<!-- please sorry for the bad coding of the example, i am in a hurry and stressed -->
include ("tweak_array.php");
# we need an array to tweak and an instance of the class
$our_array = array('one', '2', '3.646', 'four', '5.023', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten');
$tweak_array = new tweak_array;
<table border = "1">
echo '<td valign="top">let´s have a look at our array:<br><br>';
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top">now we delete element 4 of that array<br><br>';
# delete element 4 of the array
$our_array = $tweak_array->delete($our_array, 4);
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top">let´s add 2 new elements from on position 2<br><br>';
$newstuff = array('new_ONE', 'new, TWO');
// if we want to insert new arrays (single values), we need to implode them
// using a "\," as delimitor
# insert an other array´s elements into our "main" array :
$our_array = $tweak_array->insert($our_array, 2, implode("\,",$newstuff));
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top">let´s add another 2 new elements from on position 2<br><br>';
// now we add them manually (not inserting an array)
// so we use still a "\," as delimitor, but not on implode
# insert 2 new elements :
$our_array = $tweak_array->insert($our_array, 2, "new,one\,new,two");
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top" nowrap>replace element 6<br><br>';
# replace an element with new content :
$our_array = $tweak_array->replace($our_array, 6, "new_at_SIX");
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top">moving elemt 6 to position 2<br><br>';
# moving an element :
$our_array = $tweak_array->move($our_array, 6, 2);
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
echo '<td valign="top">at last, we delete elements 7 to 13<br><br>';
# delete multiple elements (works only when they are a line of neighbours) :
$our_array = $tweak_array->delete($our_array, 7, 13);
while (list($key, $value) = each ($our_array))
echo "- ".$value."<br>";
echo "</td>";
// now we unset our class because we´re finished
Our array here shrinks and grows to whatever we tweak it.
For example, when you got an array with 10 elements and you want
to remove one of them with unset($my_array[5]);
that array does not shrink to 9 elements then. Element 5 is just NULL.
Or, try to insert 3 new elements from position 5 (in an 10 elemnts sized array)....