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File: Date_Math_ClassA.php.pseudo

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File: Date_Math_ClassA.php.pseudo
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Description: Date Math Class Test
Class: PHP Date Math Class
Perform operations with dates with long year range
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Note: #.... represents the end of an 'if' statement # <--- represents the end of a loop /* Date_Math_ClassA.php This class has 67 date related functions. Dates can be outside the Linux date() range of 1970- 2039. Date range for this class is from the year 0032 A.D. to 9999 A.D. USE: require_once <path / Date_Math_ClassA.php>; $dt = new date_math_class; Documentation and examples are found in files Date_Math_Class_TestA.php and Date_Math_ClassA.php.pseudo. Copyright (C) 2014 Software Installation Services, Inc. Author: Bob Wedwick, Phoenix, AZ 602-449-8552 bob at wedwick dot com. This program is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See for a copy of the GNU General Public License. This class operates by default on dates in string y-m-d format (y= year, m= month, d=day) as used in mySql; however you may opt for input and output formats to be different, and you can change the default output date format. Input dates as function parameters may be formatted as strings: y-m-d, y/m/d, y.m.d, m-d-y, m/d/y, m.d.y where 'y' is 4 digits (leading zeros for years before 1000), 'm' and 'd' may be 1 or 2 digits. Example: AddDays(2, '2013-04-15', 'y/m/d') means 2 days are added to April 15, 2014 and output is formatted as y/m/d. Also supported is ymd format as a string or integer for input which must be exactly 8 digits: 4-digit year and 2-digit month and 2-digit day. Output date formats supported include those above as well as d-m-y by including an optional string parameter in the function call. Also included are dmy, mdy and ymd with exactly 8 digits. Examples: 'm/d/y' 'ymd' Note the 'd-m-y' format is not supported in the input date formats. Null or blank output date formats revert to the default format as do any other formats that are not recognized. Thus null, blank, or unrecognized formats do not generate errors. Formatting strings are not case sensitive. Input and output formats do not have to be the same. Thus functions can be used to convert date formats from one to another. For functions expecting an integer value as an input parameter, it may be either an integer or string with or without + or - signs that evaluates to an integer. When the public variable $useTime = false (the default), time blocks are not considered for calculations and are removed from the output. When the public variable $useTime = true, The input date string may have an optional time component which is preserved and returned. Time blocks are used in many date comparisons where time may make a difference. Any dates submitted without a valid time block are set to 00:00 (midnight). Null and blank time blocks are set to the current Linux local time. Date comparisons using time blocks operate on 24 hours (86400 seconds) to make one day. Thus 2012-07-08 09:00:00 versus 2012-07-09 08:59:59 is still the same day likewise 2012-07-08 09:00 versus 2012-07-07 09:01. When time blocks are not used, these entries result in different days. Public variables for months, days of the week and 1st day of the weekmake it easy to change languages. You can change the abbreviations for month and day of the week in public variables. When the public variable $exceptions = true, an error throws an exception instead of returning to the calling script with 'false' result. Otherwise functions return a boolean false (result === false) whenever invalid input is passed and should be explicitly tested by using ===. Some functions may return zero which is different from the boolean false. Null and blank dates are valid for input in selected functions where replacing them with the current date and time makes sense. When internal date calculations result in a non-existent date, such as April 31, the result is reduced to the last valid day of the month. Refer to the PHP script Date_Math_Class_Test.php for examples of how these functions can be used. If the test script is run via the console, the results of various functions are echoed to the console. This class was written such that the logical flow of each function is available in pseudo code form in a text file Date_Math_Class.php.pseudo. Naming convention: all functions begin with a capital letter; all variables begin with $ and lower case first letter. An inherant flaw exists with julian dates where years like 1700, 1800 and 1900 are not leap years yet there is a PHP julian value for Feb 29 in those years. If you work with dates that span Feb 29 in a non-leap year, this date math class can render results that are off by one day. Example: adding 2 days to 1900-02-28 (jd 2415091) renders an invalid result of 1900-03-01 (jd 2415093) since jd 2415092 is the non-existant date of 1900-02-29. The depth count variable keeps track of how many internal function calls are active and depth 1 serves to identify which function was called from the calling program. HINT: to get the entire call stack $stack = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); print_r($stack); Functions included in this class are: ### Add Days - add (or subtract when negative) days to the given date. function AddDays($days=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Add Months - add (or subtract when negative) months to the given date. function AddMonths($months=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Add Weeks - add (or subtract when negative) weeks to the given date. function AddWeeks($weeks=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Add Years - add (or subtract when negative) years to the given date. function AddYears($years=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Age In Years - return the absolute age in years for one date versus another. function AgeInYears($date1=null, $date2=null) ### Date Is Valid - return the valid date. Blank and null default to now. function DateIsValid($date=null, $fmt=null, $which=1) ### Date To Julian - convert a date to integer julian days. Optional time block. function DateToJulian($date=null) ### Day Month Year - return the date formatted as day month year like 30 Oct 2013. function DayMonthYear($date=null) ### Day Of The Month - return the numeric day of the month. function DayOfTheMonth($date=null) ### Day Of The Week - return the three-character short form for the day of the week for the given date. function DayOfTheWeek($date=null) ### Day Of The Year - return the numeric day of the year for the given date. 1-365 or 366. function DayOfTheYear($date=null) ### Day Of The Year To Date - convert the day of the year to a date in the given year. function DayOfTheYearToDate($dayOfYear = 0, $year = null, $fmt=null) ### Difference In Days - return the difference between two dates in completed days based on Julian days. function DifferenceInDays($date1=null, $date2=null) ### Difference In Weeks - return the difference in complete weeks for the dates given, not partial weeks. function DifferenceInWeeks($date1=null, $date2=null) ### Difference In Years - return the difference between two dates in years, may be negative. function DifferenceInYears($date1= null, $date2= null) ### Dow Month Day Year - return a date formatted as day-of-week, month, day, and year. function DowMonthDayYear($date=null) ### End Of Next Month - return the end of next month. function EndOfNextMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of Next Week- return the end of next week. function EndOfNextWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of Next Year - return the end of next year. function EndOfNextYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of Prior Month - return the end of the prior month. function EndOfPriorMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of Prior Week- return the end of the prior week. function EndOfPriorWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of Prior Year - return the end of the prior year. function EndOfPriorYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of This Month - return the end of the month for the given date. function EndOfThisMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of This Week - return the end of the week for the given date. function EndOfThisWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### End Of This Year - return the end of the year for the given date. function EndOfThisYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Given Month - return the next first of the month for the given month. function FirstOfGivenMonth($mon=null, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Next Month - return the 1st of next month after the given date. function FirstOfNextMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First of Next Week - return the 1st of next week after the given date. function FirstOfNextWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Next Year - return the 1st of next year after the given date. function FirstOfNextYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Prior Month - return the 1st of prior month from the given date. function FirstOfPriorMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Prior Week- return the 1st of prior week from the given date. function FirstOfPriorWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of Prior Year - return the 1st of prior year from the given date. function FirstOfPriorYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of This Month - return 1st of the month for the given date. function FirstOfThisMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of This Week - return 1st of the week for the given date. function FirstOfThisWeek($date=null, $fmt=null) ### First Of This Year - return 1st of the year for the given date. function FirstOfThisYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### Get Last Error - return the last error message. function GetLastError() ### Greater Date - return the greater of two dates ignoring any null or blank dates. At least one date must be provided. function GreaterDate($date1=null, $date2=null, $fmt=null) ### Is A Date - return true when the given date looks like a date. Null and blank are not dates. function IsADate($date=null) ### Is The First - true when the given date is the first of the month, zero when not, false when invalid date is sent. function IsTheFirst($date=null) ### Julian To Date - convert an integer or integer string to a date string. function JulianToDate($value=null, $fmt=null) ### Last Dow For A Month - return the last day of the week for the given date - for example: find the last Friday of a month. function LastDowForAMonth($dayOfWeek, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Lesser Date - return the lesser of two dates ignoring any null or blank dates. At least one date must be passed. function LesserDate($date1=null, $date2=null, $fmt=null) ### Maximum Date - the maximum of two dates. Null and blank dates default to now. function MaximumDate($date1=null, $date2=null, $fmt=null) ### Minimum Date - the lesser of two dates. Null and blank dates default to now. function MinimumDate($date1=null, $date2=null, $fmt=null) ### Month Day Year - return a date formatted as 'month day, year' like Mar 3, 2005. function MonthDayYear($date=null) ### Month Number - the integer month number for the named month. function MonthNumber($mon=null) ### Month Str - return the 3-char string for the month of the given date. function MonthStr($date=null) ### N Days Before End Of The Month - return N days before the end of the month for the given date. function NDaysBeforeEndOfTheMonth($n=0, $date = null, $fmt= null) ### Next Day Of The Week - return the next date for a named day of the week when given date is not same as the day sent. function NextDayOfTheWeek($dayOfWeek, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Next First Of The Month - the next first of the month if the given date is not the 1st. function NextFirstOfTheMonth($date=null, $fmt=null) ### Next First Of The Year - the next first of the year if the given date is not the 1st. function NextFirstOfTheYear($date=null, $fmt=null) ### Next Nth Day Of The Month - the next Nth day of the month after the given date, e.g. 3rd Tuesday. function NextNthDayOfTheMonth($n=1, $dayOfWeek, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Next Nth Of The Month - advance as needed to the next Nth day of a month limited to 1-31. function NextNthOfTheMonth($n=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Nth Of The Month - return Nth day of the month for the given date limited to 1-31. function NthOfTheMonth($n=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Number Of Days In A Month - return a count of the number of days in a month. function NumberOfDaysInAMonth($date=null) ### Numeric Day Of The Week - return the numeric day of the week 0-6 based on the public day array. function NumericDayOfTheWeek($date=null) ### Numeric Month - return the numeric month (1-12) for the given date. function NumericMonth($date = null) ### Numeric Year - return the numeric year for the given date. function NumericYear($date = null) ### Prior Day Of The Week - return the date for the prior day of the week from the given date. Back up, if needed. function PriorDayOfTheWeek($dayOfWeek, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Subtract Days - subtract absolute number of days from the given date. function SubtractDays($days=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Subtract Months - subtract absolute number of months from the given date. function SubtractMonths($months=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Subtract Weeks - subtract absolute number of weeks from the given date. function SubtractWeeks($weeks=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Subtract Years - subtract absolute number of years from the given date. function SubtractYears($years=0, $date=null, $fmt=null) ### Use Exceptions - opt to set exceptions on or off and return the state. function UseExceptions($state=null) ### Use Time Blocks - opt to set using time blocks on or off and return the state. function UseTimeBlocks($state=null) ### Week Number - return the week number (0-53) of the year, weeks begin on the first day in the day array. function WeekNumber($date=null) ### Ymd - convert a date to an array of year, month, day from a date. Optional time block. function Ymd($date=null) ### Ymd Array To Date - convert a YMD array to a date string. function YmdArrayToDate($ymdArray=null, $fmt=null) ### Ymd String To Date - convert a string in the form of yyyymmdd to a date. Optional time block. function YmdStringToDate($yyyymmdd=null, $fmt=null) ######## Private functions ##### ### Add Time Block - return a date with time block appended when time blocks are used private function AddTimeBlock($date, $tb=false) ### Blank Item - true when what is passed is a blank string. private function BlankItem($item) ### Day Is Valid - return 3-char day when the day is in the week-day array. private function DayIsValid($dayOfWeek) ### Default Date - default a date to today when the date is null or blank. This does not validate the date. private function DefaultDate($date=null) ### Format A Date - format a date using the requested format string. private function FormatADate($date, $fmt=null) ### Fresh Start - set global variables for a fresh start. private function FreshStart() ### Get Date Only - get the date part without the time block. private function GetDateOnly($date) ### Get The Time Block - return an appropriate time block from a date. private function GetTheTimeBlock($date) ### Get a YMD array with any time block removed. private function GetYmdArray($date, $includeTime=true) ### Go Deeper - add one to the internal depth count. private function GoDeeper() ### Go Up - subtract one from the depth count. private function GoUp() ### Greater Time Block - return the greater of two time blocks (1, 2, or zero when identical). private function GreaterTimeBlock($tb1 = '0:0', $tb2 ='0:0' ) ### Integer Or String Value - return the value as an integer. private function IntegerOrStringValue($in= false) ### Integer Range - true when a value is in the 'from' and 'to' range. private function IntegerRange($x, $from, $to) ### Julian Value - convert a date to Julian integer without the time block. private function JulianValue($date) ### Mon Year - format a date as 'mon year' like Mar 2005. private function MonYear($date=null) ### Null Date - true when what is passed is null. private function NullItem($item=null) ### Return Result - go up one level in the depth and return the given result. private function ReturnResult($result) ### Set Error Message - set an error message in the public error variable. private function SetErrorMessage($msg, $goback=1) ### Set Invalid Date Message in the public variable for the lastError. private function SetInvalidDateMessage($x) ### Set Invalid Day Of Week Message in the public variable for the lastError. private function SetInvalidDowMessage($x) ### Set Invalid Integer Message in the public variable for the lastError. private function SetInvalidIntegerMessage($x) ### Set An Invalid Message in the public variable for the lastError. private function SetInvalidMsg($msg='', $back = 2) ### String of Digits Only - returns only digits 0-9 as a string which may have leading zeros. private function StringOfDigitsOnly($in=null) ### Time Block Value - return the integer value in seconds since midnight of a time block. private function TimeBlockValue($aTime=false) ### Valid Format - return a valid format string. private function ValidFormat($fmt=null) ### Valid Time Block - return the time block when it is valid. private function ValidTimeBlock($aTime = null) */ ### declare the date_math_class # the public variables below can be changed for different languages # array of month abbreviations all upper case # The base date below assumes the week begins on a Sunday and needs to agree with the # first element in the day-of-week array below. Feb 1, 1942 was a Sunday. # array of day-of-week abbreviations all upper case # the public variables below can be changed for different preferences for defaults. # default output date format # initialize PUBLIC variables # declare PRIVATE variables # initialize PRIVATE variables ### __construct() construct the class # initialize control variables # initialize the julian date for the base date # the minimum Julian integer value is that for year 0032 # end function ### Add Days - add (or subtract when negative) days to the given date. # add to the depth count # if days are given as an integer or integer string # if input is a valid date # hold the time block # use integer value for days # convert date to julian # apply the plus or minus increment # convert Julian to JD (mm/dd/yyyy) # when the new date does not exist like Feb 29, 1900 # loop until there is a good date # add or subtract one more julian count # convert Julian to JD (mm/dd/yyyy) # <--- # append the appropriate time block # format the resulting date # else # report an invalid date # .... # else # report an error with days # .... # return the result # end function ### Add Months - add (or subtract when negative) months to the given date. # add to the depth count # if months are given as an integer or integer string # if the given date is valid # capture the time block # make a YMD array # add months to month part of a YMD array # loop while mon > 12 (adding months) # add a year and subtract 12 months # <--- # loop while mon < 1 (subtracting months) # subtract a year and add 12 months # <--- # loop until checkdate says it is a valid date -- because there may be fewer days in the new month # back up one day # <--- # build the resulting date with dashes # append appropriate time block # return the date in desired format # else # report an invalid date # .... # else # report error with months # .... # return the result # end function ### Add Weeks - add (or subtract when negative) weeks to the given date. # add to the depth count # if weeks are given as an integer or integer string # if adding (weeks *7) to days results in a good date. # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date message # .... # else # report error with weeks # .... # return the result # end function ### Add Years - add (or subtract when negative) years to the given date. # add to the depth count # if years are given as an integer or integer string # if adding (years * 12) to months results in a good date # format the resulting date # else # report the error with the given date # .... # else # report invalid number of years # .... # return the result # end function ### Age In Years - return the absolute age in years for one date versus another. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is valid # if date 2 is valid # determine absolute difference in years # else # report date2 was invalid # .... # else # report date 1 was invalid # .... # return the result # end function ### Date Is Valid - return the valid date. Blank and null default to now. # add to the depth count # if this is the first call to DateIsValid() for this date (1 or 2) # default to now when null or blank date # if the date is truly a date # note that it has been validated # format the result # else # report invalid date # .... # else # this date has already been validated so return it # .... # return the result # end function ### Date To Julian - convert a date to integer julian days. Optional time block. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # get the time block to use # get the julian value # append appropriate time block # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Day Month Year - return the date formatted as day month year like 30 Oct 2013. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # hold the time block # get a YMD array # start with the day # add the string for the month # add the year # add the time block # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Day Of The Month - return the numeric day of the month. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is found # get the YMD array # return day number # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Day Of The Week - return the three-character short form for the day of the week for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is found # get numeric day of the week # retrieve the day from the day array # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Day Of The Year - return the numeric day of the year for the given date. 1-365 or 366. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # get end of prior year to be day 0 # result is difference in days from day 0 to the date provided # else invalid date # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Day Of The Year To Date - convert the day of the year to a date in the given year. # add to the depth count # if the year is null # use the current year # .... # use year as integer # if year is between 0032 and 9999 # determine how many days are in the year # use day of the year as integer # if day is between 1 and maximum days # build a date for 1st of the given year # add day of the year minus 1 to the date # format the resulting date # else # it is an invalid day # .... # else # it is an invalid year # .... # return the result # end function ### Difference In Days - return the difference between two dates in completed days based on Julian days. # Note: the result can be negative when date1 > date2. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is valid # hold the time block for date 1 # if date 2 is valid # hold the time block for date 2 # convert to Julian days for first date # convert to Julian days for second date # result is the second date minus the first # if using time blocks # determine which is the greater time block, 1, 2 or 0 = tied # if the result > zero and time block 1 > time block 2 # subtract one day # elseif the result < zero and time block 2 > time block 1 # add one day # .... # .... # else # report date two is invalid date # .... # else # report date one is invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Difference In Weeks - return the difference in complete weeks for the dates given, not partial weeks. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is valid # if date 2 is valid # get difference in days # divide by 7 # drop any fraction # else # report invalid date2 # .... # else # report invalid date1 # .... # return the result # end function ### Difference In Years - return the difference between two dates in years, may be negative. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is valid # hold the time block for date 1 # if date 2 is valid # hold the time block for date 2 # convert dates to arrays of Ymd # initial result is to subtract the years # calculate values for day of the year for both dates # this formula avoids cases where Feb 29 = Mar 1 # if using time blocks # adjust date 2 when a complete 24 day has not elapsed # determine which is the greater time block # if years > 0 and time block 1 > time block 2 # subtract one day from 2nd date reducing the span # else if years < 0 and time block 2 > time block 1 # add one day to 2nd date reducing the span # .... # redo the YMD array for date 2 # recalculate the value for doy 2 # .... # if years is > 0 and doy1 > doy2 # subtract one year # else years is < 0 and doy1 < day2 # add 1 year # .... # result is the computation of years # else # report invalid date 2 # .... # else # report invalid date 1 # .... # return the result # end function ### Dow Month Day Year - return a date formatted as day-of-week, month, day, and year. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get the day of the week # append the month, day, and year # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Next Month - return the end of next month. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # add one month # get the end of that month # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Next Week- return the end of next week. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get end of its week # add one week # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Next Year - return the end of next year. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get end of its year # add one year to that # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Prior Month - return the end of the prior month. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get its 1st of the month # subtract one day # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Prior Week- return the end of the prior week. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get first of its week # subtract one day # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of Prior Year - return the end of the prior year. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get 1st of its year # subtract one day # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of This Month - return the end of the month for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get 1st of the next month # subtract one day # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of This Week - return the end of the week for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get 1st of its week # add 6 days # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### End Of This Year - return the end of the year for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get 1st of next year # subtract one day # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Given Month - return the next first of the month for the given month. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if a month string was passed # make it upper case # use first 3 characters # if the month is in the month array # get the next first of the month when the date is not already the first # loop until the target month matches that in the month array # get the 1st of the next month # <--- # format the resulting date # else # report month is not found in the array # .... # else # report month is not a string # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Next Month - return the 1st of next month after the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # back up to 1st of its month # add one month to that date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First of Next Week - return the 1st of next week after the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get first the its week # add 7 days to that date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Next Year - return the 1st of next year after the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get the 1st of its year # add one year # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Prior Month - return the 1st of prior month from the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # back up to 1st of its month # subtract one month from that date # format the resulting date # else # invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Prior Week- return the 1st of prior week from the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get the first of its week # subtract 7 days from that date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of Prior Year - return the 1st of prior year from the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get the 1st of its year # subtract one year # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of This Month - return 1st of the month for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get the day of the month # subtract one less than the day of the month from the date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of This Week - return 1st of the week for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # get numeric day of the week 0-6 # subtract that amount from the valid date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### First Of This Year - return 1st of the year for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is passed # hold the time block # get the YMD array # build a string for the year and Jan 1 # append the appropriate time block # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Get Last Error - return the last error message. # return the last error message # end function ### Greater Date - return the greater of two dates ignoring any null or blank dates. At least one date must be provided. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is blank or null # its value is zero # else if date 1 is a date # get the time block for date 1 # convert date 1 to julian only # else # it is invalid # .... # if date 2 is blank or null # its value is zero # else if date 2 is a date # get the time block for date 2 # convert date 2 to julian # else # it is invalid # .... # if date 1 is not invalid # if date 2 is not invalid # if both dates are zero # report an error # else # if $jd2 not a date # we want date1 # elseif $jd1 not a date # we want date2 # elseif using time blocks and dates are equal, look at optional time blocks # if date1 has the greater time block, we want date 1 else date 2 # else # if date 1 is the greater date, we want it else date 2 # .... # if we want date 1 # return date 1 # else # return date2 # .... # .... # else #report invalid date 2 # .... # else # report invalid date1 # .... # return result # end function ### Is A Date - return true when the value passed appears to look like a date. Null and blank are not dates. # add to the exception depth count # if something is passed and it can be made into a YMD array # it is good # else # if blank is passed # replace the date with BLANK # elseif null is passed # replace the date with NULL # .... # report invalid date # .... # return true or false # end function ### Is The First - true when the given date is the first of the month, zero when not, false when invalid date is sent. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get a YMD array # return true when the day == 1 or zero when not # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Julian To Date - convert an integer or integer string to a date string. # add to the depth count # save any accompanying time block # get the date part as an integer # if the value passed >= minimum Julian date # PHP function converts the value to m/d/y string # append the appropriate time block # convert the string to a date # else # report invalid integer was passed # .... # return the result # end function ### Last Dow For A Month - return the last day of the week for the given date - for example: find the last Friday of a month. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # get the end of its month # if the day of the week is valid # back up until the day of the week matches # subtract one day # <--- # format the resulting date # else # report an invalid day string is passed # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Lesser Date - return the lesser of two dates ignoring any null or blank dates. At least one date must be passed. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is blank or null # its value is zero # else if date 1 is a date # hold its time block # convert it to julian # else # it is invalid # .... # if date 2 is blank or null # its value is zero # else if date 2 is a date # hold its time block # convert it to julian # else # it is invalid # .... # if date 1 is not invalid # if date 2 is not invalid # if both dates passed are empty # report an error # else # if $jd1 is not a date # we want date2 # else if $jd2 not a date # we want date1 # elseif using time blocks and dates are equal, look at optional time blocks # if date2 has the greater time block, we want date 1 else date 2 # else # if date 1 is the lesser date, we want it else date 2 # .... # if we want date 1 # return date 1 # else # return date2 # .... # .... # else #report invalid date 2 # .... # else # report invalid date1 # .... # return the result # end function ### Maximum Date - the maximum of two dates. Null and blank dates default to now. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is a valid date # if date 2 is also a valid date # get the greater of the two # else # report invalid date 2 # .... # else # report invalid date 1 # .... # return the result # end function ### Minimum Date - the lesser of two dates. Null and blank dates default to now. # add to the depth count # if date 1 is a date # if date 2 is also a date # return the lesser of the two dates # else # report invalid2 # .... # else # report invalid1 # .... # return the result # end function ### Month Day Year - return a date formatted as 'month day, year' like Mar 3, 2005. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # hold the time block # get a YMD array # start with the string for the month # add the day, comma and year # append the approprite time block # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Month Number - the integer month number for the named month. # add to the depth count # if a string is passed # use just the 1st three characters # make it upper case for searching the month array # if the month is in the month array # return its position in the month array # because arrays begin with zero, add 1 to it # else # report the month is not in the month array # .... # else # not a string # .... # return the result # end function ### Month Str - return the 3-char string for the month of the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date is given # get a YMD array # hold the numeric month # get 3-char month from the public array # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### N Days Before End Of The Month - return N days before the end of the month for the given date. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # hold month and year for the date # get end of the month for the date # if n is an integer or integer string # subtract N days # if still in the same month and year # return formatted date # else # report invalid value for N # .... # else # report invalid value for N # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return result # end function ### Next Day Of The Week - return the next date for a named day of the week when given date is not same as the day sent. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if the day of the week is valid # loop until the days of the week match # add one day # <--- # format the resulting date # else # report an invalid day string was passed # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Next First Of The Month - the next first of the month if the given date is not the 1st. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if the given date is not the 1st of the month, # get the first of the next month # .... # format the result # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Next First Of The Year - the next first of the year if the given date is not the 1st. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # get the day of the year # if the given date is not the first of the year # get 1st of next year # .... # format the result # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Next Nth Day Of The Month - the next Nth day of the month after the given date, e.g. 3rd Tuesday. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if N is between 1 and 5 # if a known day of the week was passed # get the date for the next day of the week # loop until the date is found # get day of the month for the date to examine # if N=5 and day of the month >= 29, # date is found so break the loop # elseif N=4 and day of the month between 22 - 28 # date is found so break the loop # elseif N=3 and day of the month between 15 - 21 # date is found so break the loop # elseif N=2 and day of the month between 8 - 14 # date is found so break the loop # elseif N=1 and day of the month <= 7 # date is found so break the loop # .... # add 1 week and try again # <--- # format the date found # else # report invalid day of the week # .... # else # report invalid value for N # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Next Nth Of The Month - advance as needed to the next Nth day of a month limited to 1-31. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # treat N as an integer # if N is between 1 and 31 # get the day of the month for the given date # if day for the given date is after the target N # get 1st of next month # else get 1st of the month passed # .... # if not that many days in the trial month # add one month # .... # advance to the Nth of the month found # return the date # else # invalid value for N # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Nth Of The Month - return Nth day of the month for the given date limited to 1-31. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if N is between 1 and 31 # hold the month for the date sent # get end of prior month # apply the N increment to end of the prior month # get the month for the calculated date # if the month sent and calculated are the same # make returning date # else # report an error: it can not be determined # .... # else # report invalid value for N # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Number Of Days In A Month - return a count of the number of days in a month. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # get the end of the month for the date # return that day of that month # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Numeric Day Of The Week - return the numeric day of the week 0-6 based on the public day array. # add to the depth count # if date can be made into a julian date # get the difference between it and the julian base date -- which is the start of a week # compute modulo 7 # if negative (earlier than the base date) # add 7 # .... # else # report an invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Numeric Month - return the numeric month (1-12) for the given date. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # make a YMD array # return the month part # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Numeric Year - return the numeric year for the given date. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # make a YMD array # return the year part # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Prior Day Of The Week - return the date for the prior day of the week from the given date. Back up, if needed. # add to the depth count # if a valid date was passed # if a known day of the week is passed # while the day of the week is not what we want # subtract one day # <--- # format the result # else # report an invalid day string is passed # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Subtract Days - subtract absolute number of days from the given date. # add to the depth count # if days are given as an integer or integer string # if input is a valid date # use absolute value of days to subtract # multiply by -1 # add negative days # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # else # report an error with days # .... # return the result # end function ### Subtract Months - subtract absolute number of months from the given date. # add to the depth count # if months are given as an integer or integer string # use absolute value of months to subtract # multiply by -1 # if adding negative months yields a good date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # else # report error with months # .... # return the result # end function ### Subtract Weeks - subtract absolute number of weeks from the given date. # add to the depth count # if weeks are given as an integer or integer string # if a valid date was passed # use absolute value of weeks to subtract # calculate days to subtract by multiplying weeks by -7 # subtract those days # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # else # report error with weeks # .... # return the result # end function ### Subtract Years - subtract absolute number of years from the given date. # add to the depth count # if years are given as an integer or integer string # use absolute value of years *12 to subtract months # if subtracting that many months results in a good date # format the resulting date # else # report invalid date # .... # else # report an error with years # .... # return the result # end function ### Use Exceptions - opt to set exceptions on or off and return the state. # if null is not passed # anything that evaluates to true # turns on exceptions # else turned off # set the state for using exceptions # .... # return the state # end function ### Use Time Blocks - opt to set using time blocks on or off and return the state. # if null is not passed # anything that evaluates to true # turns on time blocks # else turned off # set the state for using exceptions # .... # return the state # end function ### Week Number - return the week number (0-53) of the year, weeks begin on the first day in the day array. # add to the depth count # if the date is valid # get the 1st of its year # get 1st of the week for Jan 1 # get the difference between day zero of the year and desired date # week number is the integer value of difference divided by 7 # if Jan 1 is also day 0 # add one to the week # .... # else # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ### Ymd - convert a date to an array of year, month, day from a date. Optional time block. # add to the depth count # default to today when null or blank date # try to get a YMD array # if no result was found # report invalid date # else if using time blocks # get the time block when used # attach the time block to the resulting array # .... # return either an array or false # end function ### Ymd Array To Date - convert a YMD array to a date string. # add to the depth count # assume the array is bad # count the array elements # if a numeric array of 3 or 4 values was passed: year , month, day opt time block # if non-zero integers or integer strings are given # build a date string # if it makes a valid date # if there is a 4th element # add it to the date # .... # format the good resulting date # .... # .... # .... # if still a bad result # report invalid array # .... # return the result # end function ### Ymd String To Date - convert a string in the form of yyyymmdd to a date. Optional time block. # add to the depth count # assume a bad result # if a string is passed # trim leading and trailing blanks # explode the string into date / time # test the date part # if no non-digits # if it has exactly 8 digits # if there is a time element # add it to the date # .... # if the date is valid # format a good resulting date # .... # .... # .... # .... # if still a bad result # report invalid date # .... # return the result # end function ######## Private functions ##### ### Add Time Block - return a date with time block appended when time blocks are used # get just the date # if using time blocks # if there is a time block passed # append the passed time block to the date # .... # .... # return result # end function ### Blank Item - true when what is passed is a blank string. # return true if it is a string and trimmed length is zero # end function ### Day Is Valid - return 3-char day when the day is in the week-day array. # add to the depth count # convert to upper case # use just the 1st three characters # if the day of the week is in the day array # return the day # else # return false # .... # return result # end function ### Default Date - default a date to today when the date is null or blank. This does not validate the date. # if date is null or blank # if using time blocks # return today with a time block. # else # return just the date # .... # else # return the date sent # .... # return the result # end function ### Format A Date - format a date using the requested format string. # be sure we have a valid formatting string # if a YMD array can be made which it always should be # hold the time block # determine the desired separator: slash, dash, dot or none for the return format # if a slash # separate with / # elseif a dash # separate with - # elseif a dot # separate with . # else # no separator # .... # only three output arrangements are used -- y,m,d or m,d,y or d,m,y with or without a separator # if m comes first in the output format, # it is month first # elseif the day is first # it is d m y # else # the year comes first # .... # build the resulting date with the chosen separator # add the appropriate time block # else # bad date was sent which should never happen - return false # .... # return the result # end function ### Fresh Start - set global variables for a fresh start. # end function ### Get Date Only - get the date part without the time block. # trim any leading or trailing blanks from the date # separate the date into 2 parts at most # return the date part # end function ### Get The Time Block - return an appropriate time block from a date. # if using time blocks # trim any leading or trailing blanks from the date # replace multiple spaces with one space # separate the date into 2 pieces at most # if two elements are found and a valid time block is present # we captured it # else # set time block to 00:00 # .... # else # return blank # .... # return the time block # end function ### Get a YMD array with any time block removed. # remove any time block # assume the result is false # if exactly 8 characters and all are digits, treat it as yyyymmdd # divide it into an array of 3 parts # if year >= 32 and it checks good # return the array # else # report invalid date # .... # elseif the date uses - . or / in its format # convert any / to dash # convert any . to dash # separate the string into parts on the dash # rebuild date as an integer and as a string with digits only # because non-digits are not valid # if exactly 3 parts are found, and string value == integer value # if year >= 32 and checkdate says the y,m,d checks # it is a good array # elseif checkdate verifies it as as m,d,y and year >= 32 # rebuild the array as y,m,d # .... # if the result is a valid array # make sure month and day have 2 digits each and year has 4 # .... # .... # .... # return either an array or false # end function ### Go Deeper - add one to the internal depth count. # add 1 to the exception depth # return the depth # end function ### Go Up - subtract one from the depth count. # subtract one count # depth should never be negative # end function ### Greater Time Block - return the greater of two time blocks (1, 2, or zero when identical). # convert time 1 to seconds since midnight # convert time 2 to seconds since midnight # if very same time # return zero # else # return the greater of time 1 or time 2 # .... # return 0, 1, or 2 # end function ### Integer Or String Value - return the value as an integer. # if a string is given # trim blanks # if anything other than integer characters # return false # else # convert to integer # .... # elseif an integer # return it, which may be zero # else # return false # .... # return the result # end function ### Integer Range - true when a value is in the 'from' and 'to' range. # if X is an invalid integer or integer string # result is false # else # since this is used only internally, integers or integer string values are assummed # if x >= from and <= to, # .... # return result # end function ### Julian Value - convert a date to Julian integer without the time block. # if a real date is given # make the date into YMD array # convert to Julian days from date (m, d, y) # else # return false # .... # return result # end function ### Mon Year - format a date as 'mon year' like Mar 2005. # get a ymd array # the month string and year # return the result # end function ### Null Date - true when what is passed is null. # return true when the item passed is null # end function ### Return Result - go up one level in the depth and return the given result. # go up one level # if at depth zero we are where the first date_math function was called # reset globals to a fresh start # .... # return result # end function ### Set Error Message - set an error message in the public error variable. # get the call stack # if the 'goback' stack has the desired entry - either 1 , 2 or 3 back # return the name of the 'goback' function # else # error came from the main function # .... # record the error in public variable # if at depth 1 - the function was called from your script # reset variables # if throwing exceptions # throw the exception # .... # .... # always return false # end function ### Set Invalid Date Message in the public variable for the lastError. # build and return the message # end function ### Set Invalid Day Of Week Message in the public variable for the lastError. # build and return the message # end function ### Set Invalid Integer Message in the public variable for the lastError. # build and return the invalid integer message # end function ### Set An Invalid Message in the public variable for the lastError. # set the error message and the name of the function being called. # end function ### String of Digits Only - returns only digits 0-9 as a string which may have leading zeros. # start with a blank result # if an integer is given # cast it as a string # elseif a string is given # loop thru the string # if the character is a digit 0-9, # retain it # .... # <--- # else # error: neither a string nor integer # .... # return the result # end function ### Time Block Value - return the integer value in seconds since midnight of a time block. # if other than blank or null and a valid time # AM and PM need to be upper case # break out the optional AM PM # break out hours minutes and seconds # compute hours as seconds # add each minute as 60 seconds # if any seconds # add them to the result # .... # if PM is set # add 43200 seconds (12*60*60) # .... # else return zero # return blank # .... # return the result # end function ### Valid Format - return a valid format string. # if theformat string passed is null # use the default format # else # convert format string to lower case # replace dd, mm, yy yyyy with just one of each # if format string does not have exactly one each of d m y (chr 100, 109, 121) # revert to the default format # .... #.... # return a good format string # end function ### Valid Time Block - return the time block when it is valid. # add to the depth count # assume it is valid # remove any leading and trailing blanks # if blank or null # it is not invalid # elseif any character is not in the character set for time # it is not invalid # else # separate the optional AM PM # if more than two elements # it is not valid # .... # separate hours minutes and seconds # if no minutes # it is not invalid # elseif minutes outside the range of 0-59 # it is not invalid # elseif two parts to the time block - should have AM or PM # if hours outside 0 - 12 # it is not invalid # elseif AM PM is not exactly 2 haracters long # it is not valid # elseif not either AM or PM # it is not valid # .... # elseif hours outside 0-23 # it is not invalid # .... # if seconds are present # if outside the range of 0-59 # it is not invalid # .... # .... # .... # if valid # return the time block # else # enter an error message and return false # .... # return the result # end function # end class