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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Util/Diff.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Util/Diff.php
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namespace RedBeanPHP\Util;

RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
RedBeanPHP\ToolBox as ToolBox;

 * Diff Utility
 * The Look Utility class provides an easy way to generate
 * tables and selects (pulldowns) from the database.
 * @file RedBeanPHP/Util/Diff.php
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license BSD/GPLv2
 * @copyright
 * copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Diff
     * @var Toolbox
protected $toolbox;

     * Constructor.
     * The MatchUp class requires a toolbox
     * @param ToolBox $toolbox
public function __construct( ToolBox $toolbox )
$this->toolbox = $toolbox;

     * Calculates a diff between two beans (or arrays of beans).
     * The result of this method is an array describing the differences of the second bean compared to
     * the first, where the first bean is taken as reference. The array is keyed by type/property, id and property name, where
     * type/property is either the type (in case of the root bean) or the property of the parent bean where the type resides.
     * The diffs are mainly intended for logging, you cannot apply these diffs as patches to other beans.
     * However this functionality might be added in the future.
     * The keys of the array can be formatted using the $format parameter.
     * A key will be composed of a path (1st), id (2nd) and property (3rd).
     * Using printf-style notation you can determine the exact format of the key.
     * The default format will look like:
     * 'book.1.title' => array( <OLDVALUE>, <NEWVALUE> )
     * If you only want a simple diff of one bean and you don't care about ids,
     * you might pass a format like: '%1$s.%3$s' which gives:
     * 'book.1.title' => array( <OLDVALUE>, <NEWVALUE> )
     * The filter parameter can be used to set filters, it should be an array
     * of property names that have to be skipped. By default this array is filled with
     * two strings: 'created' and 'modified'.
     * @param OODBBean|array $beans reference beans
     * @param OODBBean|array $others beans to compare
     * @param array $filters names of properties of all beans to skip
     * @param string $format the format of the key, defaults to '%s.%s.%s'
     * @param string|NULL $type type/property of bean to use for key generation
     * @return array
public function diff( $beans, $others, $filters = array( 'created', 'modified' ), $format = '%s.%s.%s', $type = NULL )
$diff = array();

        if ( !
is_array( $beans ) ) $beans = array( $beans );
$beansI = array();
        foreach (
$beans as $bean ) {
            if ( !(
$bean instanceof OODBBean ) ) continue;
$beansI[$bean->id] = $bean;

        if ( !
is_array( $others ) ) $others = array( $others );
$othersI = array();
        foreach (
$others as $other ) {
            if ( !(
$other instanceof OODBBean ) ) continue;
$othersI[$other->id] = $other;

        if (
count( $beansI ) == 0 || count( $othersI ) == 0 ) {
            return array();

$type = $type != NULL ? $type : reset($beansI)->getMeta( 'type' );

$beansI as $id => $bean ) {
            if ( !isset(
$othersI[$id] ) ) continue;
$other = $othersI[$id];
$bean as $property => $value ) {
                if (
in_array( $property, $filters ) ) continue;
$key = vsprintf( $format, array( $type, $bean->id, $property ) );
$compare = $other->{$property};
                if ( !
is_object( $value ) && !is_array( $value ) && $value != $compare ) {
$diff[$key] = array( $value, $compare );
                } else {
$diff = array_merge( $diff, $this->diff( $value, $compare, $filters, $format, $key ) );
