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File: w2sp/hidden/w2sp.config.php

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  Classes of Horst Nogajski   Winamp Shell ProXy   w2sp/hidden/w2sp.config.php   Download  
File: w2sp/hidden/w2sp.config.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: configuration file
Class: Winamp Shell ProXy
Control server side WinampPlayer via shell
Author: By
Last change: minor change
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 2,828 bytes



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 * Winamp2 ShellProXy :: Configuration for Example- and ClassTestfiles

    // Because this is an example I have put all Configparams in here,
    // but some of them are defined in Class with defaults so that you do not have
    // to set them up manually. But you can if you want change the default settings.

    // Please type in _all_ Pathes with FORWARDSLASHES /
    // Don't use Backslashes and also no DoubleBackslashes (escaped Backslashes).
    // The Class handles calls to Filesystem and Shell or as URLs as well, but wants to have
    // the settings with / ;-)

// Require Classfile
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/w2sp.class.php');


$w2sp_settings = array(

// requiered and optional files

               // STRING: FullPath to w2sp.exe
'W2SPEXE' => 'X:/pathto/w2sp.exe',

// STRING: FullPath to winamp.exe
'PathToWinampExe' => 'C:/Programs/Winamp/winamp.exe',

// STRING: Textfile in temp-dir, must be writeable by w2sp.exe and readable by the PHP-Script!
'ReturnFilename' => FULLPATH_TO_W2SP . '/hidden/w2sp_return.txt',

// STRING: Folder where the Button Images are stored
'ButtonFolder' => FULLPATH_TO_W2SP . '/buttons1',

// STRING: Fullpath to *.m3u Playlists you want to load into Player
               // (for use with Netjuke type in the Jukebox- and the Radio-Playlist)
'Playlist1' => 'X:/pathto/netjuke/var/data/jukebox/playlist.m3u',
'Playlist2' => '',

// Logging
               // BOOLEAN: writes a Logfile in same directory where w2sp.exe resides. Set to 0 if you don't want
'DoServerLog' => TRUE,

// BOOLEAN: because of automaticaly refreshs you will get a very large logfile in short time if this is set to true
'AlsoLogGetInfo' => FALSE,

// AutoRefresh
               // INTEGER: If you use the META-Refresh, this is the defaultvalue in seconds
               // (needed for calling the script without Params, or if the Datatransfer between Script and w2sp.exe was broken, however.)
'DefaultRefresh' => 60,

// INTEGER: If you use the META-Refresh and it is a bit to fast or to slow, you can set a correction in seconds here.
'RefreshAdjust' => 1,

// Fontsizes + Imagetype

               // Integer : (px) Width of the DropDown-Selectfield containing the SongTracks of current playlist
               // 0 = autowidth (as long as the longest entry)
'TrackListWidth' => 320,

// STRING: The Imagetype of the PanelButtons: png, gif, jpg
'ImageType' => 'png'

