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File: includes/NetflixAPI.php

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  Classes of Aziz S. Hussain   Netflix API Wrapper   includes/NetflixAPI.php   Download  
File: includes/NetflixAPI.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Netflix API Object
Class: Netflix API Wrapper
Retrieve NetFlix Web services using its API
Author: By
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Date: 14 years ago
Size: 13,589 bytes


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<?php /** * This is the main loader object for netflix API * * For more detailed function information view documentation.html * * License: LGPL * * @copyright 2011 Aziz Hussain * @version 1.0 * @link * @email [email protected] */ class NetflixAPI { /* Variables */ public $configs; public $request; public $storage; public $output = 'json'; /* Call types */ public $open_calls; public $signed_calls; public $protected_calls; /* Construct object */ public function __construct($api_file = NULL, $output = NULL) { // Load configurations $this->configs = new Configuration($api_file); // Load HTTP Request object $this->request = new Request($this->configs); // Database handler $this->storage = new storageObject($this->configs); // Assign calls handlers $this->open_calls = new nonAuthenticatedCall($this->request, $this->configs); $this->signed_calls = new signedCall($this->request, $this->configs); $this->protected_calls = new protectedCall($this->request, $this->configs, $this->storage); if (!empty($output)) { $this->output = $output; } } /*******************NON AUTHENTICATED CALLS***************************/ /* Catalog Titles Autocomplete @param string term @return array */ public function getCatalogTitlesAutoComplete($term) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->open_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('term' => $term, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /*************************SIGNED CALLS******************************/ /* Catalog Titles @param string term @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_result = 25 @return array */ public function getCatalogTitles($term, $start_index = 0, $max_result = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('term' => $term, 'start_index' => $start_index, 'max_result' => $max_result, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Catalog Titles Index @param string include_amg = null @param string include_tms = null @return array */ public function getCatalogTitlesIndex($include_amg = '', $include_tms = '') { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('include_amg' => $include_amg, 'include_tms' => $include_tms, 'output' => 'xml')); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Get Title Details @param string movie_id @param string type = movies (movies, series, programs, or discs) @param int season_id = null @return array */ public function getTitleDetails($movie_id, $type = 'movies', $season_id = NULL) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = "$type/$movie_id"; if (!empty($season_id)) { $api_url .= "/seasons/$season_id"; } $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Titles Similars @param string title_id @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_result = 25 @return array */ public function getTitlesSimilars($title_id, $start_index = 0, $max_result = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $title_id . '/similars'; $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('start_index' => $start_index, 'max_result' => $max_result)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Searching for People @param string term @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_result = 25 @return array */ public function getSearchForPeople($term, $start_index = 0, $max_result = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('term' => $term, 'start_index' => $start_index, 'max_result' => $max_result)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Person Details @param string person_id @return array */ public function getPersonDetails($person_id) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $person_id; $this->signed_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /*************************PROTECTED CALLS******************************/ /* Users, Feeds and Title States @return array */ public function getUsersInfo() { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Current User (reflection) @return array */ public function getCurrentUser() { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Get user specific list @param string list_Type [queues, rental_history, recommendations, title_states, ratings, reviews, at_home, feeds] @return array */ public function getUserSpecificList($list_Type) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $list_Type; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Feeds @param string feed_url @param string feed_token Example: @return array */ public function getFeeds($feed_url, $feed_string, $sort = 'date_added') { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $feed_url; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('sort' => $sort, 'feed_token' => $feed_token, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Title States @param array title_refs @return array */ public function getTitleStates($title_refs) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $title_refs . '/title_states'; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_refs' => $title_refs, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Managing Queues @param timestamp updated_min @param string search_type [disc, instant] @param string sort = alphabetical [queue_sequence, date_added, alphabetical] @param string search_method [available, saved] @param int entry_id = null @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_results = 25 @return array */ public function getQueues($updated_min, $search_type = 'disc', $sort = 'alphabetical',$search_method = NULL, $entry_id = NULL,$start_index = 0, $max_results = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $search_type; if (!empty($search_method)) { $api_url .= '/' . $search_method; } if (!empty($entry_id)) { $api_url .= '/' . $entry_id; } $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('sort' => $sort, 'start_index' => $start_index, 'max_results' => $max_results, 'updated_min' => $updated_min, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Updating a Queue @param string title_ref @param string format [DVD, Blue-ray] @param int position @param string etag @param string search_type [disc, instant] @param string search_method [available, saved] @param int entry_id = null @return array */ public function updatingAQueue($title_ref, $format, $position, $etag, $search_type = 'disc', $search_method = NULL, $entry_id = NULL) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $search_type; if (!empty($search_method)) { $api_url .= '/' . $search_method; } if (!empty($entry_id)) { $api_url .= '/' . $entry_id; } $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_ref' => $title_ref, 'format' => $format, 'position' => $position, 'etag' => $etag, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Tracking Discs @param timestamp updated_min @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_results = 25 @return array */ public function getTrackingDiscs($updated_min, $start_index = 0, $max_results = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('start_index' => $start_index, 'max_results' => $max_results, 'updated_min' => $updated_min, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Managing Rental History @param timestamp updated_min @param string history_type = NULL [shipped, returned, watched] @param int start_index @param int max_results @return array */ public function managingRentalHistory($updated_min, $history_type = NULL, $start_index = 0, $max_results = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; if (!empty($history_type)) { $api_url .= '/' . $history_type; } $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('start_index' => $start_index, 'max_results' => $max_results, 'updated_min' => $updated_min, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Get User Title Ratings @param string rating_type = NULL [actual, predicted] @param string title_refs @param int rating_id = NULL @return array */ public function getUserRatings($rating_type, $title_refs, $rating_id = NULL) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; if (!empty($rating_type)) { $api_url .= '/' . $rating_type; } if (!empty($rating_id)) { $api_url .= '/' . $rating_id; } $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_refs' => $title_refs, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Create User Title Rating @param string title_ref @param string rating [1,2,3,4,5,not_interested,no_opinion] @return array */ public function createUserRating($title_ref, $rating) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_refs' => $title_refs, 'rating' => $rating, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Update User Title Rating @param int rating_id @param string rating [1,2,3,4,5,not_interested,no_opinion] @return array */ public function updateUserRating($rating_id, $rating) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = '' . $rating_id; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_refs' => $title_refs, 'rating' => $rating, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Retrieving Reviews @param int title_refs @param timestamp updated_min @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_results = 25 @return array */ public function retrieveReviews($title_refs, $updated_min, $start_index = 0, $max_results = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('title_refs' => $title_refs, 'start_index' => $start_index, 'max_results' => $max_results, 'updated_min' => $updated_min, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /* Retrieving Recommendations @param int start_index = 0 @param int max_results = 25 @return array */ public function retrieveRecommendations($start_index = 0, $max_results = 25) { // Set API URL & Vars $api_url = ''; $this->protected_calls->makeCall($api_url, array('start_index' => $start_index, 'max_results' => $max_results, 'output' => $this->output)); return $this->_returnData(); } /************************ Helper Functions ***************************/ /* This function will return the formatted response @return array */ private function _returnData() { return $this->request->getResponse(); } }