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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/product/modals/add-channel-attribute.js

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File: client/modules/pim/src/views/product/modals/add-channel-attribute.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 12,084 bytes



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/* * Pim * Free Extension * Copyright (c) TreoLabs GmbH * Copyright (c) Kenner Soft Service GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ Espo.define('pim:views/product/modals/add-channel-attribute', 'views/modals/edit', Dep => Dep.extend({ inputLanguageListKeys: false, fullFormDisabled: true, sideDisabled: true, bottomDisabled: true, template: 'pim:product/modals/add-channel-attribute', setup() { this.buttonList = []; if ('saveDisabled' in this.options) { this.saveDisabled = this.options.saveDisabled; } if (!this.saveDisabled) { this.buttonList.push({ name: 'save', label: 'Save', style: 'primary', }); } this.fullFormDisabled = this.options.fullFormDisabled || this.fullFormDisabled; this.layoutName = this.options.layoutName || this.layoutName; if (!this.fullFormDisabled) { this.buttonList.push({ name: 'fullForm', label: 'Full Form' }); } this.buttonList.push({ name: 'cancel', label: 'Cancel' }); this.scope = this.scope || this.options.scope; =; if (! { this.header = this.getLanguage().translate('Create ' + this.scope, 'labels', this.scope); } else { this.header = this.getLanguage().translate('Edit'); this.header += ': ' + this.getLanguage().translate(this.scope, 'scopeNames'); } if (!this.fullFormDisabled) { if (! { this.header = '<a href="#' + this.scope + '/create" class="action" title="'+this.translate('Full Form')+'" data-action="fullForm">' + this.header + '</a>'; } else { this.header = '<a href="#' + this.scope + '/edit/' +'" class="action" title="'+this.translate('Full Form')+'" data-action="fullForm">' + this.header + '</a>'; } } var iconHtml = this.getHelper().getScopeColorIconHtml(this.scope); this.header = iconHtml + this.header; this.sourceModel = this.model; this.waitForView('edit'); this.getModelFactory().create('channelProductAttributeGrid', function (model) { this.ajaxGetRequest(`Markets/Product/${this.options.productId}/attributes`) .then(response => { let channel = this.options.channels.find(item => item.channelId === this.options.channelId); let options = []; let translateOptions = {}; let inputLanguageList = this.getConfig().get('inputLanguageList'); if (Array.isArray(inputLanguageList) && inputLanguageList.length) { this.inputLanguageListKeys = => lang.split('_').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + Espo.utils.upperCaseFirst(curr.toLowerCase()), '')); } let existedAttributes = []; (channel.attributes || []).forEach(attribute => { if (!existedAttributes.includes(attribute.attributeId)) { existedAttributes.push(attribute.attributeId); } }); response = (response || []).filter(attribute => !existedAttributes.includes(attribute.attributeId)); response.forEach(attribute => { if (attribute.attributeId && !channel.attributes.find(item => item.attributeId === attribute.attributeId)) { options.push(attribute.attributeId); translateOptions[attribute.attributeId] =; } }); if (options.length) { let first = response.find(item => item.attributeId === options[0]); this.getLanguage().data['channelProductAttributeGrid'] = { fields: { attributeId: this.translate('Attribute', 'scopeNames'), value: this.translate('value', 'fields', 'ChannelProductAttributeValue') }, options: {attributeId: translateOptions} }; model.defs.fields = { attributeId: { type: 'enum', options: options, required: true }, value: { type: first.type, options: first.typeValue, measure: first.typeValue } }; let data = { attributeId: first.attributeId, value: first.value, data: }; if (this.inputLanguageListKeys) { this.inputLanguageListKeys.forEach(item => { data[`value${item}`] = first[`value${item}`]; model.defs.fields.value[`options${item}`] = first[`typeValue${item}`]; }); } = first.productAttributeValueId; model.set(data); this.createRecordView(model); this.listenTo(model, 'change:attributeId', model => { if (model.changed.attributeId) { let current = response.find(item => item.attributeId === model.get('attributeId')); model.defs.fields.value = { type: current.type, options: current.typeValue, measure: current.typeValue }; let data = { value: current.value, data: }; if (this.inputLanguageListKeys) { this.inputLanguageListKeys.forEach(item => { data[`value${item}`] = current[`value${item}`]; model.defs.fields.value[`options${item}`] = current[`typeValue${item}`]; }); } = current.productAttributeValueId; model.set(data); this.getView('edit').attributes = {}; this.getView('edit').isChanged = false; this.createRecordView(model, view => view.render()); } }, this); } else { this.createEmptyDataView(); } }); }.bind(this)); }, createRecordView(model, callback) { let detailLayout = [ { "label": "", "rows": [ [ { "name": "attributeId", }, { "name": "value", } ] ] } ]; let viewName = this.editViewName || this.editView || this.getMetadata().get(['clientDefs',, 'recordViews', 'editSmall']) || this.getMetadata().get(['clientDefs',, 'recordViews', 'editQuick']) || 'views/record/edit-small'; let options = { model: model, el: this.containerSelector + ' .edit-container', type: 'editSmall', layoutName: this.layoutName || 'detailSmall', detailLayout: detailLayout, columnCount: this.columnCount, buttonsPosition: false, sideDisabled: this.sideDisabled, bottomDisabled: this.bottomDisabled, isWide: true, exit: function () {} }; this.handleRecordViewOptions(options); this.createView('edit', viewName, options, callback); }, createEmptyDataView() { this.createView('edit', 'views/base', { template: 'pim:product/modals/empty-data' }); }, actionSave: function () { this.getModelFactory().create('ChannelProductAttributeValue', model => { let data = { ...this.getView('edit').fetch(), productAttributeId: this.getView('edit'), channelId: this.options.channelId }; let additionalData = this.getAdditionalFieldData(this.getView('edit').getFieldView('value'), data); if (additionalData) { = additionalData; } ['ownerUser', 'assignedUser'].forEach(field => { if (model.hasField(field)) { data[`${field}Id`] = this.getUser().id; } }); model.set(data); => { this.notify('Saved', 'success'); this.trigger('after:save'); this.dialog.close(); this.getParentView().actionRefresh(); }); }); }, getAdditionalFieldData(view, data) { let additionalData = false; if (view.type === 'unit') { let actualFieldDefs = this.getMetadata().get(['fields', view.type, 'actualFields']) || []; let actualFieldValues = this.getFieldManager().getActualAttributes(view.type, || []; actualFieldDefs.forEach((field, i) => { if (field) { additionalData = additionalData || {}; additionalData[field] = data[actualFieldValues[i]]; } }); } return additionalData; }, }) );