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File: Example/thirdpartycart.php

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  Classes of Sithu Kyaw   Go PayPal   Example/thirdpartycart.php   Download  
File: Example/thirdpartycart.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Third Party Shopping Cart Example
Class: Go PayPal
Generate HTML for Paypal payment buttons and forms
Author: By
Last change: Just update
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 3,688 bytes



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# Using html() #
$paypal = new GoPayPal(THIRD_PARTY_CART);
//$paypal->sandbox = true;
$paypal->openInNewWindow = true;
$paypal->set('business', '');
$paypal->set('currency_code', 'SGD');
$paypal->set('country', 'SG');
$paypal->set('return', '');
$paypal->set('cancel_return', '');
$paypal->set('notify_url', ''); # rm must be 2, need to be hosted online
$paypal->set('rm', 2); # return by POST
$paypal->set('no_note', 0);
$paypal->set('custom', md5(time()));
$paypal->set('cbt', 'Return to our site to validate your payment!'); # caption override for "Return to Merchant" button
// $paypal->set('shipping', 5); # this doesn't work for THIRD_PARTY_CART
$paypal->set('handling_cart', 1); # this overide the individual items' handling "handling_x"
$paypal->set('tax_cart', 0.29);
# Add first item
$item = new GoPayPalCartItem();
$item->set('item_name', 'Drupal for Dummies');
$item->set('item_number', 10);
$item->set('amount', 9.99);
$item->set('quantity', 1);
$item->set('shipping', 1.5);
$item->set('handling', 1); # this is overriden by "handling_cart"
# Add second item
$item = new GoPayPalCartItem();
$item->set('item_name', 'Front-end Drupal');
$item->set('item_number', 11);
$item->set('amount', 9.99);
$item->set('quantity', 1);
$item->set('shipping', 1.5);
$item->set('handling', 1); # this is overriden by "handling_cart"

# If you set your custom button here, PayPal Pay Now button will be displayed.
$paypal->setButton('<button type="submit">Pay via PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!</button>');


'<pre>'; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>';
# Using getHtml() #
# If you want to use other HTML between paypal form opening and close tag, use getHtml(), but write </form> by yourself
    $paypal = new GoPayPalTHIRD_PARTY_CART);
    $paypal->sandbox = true;
    $paypal->openInNewWindow = true;
    $paypal->set('business', '');
    $paypal->set('currency_code', 'SGD');
    $paypal->set('country', 'SG');
    $paypal->set('return', '');
    $paypal->set('cancel_return', '');
    $paypal->set('notify_url', ''); # rm must be 2, need to be hosted online
    $paypal->set('no_note', 0);
    $paypal->set('custom', md5(time()));
    $paypal->set('rm', 2); # return by POST
    $paypal->set('cbt', 'Return to our site to validate your payment!'); # caption override for "Return to Merchant" button
    # Add first item
        $item = new GoPayPalCartItem();
        $item->set('item_name', 'Drupal for Dummies');
        $item->set('item_number', 10);
        $item->set('amount', 9.99);
        $item->set('quantity', 1);
        $item->set('shipping', 1.5);
        $item->set('handling', 1);
    # Add second item
        $item = new GoPayPalCartItem();
        $item->set('item_name', 'Front-end Drupal');
        $item->set('item_number', 11);
        $item->set('amount', 9.99);
        $item->set('quantity', 1);
        $item->set('shipping', 1.5);
        $item->set('handling', 1);
    echo $paypal->getHtml();
        <button type="submit">Pay PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!</button>