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  Classes of Bas van Gaalen   dom xml class   README   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Important information
Class: dom xml class
An implementation of the DOM XML standard
Author: By
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Date: 21 years ago
Size: 3,886 bytes



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phpdomxml-0.8.5 - an XML Document Object Model implementation for PHP 4.10+. (c) copyright 2002-2003, Bas van Gaalen. All rights reserved. This library may be distributed under the terms of the LICENSE, which is included in this package. phpdomxml does not rely on any external libraries like libxml. It does however require the expat<tm> extension for PHP. The methods and properties follow the design as layed out by the World Wide Web Consorticum and as was implemented in ECMAScript or compatible languages like Javascript and Actionscript. XML class does not support validating by DTD through the document type definition. The document type is recorded when reading an XML document, but not used. This class is in beta-phase because it's not 100% w3c-compatible. Although it is a work in progress, this class is production stable for most common XML needs. I seriously doubt it will ever be 100% w3c standards compliant, since I see no way of implementing some of the dualities as documented in their standards. But I don't claim to be an expert, so if you find a way to provide more standards compliant functionality, then feel free to do so. But please, send a copy of the new source code to me. Please send comments, questions or suggestions to bas-at-webtweakers-dot-com. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that the behavior of createElement has changed. Version 0.8 had a bug where the createElement would automatically attach the created element as firstChild node - overwriting a possible node already there. Obviously this behavior is not compliant with the specifications and thus now corrected. The correct behavior for createElement is to create the requested element and return it to the caller. It then can be appended, inserted or replaplaced into another node. Be ware that this change has an impact on scripts already build with this class! The correct behavior of createElement is demonstrated in the example files - as in numerous online documentations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION NOTE: I am not quite fond of writing lengthy documentation, as probably most developers: it distracts from the work that needs to be done. ;-) But in this case I am in a luxery position: there are numerous documentations and examples on the internet available on how to implement DOM-compliant code. A nice and simple one can be found here: I will add my own documentation later on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF IMPLEMENTED OBJECTS, METHODS AND PROPERTIES: Objects: XML XMLNode XMLText Methods: sendAndLoad send load parseXML toString hasChildNodes createTextNode createElement appendChild Properties: attributes childNodes firstChild lastChild previousSibling nextSibling nodeName parentNode nodeType status error version encoding contentType docTypeDecl xmlDecl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF METHODS THAT STILL NEED TO BE IMPLEMENTED: Methods: insertBefore removeChild replaceChild more... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES IN THIS PACKAGE: CHANGES Changes, updates and fixes from first release till current release. LICENSE A short license in BSD style. README This file. functest.php A functionality test case as well as an example script for most - all - functions of the XML class. The DOM XML Class/library itself. server.php A simple server script, used in the examples. test4.xml test5.xml Two simple XML files, used in the examples. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------