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Class: KennerPIM
Product information management application
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Associated Products

Associated Products ? two products, which are related within a certain association. So there is a main product and a related product. Related products are not automatically cross-linked, so if product A (main product) is related to product B (associated product), it does not mean that product B is automatically related to product A.

The option to create associated products targets on increasing sales and helping in promotion and marketing of new products, but has a slightly different configuration process.

Associated Product Fields

The Associated Product entity record comes with the following preconfigured fields; mandatory are marked with *:

| Field Name | Description | |--------------------------|-----------------------------------| | Association * | Association name within which the products are related | | Both directions | Association direction type of the record: one- or two-way | | Backward association (if Both directions is enabled)* | Backward association name | | Main product * | The main product name | | Related product * | The related product name |

> If you want to make changes to the associated product entity, e.g. add new fields, or modify associated product views, please contact your administrator.


To create a new associated product record, click Associated Products in the navigation menu to get to the associated products list view, and then click the Create Associated Product button. The common creation pop-up will appear:

Associated product creation

Here fill in all the required fields for the entry being created. Select the Both directions checkbox to make the association two-way ? when product A is associated with product B; and vice versa, product B is associated with product A. Leave this checkbox unselected to make the association one-way ? when product A is associated with product B, but not vice versa.

> If a backward association is defined for the association entry within which the products are related, the Both directions checkbox will be selected by default with the backward association name displayed in the corresponding field.

Alternatively, use + button on the ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS panel of the product detail view page or the quick create button on any KennerPim page and fill in the required fields in the associated product creation pop-up that appears. Please, note that the ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS panel of the product detail view page displays which products are in relation with the currently opened product and within which association.


To open the list of associated products available in the system, click Associated Products in the navigation menu:

Associated products list view page

By default, the following fields are displayed on the list view page for the associated product records:

  • Association
  • Main product
  • Related product

Once the TreoDAM module is installed, the Main Product Image and Related Product Image fields are also added to the associated products list view page:

AP list view with DAM

> Learn more about TreoDAM here.

To change the associated product records order in the list, click any sortable column title; this will sort the column either ascending or descending.

Associated products can be searched and filtered according to your needs. For details on these options, refer to the Search and Filtering article in this user guide.

To view the associated product record details, use the View option from the single record actions menu for the appropriate entry on the "Associated Products" list view page.

Mass Actions

The following mass actions are available for associated product records: - Remove - Mass update - Export

AP mass actions

> If any option is missing in your mass actions menu, please, contact your administrator.

For details on these actions, please, see the Mass Actions section of the Views and Panels article in this user guide.

Single Record Actions

The following single record actions are available for the associated product records: - View - Edit - Remove

> If any option is missing in your single record actions menu, please, contact your administrator.

AP single record actions

For details on these actions, please, refer to the Single Record Actions section of the Views and Panels article in this user guide.


To edit the associated product, use the Edit option from the single record actions menu for the appropriate record on the associated products list view page; the following editing pop-up will appear:

AP editing

Here edit the desired fields and click the Save button to apply your changes.

Alternatively, make changes to the desired associated product record in the quick edit pop-up that appears when you select the Edit option from the single record actions menu on the ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS panel of the product detail view page.


To remove the associated product record, select the Remove option from the single record actions menu for the appropriate record on the ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS panel of the product detail view page

AP removing

or on the associated product records list view page:

AP removing

The record removal operation has to be confirmed in the pop-up that appears:

AP removal confirmation