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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Base; use RedUNIT\Base as Base; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; use RedBeanPHP\DuplicationManager as DuplicationManager; use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean; use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException; /** * Dup * * Tests duplication. Like the 'copy' test suite but * focuses on more complex scenarios. * * @file RedUNIT/Base/Dup.php * @desc Intensive test for dup() * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class Dup extends Base { /** * Tests basic export functionality * * @return void */ public function testExport() { $bean = R::dispense('bean'); $bean->name = R::dispense('book'); $export = $bean->export( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array( 'book' ) ); asrt( isset( $export['name'] ), TRUE ); $export = $bean->export( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array( 'book2' ) ); asrt( isset( $export['name'] ), FALSE ); } /** * Tests whether the original ID is stored * in meta data (quite handy for ID mappings). * * @return void */ public function testKeepOldID() { R::nuke(); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); R::store( $book ); $bookID = $book->id; $page = reset( $book->xownPageList ); $pageID = $page->id; $book = $book->fresh(); $copy = R::duplicate( $book ); asrt( $copy->getMeta( 'sys.dup-from-id' ), $bookID ); $copyPage = reset( $copy->xownPageList ); asrt( $copyPage->getMeta( 'sys.dup-from-id' ), $pageID ); } /** * Test export camelCase. * * @return void */ public function testExportCamelCase() { R::nuke(); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->isCheap = TRUE; $book->hasISBNCode = FALSE; $page = R::dispense('page'); $page->isWrittenWell = TRUE; $page->containsInterestingText = TRUE; $book->ownPageList[] = $page; R::store( $book ); $book = $book->fresh(); $export = R::exportAll( $book ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['is_cheap'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['has_isbn_code'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['is_written_well'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['contains_interesting_text'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['book_id'] ), TRUE ); R::useExportCase( 'camel' ); $export = R::exportAll( $book ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['isCheap'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['hasIsbnCode'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['isWrittenWell'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['containsInterestingText'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['bookId'] ), TRUE ); R::useExportCase( 'dolphin' ); $export = R::exportAll( $book ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['isCheap'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['hasIsbnCode'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['isWrittenWell'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['containsInterestingText'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['bookID'] ), TRUE ); R::useExportCase( 'default' ); $export = R::exportAll( $book ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['is_cheap'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['has_isbn_code'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['id'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['is_written_well'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['contains_interesting_text'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $export[0]['ownPage']['0']['book_id'] ), TRUE ); try { R::useExportCase( 'invalid' ); fail(); } catch ( RedException $exception ) { pass(); } } /** * Test whether we can duplicate part of a tree * without infinite loops. * * @return void */ public function testDupPortionOfATree() { R::nuke(); $article = R::dispense( 'article' ); $article->name = 'article 1'; list( $article2, $article3 ) = R::dispense( 'article', 2 ); $article2->name = 'article 2'; $article3->name = 'article 3'; list( $article4, $article5 ) = R::dispense( 'article' , 2); $article4->name = 'article 4'; $article5->name = 'article 5'; list( $article6, $article7 ) = R::dispense( 'article' , 2); $article6->name = 'article 6'; $article7->name = 'article 7'; $article3->xownArticleList[] = $article7; $article4->xownArticleList[] = $article6; $article2->xownArticleList = array( $article5, $article4 ); $article->xownArticleList = array( $article2, $article3 ); R::store( $article ); asrt( R::count( 'article' ), 7 ); $article2 = $article2->fresh(); $dupArticle2 = R::duplicate( $article2 ); $dupArticle2->name = 'article 2b'; $dupBeans = $dupArticle2->xownArticleList; foreach( $dupBeans as $dupBean ) { $list[] = $dupBean->name; } sort( $list ); $listStr = implode( ',', $list ); asrt( $listStr, 'article 4,article 5' ); foreach( $dupBeans as $dupBean ) { if ( $dupBean->name === 'article 4' ) { $dup4 = $dupBean; } } asrt( isset( $dup4 ), TRUE ); $dupBeans = $dup4->xownArticleList; foreach( $dupBeans as $dupBean ) { asrt( $dupBean->name, 'article 6' ); } //so we have extracted part of the tree, can we store it? $id = R::store( $dupArticle2 ); asrt( ( $id > 0 ), TRUE ); asrt( R::count( 'article' ), 11 ); $originalArticle = $article->fresh(); asrt( $originalArticle->name, 'article 1' ); $subArticles = $originalArticle->xownArticleList; $list = array(); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { $list[] = $subArticle->name; } sort( $list ); $listStr = implode( ',', $list ); asrt( $listStr, 'article 2,article 2b,article 3' ); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 2' ) { $sub2 = $subArticle; } if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 3' ) { $sub3 = $subArticle; } } $subArticles = $sub2->xownArticleList; $list = array(); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { $list[] = $subArticle->name; } sort( $list ); $listStr = implode( ',', $list ); asrt( $listStr, 'article 4,article 5' ); $subArticles = $sub3->xownArticleList; $list = array(); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { $list[] = $subArticle->name; } sort( $list ); $listStr = implode( ',', $list ); asrt( $listStr, 'article 7' ); $subArticles = $sub2->xownArticleList; foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 4' ) { $sub4 = $subArticle; } if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 5' ) { $sub5 = $subArticle; } } asrt( count( $sub4->xownArticleList ), 1 ); $subBeans = $sub4->xownArticleList; $subBean = reset( $subBeans ); asrt( $subBean->name, 'article 6'); asrt( count( $sub5->xownArticleList ), 0 ); $dupArticle2 = $dupArticle2->fresh(); $subArticles = $dupArticle2->xownArticleList; $list = array(); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { $list[] = $subArticle->name; } sort( $list ); $listStr = implode( ',', $list ); asrt( $listStr, 'article 4,article 5' ); foreach( $subArticles as $subArticle ) { if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 4' ) { $sub4 = $subArticle; } if ( $subArticle->name === 'article 5' ) { $sub5 = $subArticle; } } asrt( count( $sub4->xownArticleList ), 1 ); $subBeans = $sub4->xownArticleList; $subBean = reset( $subBeans ); asrt( $subBean->name, 'article 6'); asrt( count( $sub5->xownArticleList ), 0 ); } /** * Test exportAll and caching. * * @return void */ public function testExportAllAndCache() { testpack( 'exportAll() and Cache' ); $can = R::dispense( 'can' )->setAttr( 'size', 3 ); $can->ownCoffee[] = R::dispense( 'coffee' )->setAttr( 'color', 'black' ); $can->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' )->setAttr( 'name', 'cool' ); $id = R::store( $can ); R::debug( TRUE ); ob_start(); $can = R::load( 'can', $id ); $cache = $this->getCache(); $data = R::exportAll( array( $can ), TRUE ); $queries = ob_get_contents(); R::debug( FALSE ); ob_end_clean(); $len1 = strlen( $queries ); $can = R::dispense( 'can' )->setAttr( 'size', 3 ); $can->ownCoffee[] = R::dispense( 'coffee' )->setAttr( 'color', 'black' ); $can->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' )->setAttr( 'name', 'cool' ); $id = R::store( $can ); R::debug( TRUE ); ob_start(); $can = R::load( 'can', $id ); $cache = $this->getCache(); $data = R::exportAll( array( $can ), TRUE ); $queries = ob_get_contents(); R::debug( FALSE ); ob_end_clean(); $len2 = strlen( $queries ); asrt( ( $len1 ), ( $len2 ) ); $can = R::dispense( 'can' )->setAttr( 'size', 3 ); $can->ownCoffee[] = R::dispense( 'coffee' )->setAttr( 'color', 'black' ); $can->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' )->setAttr( 'name', 'cool' ); $id = R::store( $can ); R::debug( TRUE ); ob_start(); $can = R::load( 'can', $id ); $cache = $this->getCache(); R::getDuplicationManager()->setTables( $cache ); $data = R::exportAll( array( $can ), TRUE ); $queries = ob_get_contents(); R::debug( FALSE ); ob_end_clean(); $len3 = strlen( $queries ); asrt( ( ( $len3 ) < ( $len2 ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $data ), 1 ); asrt( $data[0]['ownCoffee'][0]['color'], 'black' ); R::getDuplicationManager()->setCacheTables( FALSE ); } /** * Test duplication and caching. * * @return void */ public function DupAndCache() { testpack( 'Dup() and Cache' ); $can = R::dispense( 'can' )->setAttr( 'size', 3 ); $can->ownCoffee[] = R::dispense( 'coffee' )->setAttr( 'color', 'black' ); $can->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' )->setAttr( 'name', 'cool' ); $can = R::load( 'can', R::store( $can ) ); $d = new DuplicationManager( R::getToolBox() ); $d->setCacheTables( TRUE ); ob_start(); R::debug( 1 ); $x = $d->dup( $can ); $queries = ob_get_contents(); R::debug( 0 ); ob_end_clean(); $len1 = strlen( $queries ); asrt( ( $len1 > 40 ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $x->ownCoffee ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $x->ownCoffee ), 1 ); asrt( isset( $x->sharedTag ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $x->sharedTag ), 1 ); $cache = $d->getSchema(); R::nuke(); $can = R::dispense( 'can' )->setAttr( 'size', 3 ); $can->ownCoffee[] = R::dispense( 'coffee' )->setAttr( 'color', 'black' ); $can->sharedTag[] = R::dispense( 'tag' )->setAttr( 'name', 'cool' ); $can = R::load( 'can', R::store( $can ) ); $d = new DuplicationManager( R::getToolBox() ); /** * $cache = '{"book": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "title": "TEXT" * }, "bean": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "prop": "INTEGER" * }, "pessoa": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "nome": "TEXT", * "nome_meio": "TEXT", * "sobrenome": "TEXT", * "nascimento": "NUMERIC", * "reg_owner": "TEXT" * }, "documento": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "nome_documento": "TEXT", * "numero_documento": "TEXT", * "reg_owner": "TEXT", * "ownPessoa_id": "INTEGER" * }, "can": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "size": "INTEGER" * }, "coffee": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "color": "TEXT", * "can_id": "INTEGER" * }, "tag": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "name": "TEXT" * }, "can_tag": { * "id": "INTEGER", * "tag_id": "INTEGER", * "can_id": "INTEGER" * }}' */ $d->setTables( $cache ); ob_start(); R::debug( 1 ); $x = $d->dup( $can ); $queries = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); R::debug( 0 ); $len2 = strlen( $queries ); asrt( isset( $x->ownCoffee ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $x->ownCoffee ), 1 ); asrt( isset( $x->sharedTag ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $x->sharedTag ), 1 ); asrt( json_encode( $cache ), json_encode( $d->getSchema() ) ); asrt( ( $len1 > $len2 ), TRUE ); } /** * Test duplication and tainting. * * @return void */ public function testDupAndExportNonTainting() { testpack( 'Dup() and Export() should not taint beans' ); $p = R::dispense( 'page' ); $b = R::dispense( 'book' ); $b->ownPage[] = $p; $b->title = 'a'; $id = R::store( $b ); $b = R::load( 'book', $id ); asrt( ( !$b->getMeta( 'tainted' ) ), TRUE ); R::exportAll( $b ); asrt( ( !$b->getMeta( 'tainted' ) ), TRUE ); R::dup( $b ); asrt( ( !$b->getMeta( 'tainted' ) ), TRUE ); testpack( 'Test issue with ownItems and stealing Ids.' ); R::nuke(); $bill = R::dispense( 'bill' ); $item = R::dispense( 'item' ); $element = R::dispense( 'element' ); $bill->ownItem[] = $item; $bill->sharedElement[] = $element; R::store( $bill ); $bill = R::load( 'bill', 1 ); $bill->ownItem; $bill->sharedElement; $copy = R::dup( $bill ); R::store( $copy ); $rows = ( R::getAll( 'select * from bill_element' ) ); asrt( count( $rows ), 2 ); $rows = ( R::getAll( 'select * from item' ) ); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { asrt( ( $row['bill_id'] > 0 ), TRUE ); } R::nuke(); $this->runOnce(); R::freeze( TRUE ); $this->runOnce( FALSE ); R::freeze( FALSE ); } /** * Test exporting with filters. * * @return void */ public function ExportWithFilters() { testpack( 'Export with filters' ); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $pages = R::dispense( 'page', 2 ); $texts = R::dispense( 'text', 2 ); $images = R::dispense( 'image', 2 ); $author = R::dispense( 'author' ); $pub = R::dispense( 'publisher' ); $bookmarks = R::dispense( 'bookmark', 2 ); $pages[0]->ownText = array( $texts[0] ); $pages[0]->ownImage = array( $images[0] ); $pages[1]->ownText = array( $texts[1] ); $pages[1]->ownImage = array( $images[1] ); $pages[0]->sharedBookmark[] = $bookmarks[0]; $pages[1]->sharedBookmark[] = $bookmarks[1]; $bookmarks[0]->ownNote[] = R::dispense( 'note' )->setAttr( 'text', 'a note' ); $bookmarks[1]->ownNote[] = R::dispense( 'note' )->setAttr( 'text', 'a note' ); $book->ownPage = $pages; $book->author = $author; $author->publisher = $pub; $bookID = R::store( $book ); R::getDuplicationManager()->setTables( R::getWriter()->getTables() ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, array() ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), 2 ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['author'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), 1 ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownImage'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownImage'] ), 1 ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, array( 'page', 'author', 'text', 'image' ) ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), 2 ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['author'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), 1 ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownImage'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownImage'] ), 1 ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, 'author' ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), FALSE ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, array( 'page' ) ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['author'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), FALSE ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, array( 'page', 'text' ) ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['author'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownText'] ), 1 ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'][0]['ownImage'] ), FALSE ); $objects = ( R::exportAll( array( $book ), TRUE, array( 'none' ) ) ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['author'] ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $objects[0]['ownPage'] ), FALSE ); $texts = R::find( 'text' ); R::getDuplicationManager()->setCacheTables( FALSE ); testpack( 'Keyless export' ); $book = R::load( 'book', $bookID ); $book->ownPage; $export = $book->export(); asrt( isset( $export['ownPage'][0] ), TRUE ); } /** * Helper function getCache(). * * @return array */ private function getCache() { return array( 'coffee' => array( 'color' => 'color', 'id' => 'id', 'can_id' => 'can_id' ), 'can' => array( 'size' => 'size', 'id' => 'id' ), 'can_tag' => array( 'id' => 'id', 'can_id' => 'can_id', 'tag_id' => 'tag_id' ), 'tag' => array( 'id' => 'id', 'name' => 'name' ) ); } /** * Compares object with export * * @param type $object * @param type $array * * @return void */ private function compare( $object, $array ) { foreach ( $object as $property => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $index => $nestedObject ) { if ( $nestedObject->id ) { $foundMatch = FALSE; //order might be different foreach ( $array[$property] as $k => $a ) { if ( $a['id'] == $nestedObject->id ) { $foundMatch = TRUE; $index = $k; } } if ( !$foundMatch ) throw new\Exception( 'failed to find match for object ' . $nestedObject->id ); } $this->compare( $nestedObject, $array[$property][$index] ); } } elseif ( !is_object( $value ) ) { asrt( strval( $array[$property] ), strval( $value ) ); } } } /** * Run tests */ private function runOnce( $n = TRUE ) { $books = R::dispense( 'book', 10 ); $pages = R::dispense( 'page', 10 ); $readers = R::dispense( 'reader', 10 ); $texts = R::dispense( 'text', 10 ); $i = 0; foreach ( $books as $book ) $book->name = 'book-' . ( $i++ ); $i = 0; foreach ( $pages as $page ) $page->name = 'page-' . ( $i++ ); $i = 0; foreach ( $readers as $reader ) $reader->name = 'reader-' . ( $i++ ); $i = 0; foreach ( $texts as $text ) $text->content = 'lorem ipsum -' . ( $i++ ); foreach ( $texts as $text ) { $pages[array_rand( $pages )]->ownText[] = $text; } foreach ( $pages as $page ) { $books[array_rand( $books )]->ownPage[] = $page; } foreach ( $readers as $reader ) { $books[array_rand( $books )]->sharedReader[] = $reader; } $i = $noOfReaders = $noOfPages = $noOfTexts = 0; foreach ( $books as $key => $book ) { $i++; $noOfPages += count( $book->ownPage ); $noOfReaders += count( $book->sharedReader ); foreach ( $book->ownPage as $page ) $noOfTexts += count( $page->ownText ); $arr = R::exportAll( $book ); echo "\nIntermediate info: " . json_encode( $arr ) . ": Totals = $i,$noOfPages,$noOfReaders,$noOfTexts "; $this->compare( $book, $arr[0] ); $copiedBook = R::dup( $book ); $copiedBookArray = R::exportAll( $copiedBook ); $this->compare( $book, $copiedBookArray[0] ); $copiedBookArrayII = $copiedBook->export(); $this->compare( $book, $copiedBookArrayII ); $copyFromCopy = R::dup( $copiedBook ); $copyFromCopyArray = R::exportAll( $copyFromCopy ); $this->compare( $book, $copyFromCopyArray[0] ); $copyFromCopyArrayII = $copyFromCopy->export(); $this->compare( $book, $copyFromCopyArrayII ); $id = R::store( $book ); $copiedBook = R::dup( $book ); R::store( $book ); //should not be damaged $copiedBookArray = R::exportAll( $copiedBook ); $originalBookArray = R::exportAll( $book ); $this->compare( $copiedBook, $copiedBookArray[0] ); $this->compare( $book, $originalBookArray[0] ); $book = R::load( 'book', $id ); $this->compare( $book, $originalBookArray[0] ); $copiedBook = R::dup( $book ); $this->compare( $copiedBook, $copiedBook->export() ); R::store( $copiedBook ); $this->compare( $copiedBook, $copiedBook->export() ); $copyFromCopy = R::dup( $copiedBook ); $this->compare( $copyFromCopy, $copyFromCopy->export() ); R::store( $copyFromCopy ); $newPage = R::dispense( 'page' ); $newPage->name = 'new'; $copyFromCopy->ownPage[] = $newPage; $modifiedCopy = R::dup( $copyFromCopy ); $exportMod = R::exportAll( $modifiedCopy ); $this->compare( $modifiedCopy, $exportMod[0] ); asrt( count( $modifiedCopy->ownPage ), count( $copiedBook->ownPage ) + 1 ); R::store( $modifiedCopy ); if ( $n ) { asrt( (int) R::getCell( 'SELECT count(*) FROM book' ), $i * 4 ); asrt( (int) R::getCell( 'SELECT count(*) FROM page' ), ( $noOfPages * 4 ) + $i ); asrt( (int) R::getCell( 'SELECT count(*) FROM text' ), $noOfTexts * 4 ); asrt( (int) R::getCell( 'SELECT count(*) FROM book_reader' ), $noOfReaders * 4 ); asrt( (int) R::getCell( 'SELECT count(*) FROM reader' ), $noOfReaders ); } } if ( $n ) { asrt( $noOfTexts, 10 ); asrt( $noOfReaders, 10 ); asrt( $noOfPages, 10 ); asrt( $i, 10 ); } } }