/* Class name : Configuration
* Inherited from :
* Created by : Junaid Hassan (email : [email protected] , blog : junaidhassanalvi.wordpress.com)
* Created On : 15-April-2103
* Description : It is created to load and add configuration and to perfrom initial steps for configuration
* Change Logs :
class Configuration {
var $config;
function __construct() {
//jha-- load configuration for xml configuration file
//jha-- add some additional configuration, defined in php code, in configuration object
function load() {
if (is_object($this->config))
$base_path = dirname(str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)));
$base_url = dirname((strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']), 'https') === FALSE ? 'http://' :
'https://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$this->config = simplexml_load_file($base_path . '/' . INCLUDES . '/' . 'config.xml');
$this->config->paths->addChild('includes', INCLUDES);
$this->config->addChild('base_url', $base_url);
$this->config->addChild('base_path', $base_path);
//jha-- load includes and helpers defined in configuration for perform various necessary site operations.
public function preload() {
if (isset($this->config->preload->includes->class)) {
foreach ($this->config->preload->includes->class as $classes) {
$inc_path = $this->config->base_path . '/' . $this->config->paths->includes . '/' . $classes . '.php';
if (file_exists($inc_path)) {
if (isset($this->config->preload->helpers->class)) {
foreach ($this->config->preload->helpers->class as $helpers) {
$inc_path = $this->config->base_path . '/' . $this->config->paths->helpers . '/' . $helpers . '.php';
if (file_exists($inc_path)) {