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File: stdo.class.php

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  Classes of Christian Hansel   Simple Date Time Object   stdo.class.php   Download  
File: stdo.class.php
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Description: The Simple DateTimeObject Class
Class: Simple Date Time Object
Perform date calculations and convert formats
Author: By
Last change: Thx to Jacek $$ to $ changed ...
Date: 20 years ago
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<?php /****************************************************************************************************** / Class SDTO - Simple DateTime Object / A simple way to handle times and dates and to convert between / System and SQL Formats / / (C) 2001-2004 Christian Hansel, CVH, [email protected] / / Distributed under GPL, may be distributed, modified and utilized if Copyright / notice is maintained and manual is provided and author is notified of modifications / / Please support our development by sending remarks or comments or suggestions / /********************************************************************************************************/ class SimpleDateTimeObject { var $basetime; // @private - holds UniX Timestamp var $calctime; // @private - holds UniX Timestamp Calculations var $stdParamDateList; // @private - holds StandardParameters for Dropdown-lists var $stdParamAdd; // @private - holds StandardParameters for Adding/Substracting Periods /* Constructor */ function SimpleDateTimeObject ($timestamp = -1) { $this->basetime = ($timestamp == -1) ? mktime() : $timestamp; $this->calctime = $this->basetime; $this->stdParamDateList = array( "start" => 0, "run" => 5, "steps" => 1, "running" =>"days", "format" =>"d.M.Y H:i", "keyformat" => "" , "style" => ""); $this->stdParamAdd = array( "years"=>0, "months"=>0, "days"=>0, "hours"=>0, "minutes"=>0, "seconds"=>0); } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public Time2Array - / Helper Function which Transforms a Time-String / in SQL Format into an Array of Periods / Parameters $timestring - e.g. "-01:00:00) / /********************************************************************************************************/ function Time2Array($timestring) { $timestring = preg_replace("#\s#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\:#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\.#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\-#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\/#","",$timestring); $fac = ("-" == substr($timestring,0,1)) ? -1 : 1; $timestring = ("-" == substr($timestring,0,1) || "+" == substr($timestring,0,1)) ? substr($timestring,1,strlen($timestring)-1) : $timestring; $array['hours'] = $fac * substr($timestring, 0,2); $array['minutes'] = $fac * substr($timestring, 2,2) ; $array['seconds'] = (4 < strlen($timestring)) ? $fac * substr($timestring, 4,2) : 0; return $array; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public DateTime2Array - / Helper Function which Transforms a DateTime-String / in SQL Format into an Array of Periods / Parameters $timestring - e.g. "12.01.2004 23:00:00) / /********************************************************************************************************/ function DateTime2Array($timestring) { $timestring = preg_replace("#\s#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\:#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\.#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\/#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\-#","",$timestring); $fac = ("-" == substr($timestring,0,1)) ? -1 : 1; $timestring = ("-" == substr($timestring,0,1)) ? substr($timestring,1,strlen($timestring)-1) : $timestring; $array['years'] = (6==strlen($timestamp)) ? $fac * substr($timestamp,0,2): $fac * substr($timestamp,0,4); $array['months'] = (6==strlen($timestamp)) ? $fac * substr($timestamp,2,2): $fac * substr($timestamp,4,2); $array['days'] = (6==strlen($timestamp)) ? $fac * substr($timestamp,4,2): $fac * substr($timestamp,6,2); $array['hours'] = (12 > strlen($timestamp)) ? 0 : $fac * substr($timestamp, 8,2); $array['minutes'] = (12 > strlen($timestamp)) ? 0 : $fac * substr($timestamp, 10,2); $array['seconds'] = (14 > strlen($timestamp)) ? 0 : $fac * substr($timestamp, 12,2); return $array; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public add - / Adds a Period to the BaseTime of the Object / Returns a Unix Timestamp / Parameters $param [Array]- e.g.array("days"=>2, "months"=> 1, "hours"=>4) / optional $overwrite [Bool] = true - If true the BaseTime of the / Object will be overwritten with / or adjusted to the calculated result / /********************************************************************************************************/ function add($param = array(), $overwrite = true) { $base_day = date ("d",$this->basetime); $base_month = date ("m",$this->basetime); $base_year = date ("Y",$this->basetime); $base_hour = date ("H",$this->basetime); $base_minute = date ("i",$this->basetime); $base_second = date ("s",$this->basetime); $hours = (isset($param['hours']) && ! empty($param['hours'])) ? $param['hours'] : $this->stdParamAdd['hours']; $minutes = (isset($param['minutes']) && ! empty($param['minutes'])) ? $param['minutes'] : $this->stdParamAdd['minutes']; $seconds = (isset($param['seconds']) && ! empty($param['seconds'])) ? $param['seconds'] : $this->stdParamAdd['seconds']; $days = (isset($param['days']) && ! empty($param['days'])) ? $param['days'] : $this->stdParamAdd['days']; $months = (isset($param['months']) && ! empty($param['months'])) ? $param['months'] : $this->stdParamAdd['months']; $years = (isset($param['years']) && ! empty($param['years'])) ? $param['years'] : $this->stdParamAdd['years']; $this->calctime = mktime ( $base_hour + $hours, $base_minute + $minutes, $base_second + $seconds, $base_month + $months, $base_day + $days, $base_year + $years); if ($overwrite) { $this->basetime = $this->calctime; } return $this->calctime; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public sub - / Subtracts a Period from the BaseTime of the Object / Returns a Unix Timestamp / Parameters $param [Array]- e.g.array("days"=>2, "months"=> 1, "hours"=>4) / optional $overwrite [Bool] = true - If true the BaseTime of the / Object will be overwritten with / or adjusted to the calculated result / /********************************************************************************************************/ function sub($param = array(), $overwrite = true) { $base_day = date ("d",$this->basetime); $base_month = date ("m",$this->basetime); $base_year = date ("Y",$this->basetime); $base_hour = date ("H",$this->basetime); $base_minute = date ("i",$this->basetime); $base_second = date ("s",$this->basetime); $hours = (isset($param['hours']) && ! empty($param['hours'])) ? $param['hours'] : $this->stdParamAdd['hours']; $minutes = (isset($param['minutes']) && ! empty($param['minutes'])) ? $param['minutes'] : $this->stdParamAdd['minutes']; $seconds = (isset($param['seconds']) && ! empty($param['seconds'])) ? $param['seconds'] : $this->stdParamAdd['seconds']; $days = (isset($param['days']) && ! empty($param['days'])) ? $param['days'] : $this->stdParamAdd['days']; $months = (isset($param['months']) && ! empty($param['months'])) ? $param['months'] : $this->stdParamAdd['months']; $years = (isset($param['years']) && ! empty($param['years'])) ? $param['years'] : $this->stdParamAdd['years']; $this->calctime = mktime ( $base_hour - $hours, $base_minute - $minutes, $base_second - $seconds, $base_month - $months, $base_day - $days, $base_year - $years); if ($overwrite) { $this->basetime = $this->calctime; } return $this->calctime; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public diff_MySQL - / Calculates the Difference between a MYSQL Timestamp / and the Objects Basetime which is useful for SQL commands / like "SELECT DAT_ADD(mydate, INTERVAL '10 02' DAY_HOUR) / or to be used in PHP/HTML : print "The time you have to do this job is ".$result['days']; / returns an array like Array { "years" => 1 , / "weeks" => 5 , / "days" => 3 , / "hours" => 0, / "minutes" => 35 , / "days" => 0 } / when the Parameter $timestring lies 1 year and 5 weeks and 3 days and 35 minutes after / the Basetime of the Object } / Parameters $timestring - A MysQL Dat/DateTime String : e.g. "20040711132712" / $allow_negative - if true negative Differences will be returned as such / otherwise differences are always positive / /********************************************************************************************************/ function diff_MySQL($timestring, $allow_negative = false) { $basetime = $this->basetime; // 2BRemembered $target = $this->setMySQLDateTime($timestring); if ($target > $basetime) { $diff = $target - $basetime ; $fac = 1; } else { $diff = $basetime-$target; $fac = ($allow_negative)? -1 : 1; } $diffarr['years'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"years"); $diffarr['weeks'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"weeks"); $diffarr['days'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"days"); $diffarr['hours'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"hours"); $diffarr['minutes'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"minutes"); $diffarr['seconds'] = $fac * $this->extract_from_seconds($diff,"seconds"); $this->basetime = $basetime; return $diffarr; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @private / public extract_from_seconds - / extracts full years / days / weeks / hours / or minutes from a Unix Timestamp a / any period given seconds / returns an integer of the time unit provided as parameter 2 (e.g. 'hours') / Parameters $seconds !!!ByRef!!! - An integer of seconds / $what (String) - What shall be extracted ("hours"/"minutes"/"days"/"weeks"/"years") / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function extract_from_seconds(&$seconds,$what) { switch ($what) { case "minutes": case "minutes": case "minutes": case "i": $value = bcdiv($seconds,60); $seconds = bcmod($seconds,60); break; case "hours": case "H": case "h": case "hour": $value = bcdiv($seconds,3600); $seconds = bcmod($seconds,3600); break; case "days": case "D": case "d": case "day": $value = bcdiv($seconds,3600*24); $seconds = bcmod($seconds,3600*24); break; case "weeks": case "W": case "w": case "week": $value = bcdiv($seconds,3600*24*7); $seconds = bcmod($seconds,3600*24*7); break; case "years": case "year": case "y": case "Y": $value = bcdiv($seconds,3600*24*365); $seconds = bcmod($seconds,3600*24*365); break; default: $value = $seconds; } return $value; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @private / public reset - / resets the Object's basetime to the current Systemtime / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function reset() { $this->DateTimeObject(mktime()); } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public setMySQLDateTime($timestamp) - / Sets the Object's base time to the time provided by Timestring / return Unix timestamp equivilant / Parameters : $timestring = String of MySQL DateTime (e.g ("20010911091200") or "2001-09-11 09:12:00") / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function setMySQLDateTime($timestring) { $timestring .=""; $timestring = preg_replace("#\s#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\:#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\.#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\-#","",$timestring); $timestring = preg_replace("#\/#","",$timestring); $year = (6==strlen($timestring)) ? substr($timestring,0,2): substr($timestring,0,4); $month = (6==strlen($timestring)) ? substr($timestring,2,2): substr($timestring,4,2); $day = (6==strlen($timestring)) ? substr($timestring,4,2): substr($timestring,6,2); $hour = (12 > strlen($timestring)) ? 0 : substr($timestring, 8,2); $minute = (12 > strlen($timestring)) ? 0 : substr($timestring, 10,2); $second = (14 > strlen($timestring)) ? 0 : substr($timestring, 12,2); $this->SimpleDateTimeObject(mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month, $day,$year)); return $this->getTimestamp(); } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public getMySQLDateTime() - / Returns the Object's base time in preset MySQLFormat "YmdHis" / / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function getMySQLDateTime(){ return date("YmdHis",$this->basetime); } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public getTimestamp() - / Returns the Object's base time as Unix TimeStamp / / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function getTimestamp() { return $this->basetime; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public day() - / Returns the Day of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function day( $format = "d", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public month() - / Returns the Month of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function month ( $format = "m", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public year() - / Returns the Year of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function year ( $format = "Y", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public hour() - / Returns the hour of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function hour ( $format = "H", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public minute() - / Returns the Minutes of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function minute ( $format = "i", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public second() - / Returns the Seconds of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function second ( $format = "s", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public getString - / Returns the Formated Time of the Object's base time / Paramters optional $format - specify the format of the returned value / according to the allowed Format Strings of / PHP 's own date command / optional $timestamp - specify a time of which a part shall be returned / if not specified the Objects BaseTime will be used / / /********************************************************************************************************/ function getString ( $format = "M, dS Y h:i a", $timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) { return date ($format,$this->basetime); } else {return date ($format,$timestamp);} } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public dropdown / - returns a string containing a HTML DropDown Field (SELECT) based on the current basetime / Parameters : / $name - Name of the HTML-Select Tag / optional $param - Array of Paramaters configuring the Select Field ['formatshow'] - Specify the way the entries will be showed / ['format'] - Specify the kind of Field to be produced (months / years / days .. What will be run? ['start'] - Specify a start value From where will be run? / ['run'] - Specify the number of entries to be produced / How far will be run?/ / ['style'] - Specify a CSS - Class to be used / ['selectsize'] - Specify the Size of the Select Tag ( 1 Row or multirow) / ['selecteddate'] - preselected Date / /***************************************************************************************************/ function dropdown ($name, $param=array()) { $start = (isset($param['start']) && ! empty($param['start'])) ? $param['start'] : $this->stdParamAdd['start']; $run = (isset($param['run']) && ! empty($param['run'])) ? $param['run'] : $this->stdParamAdd['run']; $format = (isset($param['format']) && ! empty($param['format'])) ? $param['format'] : "d"; $style = (isset($param['style']) && ! empty($param['style'])) ? $param['style'] : ""; $selectsize = (isset($param['selectsize']) && ! empty($param['selectsize'])) ? $param['selectsize'] : 1; $selecteddate = (isset($param['selecteddate']) && ! empty($param['selecteddate'])) ? $param['selecteddate'] : $this->basetime; $base_day = date ("d",$this->basetime); $base_month = date ("m",$this->basetime); $base_year = date ("Y",$this->basetime); $base_hour = date ("H",$this->basetime); $base_minute = date ("i",$this->basetime); $base_second = date ("s",$this->basetime); switch ($format) { case "months": case "month": case "m": $frm = "m"; $field = &$base_month; $base_day=1; // As there are months which don't have 29th,30th,31st break; case "years": case "year": case "y": $base_day=1; // As there are months which don't have 29th,30th,31st $frm = "Y"; $field = &$base_year; break; case "hours": case "hour": case "h": $frm = "H"; $field = &$base_hour; break; case "minutes": case "minute": case "i": $frm = "i"; $field = &$base_minute; break; case "seconds": case "second": case "s": $frm = "s"; $field = &$base_second; break; case "days": case "day": case "d": default: $frm = "d"; $field = &$base_day; break; } $formatshow = (isset($param['formatshow']) && ! empty($param['formatshow'])) ? $param['formatshow'] : $frm; $start = date($frm, $this->basetime) + $start; $selected = date($frm, $selecteddate); for($field=$start; $field<=$start+$run; $field++) { $key = date ($frm,mktime ( $base_hour, $base_minute, $base_second, $base_month, $base_day, $base_year)); $value = date ($formatshow,mktime ( $base_hour, $base_minute, $base_second, $base_month, $base_day, $base_year)); $outputString .= ($key == $selected) ? ' <option value="'.$key.'" selected="selected">'.$value."</option>\n" : ' <option value="'.$key.'">'.$value."</option>\n"; } return "<select name=\"".$name."\" class=\"$style\" size=\"$selectsize\">\n".$outputString."</select>\n"; } /**************************************************************************************************** / @public datelist / - returns a string containing a HTML DropDown Field (SELECT) based on the current basetime / Parameters : / $name - Name of the HTML-Select Tag / optional $param - Array of Paramaters configuring the Select Field / ['format'] - Specify the format of the Labels in the Selectbox ['keyformat'] - Specify the format of the value in the option tags ['running'] - Specify iteration / What will be run ? (e.g. "hours", "years") ['start'] - Specify a start value From where will be run? / ['run'] - Specify the number of entries to be produced / How far will be run?/ ['steps'] - Specify the distance between the entries in X format / ['style'] - Specify a CSS - Class to be used / ['selectsize'] - Specify the Size of the Select Tag ( 1 Row or multirow) / ['selecteddate'] - preselected Date / /***************************************************************************************************/ function datelist ( $name, $param = array()) { $base_day = date ("d",$this->basetime); $base_month = date ("m",$this->basetime); $base_year = date ("Y",$this->basetime); $base_hour = date ("H",$this->basetime); $base_minute = date ("i",$this->basetime); $base_second = date ("s",$this->basetime); $start = (isset($param['start']) && ! empty($param['start'])) ? $param['start'] : $this->stdParamAdd['start']; $run = (isset($param['run']) && ! empty($param['run'])) ? $param['run'] : $this->stdParamAdd['run']; $steps = (isset($param['steps']) && ! empty($param['steps'])) ? $param['steps'] : $this->stdParamAdd['steps']; $running = (isset($param['running']) && ! empty($param['running'])) ? $param['running'] : $this->stdParamAdd['running']; $format = (isset($param['format']) && ! empty($param['format'])) ? $param['format'] : $this->stdParamAdd['format']; $keyformat = (isset($param['keyformat']) && ! empty($param['keyformat'])) ? $param['keyformat'] : $this->stdParamAdd['keyformat']; $style = (isset($param['style']) && ! empty($param['style'])) ? $param['style'] : ""; $selectsize = (isset($param['selectsize']) && ! empty($param['selectsize'])) ? $param['selectsize'] : 1; $selecteddate = (isset($param['selecteddate']) && ! empty($param['selecteddate'])) ? $param['selecteddate'] : $this->basetime; $steps = ($steps<1) ? 1 : $steps; switch ($running) { case "days": case "day": case "d": $field = &$base_day; $frm = "d"; break; case "months": case "month": case "m": $field = &$base_month; $frm = "m"; break; case "years": case "year": case "y": $field = &$base_year; $frm = "Y"; break; case "hours": case "hour": case "h": $field = &$base_hour; $frm = "H"; break; case "minutes": case "minute": case "i": $field = &$base_minute; $frm = "i"; break; case "seconds": case "second": case "s": $field = &$base_second; $frm = "s"; break; } $start = date($frm, $this->basetime) + $start; $selected = date($keyformat, $selecteddate); for($field=$start; $field<=$start+$run; $field=$field+$steps) { if ("" == $keyformat) { $key = mktime ( $base_hour, $base_minute, $base_second, $base_month, $base_day, $base_year); } else { $key = date($keyformat,mktime ( $base_hour, $base_minute, $base_second, $base_month, $base_day, $base_year)); } $value = date($format,mktime ( $base_hour, $base_minute, $base_second, $base_month, $base_day, $base_year)); $outputString .= ($key==$selected)? ' <option value="'.$key.'" selected="selected">'.$value."</option>\n" : ' <option value="'.$key.'">'.$value."</option>\n"; } return "<select name=\"".$name."\" class=\"$style\" size=\"$selectsize\">\n".$outputString."</select>\n"; } } if (! function_exists('bcdiv')) { function bcdiv($divident, $divisor) // Ganzzahldivision - ERsatz für bcdiv { return floor($divident/$divisor); } } if (! function_exists('bcmod')) { function bcmod($divident, $divisor) // Ganzzahldivisionsmodulo - Eratz für bcmod { return $divident - ($divisor*bcdiv($divident,$divisor)); } } ?>