namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
use RedBeanPHP\Util\MatchUp;
use RedBeanPHP\Util\Look;
* MatchUp
* Tests the MatchUp functionality.
* Tired of creating login systems and password-forget systems?
* MatchUp is an ORM-translation of these kind of problems.
* A matchUp is a match-and-update combination in terms of beans.
* Typically login related problems are all about a match and
* a conditional update.
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Matchup.php
* @desc Tests MatchUp
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Productivity extends Base
* Test matchup
* @return void
public function testPasswordForget()
$account = R::dispense( 'account' );
$account->uname = 'Shawn';
$account->pass = sha1( 'sheep' );
$account->archived = 0;
$account->attempts = 1;
R::store( $account );
$matchUp = new MatchUp( R::getToolbox() );
/* simulate a token generation script */
$account = NULL;
$didGenToken = $matchUp->matchUp( 'account', ' uname = ? AND archived = ?', array('Shawn',0), array(
'token' => sha1(rand(0,9000) . time()),
'tokentime' => time()
), NULL, $account );
asrt( $didGenToken, TRUE );
asrt( !is_null( $account->token ) , TRUE );
asrt( !is_null( $account->tokentime ) , TRUE );
/* simulate a password reset script */
$newpass = '1234';
$didResetPass = $matchUp->matchUp( 'account', ' token = ? AND tokentime > ? ', array( $account->token, time()-100 ), array(
'pass' => $newpass,
'token' => ''
), NULL, $account );
asrt( $account->pass, '1234' );
asrt( $account->token, '' );
/* simulate a login */
$didFindUsr = $matchUp->matchUp( 'account', ' uname = ? ', array( 'Shawn' ), array(
'attempts' => function( $acc ) {
return ( $acc->pass !== '1234' ) ? ( $acc->attempts + 1 ) : 0;
), NULL, $account);
asrt( $didFindUsr, TRUE );
asrt( $account->attempts, 0 );
/* Login failure */
$didFindUsr = $matchUp->matchUp( 'account', ' uname = ? ', array( 'Shawn' ), array(
'attempts' => function( $acc ) {
return ( $acc->pass !== '1236' ) ? ( $acc->attempts + 1 ) : 0;
), NULL, $account);
/* Create user if not exists */
$didFindUsr = R::matchUp( 'account', ' uname = ? ', array( 'Anonymous' ), array(
), array(
'uname' => 'newuser'
), $account);
asrt( $didFindUsr, FALSE );
asrt( $account->uname, 'newuser' );
* Tests the look function.
public function testLook()
$beans = R::dispenseAll( 'color*3' );
list( $red, $green, $blue ) = $beans[0];
$red->name = 'red';
$green->name = 'green';
$blue->name = 'blue';
$red->thevalue = 'r';
$green->thevalue = 'g';
$blue->thevalue = 'b';
R::storeAll( array( $red, $green, $blue ) );
$look = R::getLook();
asrt( ( $look instanceof Look ), TRUE );
$str = R::getLook()->look( 'SELECT * FROM color WHERE thevalue != ? ORDER BY thevalue ASC', array( 'g' ), array( 'thevalue', 'name' ),
'<option value="%s">%s</option>', 'strtoupper', "\n"
asrt( $str,
"<option value=\"B\">BLUE</option>\n<option value=\"R\">RED</option>"
$str = R::look( 'SELECT * FROM color WHERE thevalue != ? ORDER BY thevalue ASC', array( 'g' ), array( 'thevalue', 'name' ),
'<option value="%s">%s</option>', 'strtoupper', "\n"
asrt( $str,
"<option value=\"B\">BLUE</option>\n<option value=\"R\">RED</option>"
* Test Bean differ.
public function testDiff()
$ad = R::dispense( 'ad' );
$ad->title = 'dog looking for new home';
$ad->created = time();
$ad->modified = time();
$ad->ownDog[] = R::dispense( 'dog' );
$ad->ownDog[0]->name = 'Dweep';
$ad->ownDog[0]->color = 'green';
$ad->author = R::dispense('user');
$ad->author->name = 'John';
R::store( $ad );
$ad->title = 'green dog';
$diff = R::diff( $ad->fresh(), $ad );
/* simple case, property changed */
var_dump( $diff );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 1 );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.title'][0], 'dog looking for new home' );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.title'][1], 'green dog' );
/* test use specific format */
$diff = R::diff( $ad->fresh(), $ad, array(), '%1$s.%3$s' );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 1 );
asrt( $diff['ad.title'][0], 'dog looking for new home' );
asrt( $diff['ad.title'][1], 'green dog' );
/* skip created modified */
$ad = $ad->fresh();
$ad->modified = 111;
$ad->created = 111;
$diff = R::diff( $ad->fresh(), $ad );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 0 );
/* unless we set anothe filter */
$ad = $ad->fresh();
$ad->modified = 111;
$ad->created = 111;
$ad->name = 'x';
$diff = R::diff( $ad->fresh(), $ad, array( 'name' ) );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 2 );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.modified'][1], 111 );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.created'][1], 111 );
$ad = $ad->fresh();
/* also diff changes in related beans */
$ad->fetchAs('user')->author->name = 'Fred';
$dog = reset( $ad->ownDog );
$dog->color = 999;
$old = $ad->fresh();
$diff = R::diff( $ad, $old );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 2 );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.ownDog.1.color'][1], 'green' );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.ownDog.1.color'][0], 999 );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.author.1.name'][1], 'John' );
asrt( $diff['ad.1.author.1.name'][0], 'Fred' );
$diff = R::diff( $ad, null );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 0 );
$diff = R::diff( null, $ad );
asrt( is_array( $diff ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $diff ), 0 );
/* demo case */
list($book,$pages) = R::dispenseAll('book,page*2');
$book->title = 'Old Book';
$book->price = 999;
$book->ownPageList = $pages;
$pages[0]->text = 'abc';
$pages[1]->text = 'def';
$book->title = 'new Book';
$page = end($book->ownPageList);
$page->text = 'new';
$oldBook = $book->fresh();
$diff = R::diff($oldBook, $book);
* Test misc. matchUp scenarios.
* @return void
public function testMatchUpMisc()
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
$found = R::matchUp( 'bean', ' id = ? ', array(1), array(), array(
'notfound' => function( $bean ) {
$bean->status = 'not found';
) );
asrt( $found, FALSE );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
$bean = R::findOne( 'bean' );
asrt( $bean->status, 'not found' );
$null = R::matchUp( 'bean', ' id = ? ', array( $bean->id ) );
asrt( is_null( $null ), TRUE );