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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Traverse.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Traverse.php
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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;

 * Traverse
 * Tests whether RedBeanPHP can easily deal with hierarchies
 * of beans.
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Traverse.php
 * @desc Tests traversal functionality
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Traverse extends Base
     * Very simple traverse case (one-level).
     * @return void
public function testSimplestTraversal()
$books = R::dispense( 'book', 10 );
$i = 1;
$books as $book ) {
$book->title = 'Book ' . ( $i++ );
$books[5]->marked = TRUE;
$shelf = R::dispense( 'shelf' );
$shelf->ownBook = $books;
$found = NULL;
$shelf->traverse('ownBookList', function( $book ) use ( &$found ) {
            if (
$book->marked ) $found = $book;
asrt( ( $found->marked == TRUE ), TRUE );
asrt( $found->title, 'Book 6' );

     * Tests basic traversal.
     * @return void
public function testBasicTraversal()
$pageA = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'a' );
$pageB = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'b' );
$pageC = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'c' );
$pageD = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'd' );
$pageE = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'e' );
$pageF = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'f' );
$pageG = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'g' );
$pageH = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'h' );
$pageA->ownPage = array( $pageB, $pageC );
$pageB->ownPage = array( $pageD );
$pageC->ownPage = array( $pageE, $pageF );
$pageD->ownPage = array( $pageG );
$pageF->ownPage = array( $pageH );
R::store( $pageA );
$pageA = $pageA->fresh();
//also tests non-existant column handling by count().
asrt( R::count( 'page', ' price = ? ', array( '5' ) ), 0);
asrt( R::count( 'tag', ' title = ? ', array( 'new' ) ), 0);
$pageA->traverse( 'ownPageList', function( $bean ) {
$bean->price = 5;
R::store( $pageA );
asrt( R::count( 'page', ' price = ? ', array( '5' ) ), 7);

    * Test traversing paths, ancestry.
    * @return void
public function testTraversePaths()
$pageA = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'a' );
$pageB = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'b' );
$pageC = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'c' );
$pageD = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'd' );
$pageE = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'e' );
$pageF = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'f' );
$pageG = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'g' );
$pageH = R::dispense( 'page' )->setAttr( 'title', 'h' );
$pageA->ownPage = array( $pageB, $pageC );
$pageB->ownPage = array( $pageD );
$pageC->ownPage = array( $pageE, $pageF );
$pageD->ownPage = array( $pageG );
$pageF->ownPage = array( $pageH );
R::store( $pageA );
$parents = array();
$pageF->traverse( 'page', function( $page ) use ( &$parents ) {
$parents[] = $page->title;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $parents ), 'c,a' );
$parents = array();
$pageH->traverse( 'page', function( $page ) use ( &$parents ) {
$parents[] = $page->title;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $parents ), 'f,c,a' );
$parents = array();
$pageG->traverse( 'page', function( $page ) use ( &$parents ) {
$parents[] = $page->title;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $parents ), 'd,b,a' );
$path = array();
$pageA->traverse( 'ownPageList', function( $page ) use ( &$path ) {
$path[] = $page->title;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $path ), 'b,d,g,c,e,f,h' );
$path = array();
$pageC->traverse( 'ownPageList', function( $page ) use ( &$path ) {
$path[] = $page->title;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $path ), 'e,f,h' );
$path = array();
$pageA->traverse( 'ownPageList', function( $page ) use ( &$path ) {
$path[] = $page->title;
2 );
asrt( implode( ',', $path ), 'b,d,c,e,f' );

     * Test traversal with embedded SQL snippets.
     * @return void
public function testTraversalWithSQL()
$tasks = R::dispense('task', 10);
$tasks as $key => $task ) {
$task->descr = 't'.$key;
$tasks[0]->ownTask = array( $tasks[1], $tasks[9], $tasks[7] );
$tasks[1]->ownTask = array( $tasks[5] );
$tasks[9]->ownTask = array( $tasks[3], $tasks[8] );
$tasks[2]->ownTask = array( $tasks[4] );
$tasks[7]->ownTask = array( $tasks[6] );
R::storeAll( $tasks );
$task = R::load('task', $tasks[0]->id);
$todo = array();
$task->with(' ORDER BY descr ASC ')->traverse('ownTaskList', function( $t ) use ( &$todo ) {
$todo[] = $t->descr;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $todo ), 't1,t5,t7,t6,t9,t3,t8' );
$task = R::load( 'task', $tasks[0]->id );
$todo = array();
$task->withCondition( ' ( descr = ? OR descr = ? ) ', array( 't7','t6' ) )
traverse( 'ownTaskList', function( $task ) use( &$todo ){
$todo[] = $task->descr;
            } );
asrt( implode( ',', $todo ), 't7,t6' );

     * Test traversal with aliases.
     * @return void
public function testTraversalWithAlias()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$cats = R::dispense( 'category', 3 );
$cats[0]->gname = 'SF';
$cats[1]->gname = 'Fantasy';
$cats[2]->gname = 'Horror';
$book->genre = $cats[0];
$book->name = 'Space Story';
$cats[0]->genre = $cats[1];
$cats[2]->genre = $cats[1];
R::store( $book );
$book2 = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book2->genre = $cats[2];
$book2->name = 'Ghost Story';
R::store( $book2 );
$fantasy = R::load( 'category', $cats[1]->id );
$cats = array();
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->fetchAs( 'category' )->traverse( 'genre', function( $cat ) use ( &$cats ) {
$cats[] = $cat->gname;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $cats ), 'SF,Fantasy' );
$catList = array();
$fantasy->alias( 'genre' )
with( ' ORDER BY gname ASC ' )
traverse( 'ownCategory', function( $cat ) use ( &$catList ) {
$catList[] = $cat->gname;
        } );
asrt( implode( ',', $catList ), 'Horror,SF' );

     * Traverse can only work with own-lists, otherwise infinite loops.
     * @return void
public function testSharedTraversal()
$friend = R::dispense( 'friend' );
        try {
$friend->traverse( 'sharedFriend', function( $friend ){ } );
        } catch(
RedException $e ) {

     * Test whether traverse() passes the depth of the
     * current item in the tree along with the bean.
public function testDepthCount()
$page = R::dispense('page');
$page->num = 1;
$root = $page;
$i = 2; $i < 10; $i++) {
$child = R::dispense('page');
$page->ownPageList[] = $child;
$child->num = $i;
$page = $child;
$total = 0;
$page = $root->fresh();
$page->traverse('ownPageList', function( $child, $count ) use(&$total) {
asrt( $count+1, intval($child->num) );
$total += $count;
asrt( $total, 36 );