textColor};">${label}</span>`; }, } }); }, formatNumber(value) { if (value !== null) { let parts = value.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, this.thousandSeparator); return parts.join(this.decimalMark); } return ''; }, actionRefresh: function () { this.buildChart(); }, }) );