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File: web/SSO/modules/consentAdmin/www/consentAdmin.php

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File: web/SSO/modules/consentAdmin/www/consentAdmin.php
Role: Example script
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Description: Example script
Class: Raptor 2
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 * consentAdmin - Consent administration module
 * This module enables the user to add and remove consents given for a given
 * Service Provider.
 * The module relies on methods and functions from the Consent module and can
 * not be user without it.
 * Author: Mads Freen <>, Jacob Christiansen <>

 * Runs the processingchain and ignores all filter which have user
 * interaction.
function driveProcessingChain($idp_metadata, $source, $sp_metadata, $sp_entityid, $attributes, $userid, $hashAttributes = FALSE) {

     * Create a new processing chain
$pc = new SimpleSAML_Auth_ProcessingChain($idp_metadata, $sp_metadata, 'idp');

     * Construct the state.
     * REMEMBER: Do not set Return URL if you are calling processStatePassive
$authProcState = array(
'Attributes' => $attributes,
'Destination' => $sp_metadata,
'Source' => $idp_metadata,
'isPassive' => TRUE,

     * Call processStatePAssive.
     * We are not interested in any user interaction, only modifications to the attributes

$attributes = $authProcState['Attributes'];

     * Generate identifiers and hashes
$destination = $sp_metadata['metadata-set'] . '|' . $sp_entityid;

$targeted_id = sspmod_consent_Auth_Process_Consent::getTargetedID($userid, $source, $destination);
$attribute_hash = sspmod_consent_Auth_Process_Consent::getAttributeHash($attributes, $hashAttributes);

SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: user: ' . $userid);
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: target: ' . $targeted_id);
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: attribute: ' . $attribute_hash);

/* Return values */
return array($targeted_id, $attribute_hash, $attributes);

// Get config object
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$cA_config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_consentAdmin.php');
$authority = $cA_config->getValue('authority');

$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($authority);

// If request is a logout request
if(array_key_exists('logout', $_REQUEST)) {
$returnURL = $cA_config->getValue('returnURL');

$hashAttributes = $cA_config->getValue('attributes.hash');

/* Check if valid local session exists */

// Get released attributes
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();

// Get metadata storage handler
$metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();

 * Get IdP id and metadata

$local_idp_entityid = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted');
$local_idp_metadata = $metadata->getMetaData($local_idp_entityid, 'saml20-idp-hosted');

$as->getAuthData('saml:sp:IdP') !== NULL) {
     * From a remote idp (as bridge)
$idp_entityid = $as->getAuthData('saml:sp:IdP');
$idp_metadata = $metadata->getMetaData($idp_entityid, 'saml20-idp-remote');
} else {
     * from the local idp
$idp_entityid = $local_idp_entityid;
$idp_metadata = $local_idp_metadata;

// Get user ID
$userid_attributename = (isset($local_idp_metadata['userid.attribute']) && is_string($local_idp_metadata['userid.attribute'])) ? $local_idp_metadata['userid.attribute'] : 'eduPersonPrincipalName';

$userids = $attributes[$userid_attributename];
if (empty(
$userids)) {
    throw new
Exception('Could not generate useridentifier for storing consent. Attribute [' .
$userid_attributename . '] was not available.');

$userid = $userids[0];

// Get all SP metadata
$all_sp_metadata = $metadata->getList('saml20-sp-remote');

// Parse action, if any
$action = null;
$sp_entityid = null;
if (!empty(
$_GET['cv'])) {
if (!empty(
$_GET['action'])) {

SimpleSAML_Logger::critical('consentAdmin: sp: ' .$sp_entityid.' action: '.$action);

// Remove services, whitch have consent disabled
if(isset($idp_metadata['consent.disable'])) {
$idp_metadata['consent.disable'] AS $disable) {
array_key_exists($disable, $all_sp_metadata)) {

SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: '.$idp_entityid);

// Calc correct source
$source = $idp_metadata['metadata-set'] . '|' . $idp_entityid;

// Parse consent config
$consent_storage = sspmod_consent_Store::parseStoreConfig($cA_config->getValue('consentadmin'));

// Calc correct user ID hash
$hashed_user_id = sspmod_consent_Auth_Process_Consent::getHashedUserID($userid, $source);

// If a checkbox have been clicked
if ($action != null && $sp_entityid != null) {
// Get SP metadata
$sp_metadata = $metadata->getMetaData($sp_entityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');

// Run AuthProc filters
list($targeted_id, $attribute_hash, $attributes_new) = driveProcessingChain($idp_metadata, $source, $sp_metadata, $sp_entityid, $attributes, $userid, $hashAttributes);

// Add a consent (or update if attributes have changed and old consent for SP and IdP exists)
if($action == 'true') {
$isStored = $consent_storage->saveConsent($hashed_user_id, $targeted_id, $attribute_hash);
$isStored) {
$res = "added";
        } else {
$res = "updated";
// Remove consent
} else if($action == 'false') {
// Got consent, so this is a request to remove it
$rowcount = $consent_storage->deleteConsent($hashed_user_id, $targeted_id, $attribute_hash);
$rowcount > 0) {
$res = "removed";
// Unknown action (should not happen)
} else {
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: unknown action');
$res = "unknown";
     * Init template to enable translation of status messages
$et = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'consentAdmin:consentadminajax.php', 'consentAdmin:consentadmin');
$et->data['res'] = $res;

// Get all consents for user
$user_consent_list = $consent_storage->getConsents($hashed_user_id);

// Parse list of consents
$user_consent = array();
foreach (
$user_consent_list as $c) {

$template_sp_content = array();

// Init template
$et = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'consentAdmin:consentadmin.php', 'consentAdmin:consentadmin');
$sp_empty_name = $et->getTag('sp_empty_name');
$sp_empty_description = $et->getTag('sp_empty_description');

// Process consents for all SP
foreach ($all_sp_metadata as $sp_entityid => $sp_values) {
// Get metadata for SP
$sp_metadata = $metadata->getMetaData($sp_entityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');

// Run attribute filters
list($targeted_id, $attribute_hash, $attributes_new) = driveProcessingChain($idp_metadata, $source, $sp_metadata, $sp_entityid, $attributes, $userid, $hashAttributes);

// Check if consent exists
if (array_key_exists($targeted_id, $user_consent)) {
$sp_status = "changed";
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: changed');
// Check if consent is valid. (Possible that attributes has changed)
if ($user_consent[$targeted_id] == $attribute_hash) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: ok');
$sp_status = "ok";
// Consent does not exists
} else {
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('consentAdmin: none');
$sp_status = "none";

// Set name of SP
if(isset($sp_values['name']) && is_array($sp_values['name'])) {
$sp_name = $sp_metadata['name'];
    } else if(isset(
$sp_values['name']) && is_string($sp_values['name'])) {
$sp_name = $sp_metadata['name'];
    } elseif(isset(
$sp_values['OrganizationDisplayName']) && is_array($sp_values['OrganizationDisplayName'])) {
$sp_name = $sp_metadata['OrganizationDisplayName'];
    } else {
$sp_name = $sp_empty_name;

// Set description of SP
if(empty($sp_metadata['description']) || !is_array($sp_metadata['description'])) {
$sp_description = $sp_empty_description;
    } else {
$sp_description = $sp_metadata['description'];

// Add a URL to the service if present in metadata
$sp_service_url = isset($sp_metadata['ServiceURL']) ? $sp_metadata['ServiceURL'] : null;

// Fill out array for the template
$sp_list[$sp_entityid] = array(
'spentityid' => $sp_entityid,
'name' => $sp_name,
'description' => $sp_description,
'consentStatus' => $sp_status,
'consentValue' => $sp_entityid,
'attributes_by_sp' => $attributes_new,
'serviceurl' => $sp_service_url,

$et->data['header'] = 'Consent Administration';
$et->data['spList'] = $sp_list;
$et->data['showDescription'] = $cA_config->getValue('showDescription');