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File: lib/Haanga/Compiler/Tokenizer.php

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  Classes of Cesar D. Rodas   Haanga   lib/Haanga/Compiler/Tokenizer.php   Download  
File: lib/Haanga/Compiler/Tokenizer.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: Haanga
Template engine to process Django style templates
Author: By
Last change: Improving Haanga

1. `phpunit` friendly
2. Improved {% load %} logic
Merge branch 'develop' into feature/constant-filters
added conditional expressions
Fixed issue #15
Added filters for contansts
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 20,055 bytes



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<?php /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2010 César Rodas and Menéame Comunicacions S.L. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright | | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright | | notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the | | documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software | | must display the following acknowledgement: | | This product includes software developed by César D. Rodas. | | | | 4. Neither the name of the César D. Rodas nor the | | names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products | | derived from this software without specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CÉSAR D. RODAS ''AS IS'' AND ANY | | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED | | WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE | | DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CÉSAR D. RODAS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | | DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES | | (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; | | LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND | | ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT | | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS | | SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: César Rodas <> | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ class HG_Parser Extends Haanga_Compiler_Parser { /* subclass to made easier references to constants */ } /** * Hand-written Tokenizer class inspired by SQLite's tokenize.c * */ class Haanga_Compiler_Tokenizer { /* they are case sensitive and sorted! */ static $keywords = array( 'AND' => HG_Parser::T_AND, 'FALSE' => HG_Parser::T_FALSE, 'NOT' => HG_Parser::T_NOT, 'OR' => HG_Parser::T_OR, 'TRUE' => HG_Parser::T_TRUE, '_(' => HG_Parser::T_INTL, 'as' => HG_Parser::T_AS, 'autoescape' => HG_Parser::T_AUTOESCAPE, 'block' => HG_Parser::T_BLOCK, 'by' => HG_Parser::T_BY, 'else' => HG_Parser::T_ELSE, 'empty' => HG_Parser::T_EMPTY, 'extends' => HG_Parser::T_EXTENDS, 'filter' => HG_Parser::T_FILTER, 'for' => HG_Parser::T_FOR, 'if' => HG_Parser::T_IF, 'ifchanged' => HG_Parser::T_IFCHANGED, 'ifequal' => HG_Parser::T_IFEQUAL, 'ifnotequal' => HG_Parser::T_IFNOTEQUAL, 'in' => HG_Parser::T_IN, 'include' => HG_Parser::T_INCLUDE, 'load' => HG_Parser::T_LOAD, 'not' => HG_Parser::T_NOT, 'regroup' => HG_Parser::T_REGROUP, 'set' => HG_Parser::T_SET, 'spacefull' => HG_Parser::T_SPACEFULL, 'step' => HG_Parser::T_STEP, 'with' => HG_Parser::T_WITH, ); /* common operations */ static $operators_single = array( '!' => HG_Parser::T_NOT, '%' => HG_Parser::T_MOD, '&' => HG_Parser::T_BITWISE, '(' => HG_Parser::T_LPARENT, ')' => HG_Parser::T_RPARENT, '*' => HG_Parser::T_TIMES, '+' => HG_Parser::T_PLUS, ',' => HG_Parser::T_COMMA, '-' => HG_Parser::T_MINUS, '.' => HG_Parser::T_DOT, '/' => HG_Parser::T_DIV, ':' => HG_Parser::T_COLON, '<' => HG_Parser::T_LT, '=' => HG_Parser::T_ASSIGN, '>' => HG_Parser::T_GT, '?' => HG_Parser::T_QUESTION, '[' => HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_OPEN, ']' => HG_Parser::T_BRACKETS_CLOSE, '|' => HG_Parser::T_FILTER_PIPE, ); static $operators = array( '!==' => HG_Parser::T_NE, '!=' => HG_Parser::T_NE, '&&' => HG_Parser::T_AND, '->' => HG_Parser::T_OBJ, '..' => HG_Parser::T_DOTDOT, '::' => HG_Parser::T_CLASS, '<<' => HG_Parser::T_BITWISE, '<=' => HG_Parser::T_LE, '===' => HG_Parser::T_EQ, '==' => HG_Parser::T_EQ, '>=' => HG_Parser::T_GE, '>>' => HG_Parser::T_BITWISE, '||' => HG_Parser::T_PIPE, ); static $close_tags = array(); static $open_tag = "{%"; static $end_tag = "%}"; static $open_comment = "{#"; static $end_comment = "#}"; static $open_print = "{{"; static $end_print = "}}"; public $open_tags; public $value; public $token; public $status = self::IN_NONE; const IN_NONE = 0; const IN_HTML = 1; const IN_TAG = 2; const IN_ECHO = 3; protected $echoFirstToken = false; function __construct($data, $compiler, $file) { $this->data = $data; $this->compiler = $compiler; $this->line = 1; $this->N = 0; $this->file = $file; $this->length = strlen($data); /*$tmp1 = self::$operators; $tmp2 = $tmp1; ksort($tmp2); var_dump($tmp2, $tmp1 === $tmp2);die();/**/ self::$close_tags =array( self::$end_tag => HG_Parser::T_TAG_CLOSE, self::$end_print => HG_Parser::T_PRINT_CLOSE, ); $this->open_tags = array( self::$open_tag => HG_Parser::T_TAG_OPEN, self::$open_print => HG_Parser::T_PRINT_OPEN, self::$open_comment => HG_Parser::T_COMMENT, ); } function yylex() { $this->token = NULL; if ($this->length == $this->N) { if ($this->status != self::IN_NONE && $this->status != self::IN_HTML) { $this->Error("Unexpected end"); } return FALSE; } if ($this->status == self::IN_NONE) { $i = &$this->N; $data = substr($this->data, $i, 12); static $lencache = array(); foreach ($this->open_tags as $value => $token) { if (!isset($lencache[$value])) { $lencache[$value] = strlen($value); } $len = $lencache[$value]; if (strncmp($data, $value, $len) == 0) { $this->value = $value; $this->token = $token; $i += $len; switch ($this->token) { case HG_Parser::T_TAG_OPEN: $this->status = self::IN_TAG; break; case HG_Parser::T_COMMENT: $zdata = & $this->data; if (($pos=strpos($zdata, self::$end_comment, $i)) === FALSE) { $this->error("unexpected end"); } $this->value = substr($zdata, $i, $pos-2); $this->status = self::IN_NONE; $i = $pos + 2; break; case HG_Parser::T_PRINT_OPEN: $this->status = self::IN_ECHO; $this->echoFirstToken = false; break; } return TRUE; } } $this->status = self::IN_HTML; } switch ($this->status) { case self::IN_TAG: case self::IN_ECHO: $this->yylex_main(); break; default: $this->yylex_html(); } if (empty($this->token)) { if ($this->status != self::IN_NONE && $this->status != self::IN_HTML) { $this->Error("Unexpected end"); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } function yylex_html() { $data = &$this->data; $i = &$this->N; foreach ($this->open_tags as $value => $status) { $pos = strpos($data, $value, $i); if ($pos === FALSE) { continue; } if (!isset($lowest_pos) || $lowest_pos > $pos) { $lowest_pos = $pos; } } if (isset($lowest_pos)) { $this->value = substr($data, $i, $lowest_pos-$i); $this->token = HG_Parser::T_HTML; $this->status = self::IN_NONE; $i += $lowest_pos - $i; } else { $this->value = substr($data, $i); $this->token = HG_Parser::T_HTML; $i = $this->length; } $this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n"); } function yylex_main() { $data = &$this->data; for ($i=&$this->N; is_null($this->token) && $i < $this->length; ++$i) { switch ($data[$i]) { /* strings {{{ */ case '"': case "'": $end = $data[$i]; $value = ""; while ($data[++$i] != $end) { switch ($data[$i]) { case "\\": switch ($data[++$i]) { case "n": $value .= "\n"; break; case "t": $value .= "\t"; break; default: $value .= $data[$i]; } break; case $end: --$i; break 2; default: if ($data[$i] == "\n") { $this->line++; } $value .= $data[$i]; } if (!isset($data[$i+1])) { $this->Error("unclosed string"); } } $this->value = $value; $this->token = HG_Parser::T_STRING; break; /* }}} */ /* number {{{ */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': $value = ""; $dot = FALSE; for ($e=0; $i < $this->length; ++$e, ++$i) { switch ($data[$i]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': $value .= $data[$i]; break; case '.': if (!$dot) { $value .= "."; $dot = TRUE; } else { $this->error("Invalid number"); } break; default: break 2; /* break the main loop */ } } if (!$this->is_token_end($data[$i]) && !isset(self::$operators_single[$data[$i]]) || $value[$e-1] == '.') { $this->error("Unexpected '{$data[$i]}'"); } $this->value = $value; $this->token = HG_Parser::T_NUMERIC; break 2; /* }}} */ case "\n": case " ": case "\t": case "\r": case "\f": for (; is_null($this->token) && $i < $this->length; ++$i) { switch ($data[$i]) { case "\n": $this->line++; case " ": case "\t": case "\r": case "\f": break; case '.': if ($data[$i+1] != '.') { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_CONCAT; $this->value = '.'; $i++; return; } default: /* break main loop */ /* and decrease because last processed byte */ /* wasn't a dot (T_CONCAT) */ --$i; break 2; } } break; /* whitespaces are ignored */ default: if (!$this->getTag() && !$this->getOperator()) { $alpha = $this->getAlpha(); if ($alpha === FALSE) { $this->error("error: unexpected ".substr($data, $i)); } static $tag=NULL; if (!$tag) { $tag = Haanga_Extension::getInstance('Tag'); } if ($this->status == self::IN_ECHO && !$this->echoFirstToken) { $this->token = HG_Parser::T_ALPHA; } else { $value = $tag->isValid($alpha); $this->token = $value ? $value : HG_Parser::T_ALPHA; } $this->value = $alpha; } break 2; } } if ($this->status == self::IN_ECHO) { $this->echoFirstToken = true; } if ($this->token == HG_Parser::T_TAG_CLOSE || $this->token == HG_Parser::T_PRINT_CLOSE) { $this->status = self::IN_NONE; } } function getTag() { static $lencache = array(); $i = &$this->N; $data = substr($this->data, $i, 12); foreach (self::$close_tags as $value => $token) { if (!isset($lencache[$value])) { $lencache[$value] = strlen($value); } $len = $lencache[$value]; if (strncmp($data, $value, $len) == 0) { $this->token = $token; $this->value = $value; $i += $len; return TRUE; } } foreach (self::$keywords as $value => $token) { if (!isset($lencache[$value])) { $lencache[$value] = strlen($value); } $len = $lencache[$value]; switch (strncmp($data, $value, $len)) { case -1: break 2; case 0: // match if (isset($data[$len]) && !$this->is_token_end($data[$len])) { /* probably a variable name TRUEfoo (and not TRUE) */ continue; } $this->token = $token; $this->value = $value; $i += $len; return TRUE; } } /* /end([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)/ */ if (strncmp($data, "end", 3) == 0) { $this->value = $this->getAlpha(); $this->token = HG_Parser::T_CUSTOM_END; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function Error($text) { throw new Haanga_Compiler_Exception($text." in ".$this->file.":".$this->line); } function getOperator() { static $lencache = array(); $i = &$this->N; $data = substr($this->data, $i, 12); foreach (self::$operators as $value => $token) { if (!isset($lencache[$value])) { $lencache[$value] = strlen($value); } $len = $lencache[$value]; switch (strncmp($data, $value, $len)) { case -1: if (strlen($data) == $len) { break 2; } break; case 0: $this->token = $token; $this->value = $value; $i += $len; return TRUE; } } $data = $this->data[$i]; foreach (self::$operators_single as $value => $token) { if ($value == $data) { $this->token = $token; $this->value = $value; $i += 1; return TRUE; } else if ($value > $data) { break; } } return FALSE; } /** * Return TRUE if $letter is a valid "token_end". We use token_end * to avoid confuse T_ALPHA TRUEfoo with TRUE and foo (T_ALPHA) * * @param string $letter * * @return bool */ protected function is_token_end($letter) { /* [^a-zA-Z0-9_] */ return !( ('a' <= $letter && 'z' >= $letter) || ('A' <= $letter && 'Z' >= $letter) || ('0' <= $letter && '9' >= $letter) || $letter == "_" ); } function getAlpha() { /* [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* */ $i = &$this->N; $data = &$this->data; if ( !('a' <= $data[$i] && 'z' >= $data[$i]) && !('A' <= $data[$i] && 'Z' >= $data[$i]) && $data[$i] != '_') { return FALSE; } $value = ""; for (; $i < $this->length; ++$i) { if ( ('a' <= $data[$i] && 'z' >= $data[$i]) || ('A' <= $data[$i] && 'Z' >= $data[$i]) || ('0' <= $data[$i] && '9' >= $data[$i]) || $data[$i] == "_" ) { $value .= $data[$i]; } else { break; } } return $value; } function getLine() { return $this->line; } static function init($template, $compiler, $file='') { $lexer = new Haanga_Compiler_Tokenizer($template, $compiler, $file); file_put_contents('/tmp/foo.php', $file . "\n", FILE_APPEND); $parser = new Haanga_Compiler_Parser($lexer, $file); $parser->compiler = $compiler; try { for($i=0; ; $i++) { if (!$lexer->yylex()) { break; } $parser->doParse($lexer->token, $lexer->value); } } catch (Exception $e) { /* destroy the parser */ try { $parser->doParse(0,0); } catch (Exception $y) {} throw $e; /* re-throw exception */ } $parser->doParse(0, 0); return (array)$parser->body; } }