namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
* Aliasing
* Tests aliasing functionality, i.e. fetching beans as,
* inferring correct type and retrieving lists as alias.
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Aliasing.php
* @desc Tests for nested beans with aliases, i.e. teacher alias for person etc.
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Aliasing extends Base
* Test for aliasing issue for LTS version.
* @return void
public function testIssueAliasingForLTSVersion() {
$person = R::dispense('person');
$pro = R::dispense('project');
$c = R::dispense('course');
$person->name = 'x';
$person->alias('teacher')->ownProject[] = $pro;
$person->alias('student')->ownCourse[] = $c;
asrt($c->fresh()->fetchAs('person')->student->name, 'x');
asrt($pro->fresh()->fetchAs('person')->teacher->name, 'x');
$person = $person->fresh();
$person->alias('teacher')->ownProject = array();
$person->alias('student')->ownCourse = array();
asrt($c->fresh()->fetchAs('person')->student, NULL);
asrt($pro->fresh()->fetchAs('person')->teacher, NULL);
* Describing how clearing state of bean works.
* Every method returning somthing (except getID)
* clears prefix-method-state (anything set by withCond,with,alias,fetchAs).
* @return void
public function clearStateAdditionalTests()
list( $project1, $project2 ) = R::dispense( 'project', 2 );
list( $irene, $ilse ) = R::dispense('person', 2);
$project1->developer = $ilse;
$project1->designer = $irene;
$ilse->name = 'Ilse';
$irene->name = 'Irene';
$project2->developer = $ilse;
R::storeAll( array( $project1, $project2 ) );
$ilse = R::load( 'person', $ilse->id );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias( 'developer' )->ownProject ), 2);
//cached - same list
asrt( count( $ilse->ownProject ), 2);
asrt( count( $ilse->alias( 'designer' )->ownProject ), 0);
//cached - same list
asrt( count( $ilse->ownProject ), 0);
//now test state
asrt( count( $ilse->setAttr( 'a', 'b' )->alias( 'developer' )->ownProject ), 2);
//now test state
$ilse = $ilse->fresh();
//attr clears state...
asrt( count( $ilse->alias( 'developer' )->setAttr( 'a', 'b' )->ownProject ), 0);
//but getID() does not!
$ilse = $ilse->fresh();
asrt( count( $ilse->ownProject ), 2 );
* Can switch fetchAs().
* Also checks shadow by storing.
* @return void
public function canSwitchParentBean()
list( $project1, $project2 ) = R::dispense( 'project', 2 );
list( $irene, $ilse ) = R::dispense('person', 2);
$project1->developer = $ilse;
$project1->designer = $irene;
$ilse->name = 'Ilse';
$irene->name = 'Irene';
$project2->developer = $ilse;
R::storeAll( array( $project1, $project2 ) );
$project1 = R::load( 'project', $project1->id );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->developer->name, 'Ilse' );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->designer->name, 'Irene' );
R::store( $project1 );
$project1 = R::load( 'project', $project1->id );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->designer->name, 'Irene' );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->developer->name, 'Ilse' );
R::store( $project1 );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->developer->name, 'Ilse' );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->designer->name, 'Irene' );
asrt( $project1->fetchAs('person')->developer->name, 'Ilse' );
* Switching aliases (->alias) should not change other list during
* storage.
* @return void
public function testShadow()
list( $project1, $project2 ) = R::dispense( 'project', 2 );
list( $irene, $ilse ) = R::dispense('person', 2);
$project1->developer = $ilse;
$project1->designer = $irene;
$project2->developer = $ilse;
R::storeAll( array( $project1, $project2 ) );
$ilse = R::load( 'person', $ilse->id );
$irene = R::load( 'person', $irene->id );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject ), 2 );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject ), 0 );
R::store( $ilse );
$ilse = R::load( 'person', $ilse->id );
$irene = R::load( 'person', $irene->id );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject ), 0 );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject ), 2 );
R::storeAll( array( $ilse, $irene) );
$ilse = R::load( 'person', $ilse->id );
$irene = R::load( 'person', $irene->id );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject ), 0 );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject ), 2 );
asrt( count( $irene->alias('designer')->ownProject), 1 );
asrt( count( $irene->alias('developer')->ownProject), 0 );
R::storeAll( array( $ilse, $irene) );
$ilse = R::load( 'person', $ilse->id );
$irene = R::load( 'person', $irene->id );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('designer')->ownProject ), 0 );
asrt( count( $ilse->alias('developer')->ownProject ), 2 );
asrt( count( $irene->alias('designer')->ownProject), 1 );
asrt( count( $irene->alias('developer')->ownProject), 0 );
* Issue 291. State not cleared.
* @return void
public function testFetchTypeConfusionIssue291()
list( $teacher, $student ) = R::dispense( 'person', 2 ) ;
$teacher->name = 'jimmy' ;
$student->name = 'jacko' ;
R::store( $teacher ) ;
R::store( $student ) ;
$client = R::dispense( 'client' ) ;
$client->firm = 'bean AG' ;
R::store( $client ) ;
$project = R::dispense( 'project' ) ;
$project->teacher = $teacher ;
$project->student = $student ;
$project->client = $client ;
R::store( $project ) ;
unset( $project->student ) ;
R::store( $project ) ;
$project = R::load( 'project', 1 ) ;
$teacher = $project->fetchAs( 'person' )->teacher ;
$student = $project->fetchAs( 'person' )->student ;
$client = $project->client ; // this will select from "person" instead of "client"
asrt( $client->firm, 'bean AG' );
* Test switching alias (also issue #291).
* @return void
public function testAliasSwitch()
$student = R::dispense( 'person' );
$project = R::dispense( 'project' );
$project->student = $student;
R::store( $project );
$person = R::load( 'person', $student->id );
asrt( count( $person->alias( 'student' )->ownProject ), 1);
asrt( count( $person->alias( 'teacher' )->ownProject ), 0);
* Associating two beans, then loading the associated bean
* @return void
public function testAssociated()
$person = R::dispense( 'person' );
$person->name = 'John';
R::store( $person );
$course = R::dispense( 'course' );
$course->name = 'Math';
R::store( $course );
$course->teacher = $person;
$id = R::store( $course );
$course = R::load( 'course', $id );
$teacher = $course->fetchAs( 'person' )->teacher;
asrt( $teacher->name, 'John' );
//Trying to load a property that has an invalid name
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->wrongProperty = array( $page );
try {
$book->wrongProperty[] = $page;
R::store( $book );
} catch ( RedException $e ) {
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
* Test for quick detect change.
* @return void
public function basic()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
asrt( isset( $book->prop ), FALSE ); //not a very good test
asrt( in_array( 'prop', array_keys( $book->export() ) ), FALSE ); //better...
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$book->paper = $page;
$id = R::store( $book );
$book = R::load( 'book', $id );
asrt( FALSE, ( isset( $book->paper ) ) );
asrt( FALSE, ( isset( $book->page ) ) );
* The following tests try to store various things that aren't
* beans (which is expected) with the own* and shared* properties
* which only accept beans as assignments, so they're expected to fail
foreach ( array( 'a string', 1928, TRUE, NULL, array()) as $value ) {
try {
$book->ownPage[] = $value;
R::store( $book );
$book->sharedPage[] = $value;
R::store( $book );
} catch ( RedException $e ) {
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
if (strpos($e->getMessage(),'Array to string conversion')===FALSE) {
* Finding $person beans that have been aliased into various roles
* @return void
public function testAliasedFinder()
$message = R::dispense( 'message' );
$message->subject = 'Roommate agreement';
list( $sender, $recipient ) = R::dispense( 'person', 2 );
$sender->name = 'Sheldon';
$recipient->name = 'Leonard';
$message->sender = $sender;
$message->recipient = $recipient;
$id = R::store( $message );
$message = R::load( 'message', $id );
asrt( $message->fetchAs( 'person' )->sender->name, 'Sheldon' );
asrt( $message->fetchAs( 'person' )->recipient->name, 'Leonard' );
$otherRecipient = R::dispense( 'person' );
$otherRecipient->name = 'Penny';
$message->recipient = $otherRecipient;
R::store( $message );
$message = R::load( 'message', $id );
asrt( $message->fetchAs( 'person' )->sender->name, 'Sheldon' );
asrt( $message->fetchAs( 'person' )->recipient->name, 'Penny' );
* Test Basic Fetch AS functionality.
public function testBasicFetchAs()
$project = R::dispense( 'project' );
$project->name = 'Mutant Project';
list( $teacher, $student ) = R::dispense( 'person', 2 );
$teacher->name = 'Charles Xavier';
$project->student = $student;
$project->student->name = 'Wolverine';
$project->teacher = $teacher;
$id = R::store( $project );
$project = R::load( 'project', $id );
asrt( $project->fetchAs( 'person' )->teacher->name, 'Charles Xavier' );
asrt( $project->fetchAs( 'person' )->student->name, 'Wolverine' );
* Test Basic list variations.
* @return void
public function testBasicListVariations()
$farm = R::dispense( 'building' );
$village = R::dispense( 'village' );
$farm->name = 'farm';
$village->name = 'Dusty Mountains';
$farm->village = $village;
$id = R::store( $farm );
$farm = R::load( 'building', $id );
asrt( $farm->name, 'farm' );
asrt( $farm->village->name, 'Dusty Mountains' );
$village = R::dispense( 'village' );
list( $mill, $tavern ) = R::dispense( 'building', 2 );
$mill->name = 'Mill';
$tavern->name = 'Tavern';
$village->ownBuilding = array( $mill, $tavern );
$id = R::store( $village );
$village = R::load( 'village', $id );
asrt( count( $village->ownBuilding ), 2 );
$village2 = R::dispense( 'village' );
$army = R::dispense( 'army' );
$village->sharedArmy[] = $army;
$village2->sharedArmy[] = $army;
$id1 = R::store( $village );
$id2 = R::store( $village2 );
$village1 = R::load( 'village', $id1 );
$village2 = R::load( 'village', $id2 );
asrt( count( $village1->sharedArmy ), 1 );
asrt( count( $village2->sharedArmy ), 1 );
asrt( count( $village1->ownArmy ), 0 );
asrt( count( $village2->ownArmy ), 0 );
* Tests whether aliasing plays nice with beautification.
* Ensure that aliased column aren't beautified
* @return void
public function testAliasWithBeautify()
$points = R::dispense( 'point', 2 );
$line = R::dispense( 'line' );
$line->pointA = $points[0];
$line->pointB = $points[1];
R::store( $line );
$line2 = R::dispense( 'line' );
$line2->pointA = $line->fetchAs('point')->pointA;
$line2->pointB = R::dispense( 'point' );
R::store( $line2 );
//now we have two points per line (1-to-x)
//I want to know which lines cross A:
$a = R::load( 'point', $line->pointA->id ); //reload A
$lines = $a->alias( 'pointA' )->ownLine;
asrt( count( $lines ), 2 );