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File: test_xml_writer.php

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  Classes of Manuel Lemos   XML Writer class   test_xml_writer.php   Download  
File: test_xml_writer.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of generation of a XML document
Class: XML Writer class
Composing and generating XML documents.
Author: By
Last change: Fixed the name of the class include file.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,746 bytes



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     * First create an object of the class.
$xml_writer_object=&new xml_writer_class;
     * Now, start defining the XML document from the root tag.
     * Then define the rest of the document tags and data.
$xml_writer_object->adddata('John Doe',$toptag,$path);
     * Tags may have attributes.
     * Tags and the correspondent data may be added with a single function call.
$xml_writer_object->adddatatag('street',$noattributes,'Wall Street, 1641',$toptag,$datatag);
$xml_writer_object->adddatatag('zip',$noattributes,'NY 72834',$toptag,$datatag);
     * Any time before generating the document you may specify a DTD to let other tools validate it...
     * ...and a stylesheet for displaying the document in particular way in XML capable browsers.
     * When you are done with the XML document definition, generate it.
         * If the document was generated successfully, you may now output it.
echo $output;
         * If there was an error, output it as well.
echo ('Error: '.$xml_writer_object->error);