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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/tree/View.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/tree/View.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ /** * Used as a view by {@link Ext.tree.Panel TreePanel}. */ Ext.define('Ext.tree.View', { extend: 'Ext.view.Table', alias: 'widget.treeview', requires: [ '' ], /** * @property {Boolean} isTreeView * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated TreeView, or subclass thereof. */ isTreeView: true, loadingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-loading', expandedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-node-expanded', leafCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-node-leaf', expanderSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-expander', checkboxSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-checkbox', expanderIconOverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-expander-over', // Class to add to the node wrap element used to hold nodes when a parent is being // collapsed or expanded. During the animation, UI interaction is forbidden by testing // for an ancestor node with this class. nodeAnimWrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-animator-wrap', blockRefresh: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} * @inheritdoc */ loadMask: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible * False to hide the root node. */ rootVisible: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} deferInitialRefresh * Must be false for Tree Views because the root node must be rendered in order to be updated with its child nodes. */ deferInitialRefresh: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} animate * True to enable animated expand/collapse (defaults to the value of {@link Ext#enableFx Ext.enableFx}) */ expandDuration: 250, collapseDuration: 250, toggleOnDblClick: true, stripeRows: false, // fields that will trigger a change in the ui that aren't likely to be bound to a column uiFields: ['expanded', 'loaded', 'checked', 'expandable', 'leaf', 'icon', 'iconCls', 'loading', 'qtip', 'qtitle'], // treeRowTpl which is inserted into thwe rowTpl chain before the base rowTpl. Sets tree-specific classes and attributes treeRowTpl: [ '{%', 'this.processRowValues(values);', 'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);', 'delete values.rowAttr["data-qtip"];', 'delete values.rowAttr["data-qtitle"];', '%}', { priority: 10, processRowValues: function(rowValues) { var record = rowValues.record, view = rowValues.view, qtip = record.get('qtip'), qtitle = record.get('qttle'); rowValues.rowAttr = {}; if (qtip) { rowValues.rowAttr['data-qtip'] = qtip; } if (qtitle) { rowValues.rowAttr['data-qtitle'] = qtitle; } if (record.isExpanded()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.expandedCls); } if (record.isLeaf()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.leafCls); } if (record.isLoading()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.loadingCls); } } } ], initComponent: function() { var me = this, treeStore = me.panel.getStore(), store =; if (me.initialConfig.animate === undefined) { me.animate = Ext.enableFx; } if (!store || store === treeStore) { = store = new{ treeStore: treeStore, recursive: true, rootVisible: me.rootVisible }); } if (me.node) { me.setRootNode(me.node); } me.animQueue = {}; me.animWraps = {}; me.addEvents( /** * @event afteritemexpand * Fires after an item has been visually expanded and is visible in the tree. * @param {} node The node that was expanded * @param {Number} index The index of the node * @param {HTMLElement} item The HTML element for the node that was expanded */ 'afteritemexpand', /** * @event afteritemcollapse * Fires after an item has been visually collapsed and is no longer visible in the tree. * @param {} node The node that was collapsed * @param {Number} index The index of the node * @param {HTMLElement} item The HTML element for the node that was collapsed */ 'afteritemcollapse', /** * @event nodedragover * Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal drop not allowed. * @param {} targetNode The target node * @param {String} position The drop position, "before", "after" or "append", * @param {Object} dragData Data relating to the drag operation * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object for the drag */ 'nodedragover' ); me.callParent(arguments); me.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(me, 'treeRowTpl')); }, onBeforeFill: function(treeStore, fillRoot) {; }, onFillComplete: function(treeStore, fillRoot, newNodes) { var me = this, store =, start = store.indexOf(newNodes[0]); store.resumeEvents(); // Always update the current node, since the load may be triggered // by .load() directly instead of .expand() on the node fillRoot.triggerUIUpdate(); // In the cases of expand, the records might not be in the store yet, // so jump out early and expand will handle it later if (!newNodes.length || start === -1) { return; } // Insert new nodes into the view me.onAdd(, newNodes, start); me.refreshPartner(); }, onBeforeSort: function() {; }, onSort: function(o) { // The store will fire sort events for the nodes that bubble from the tree. // We only want the final one when sorting is completed, fired by the store if (o.isStore) {; this.refresh(); this.refreshPartner(); } }, refreshPartner: function() { var partner = this.lockingPartner; if (partner) { partner.refresh(); } }, getMaskStore: function() { return this.panel.getStore(); }, afterRender: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(arguments); me.el.on({ scope: me, delegate: me.expanderSelector, mouseover: me.onExpanderMouseOver, mouseout: me.onExpanderMouseOut, click: { delegate: me.checkboxSelector, fn: me.onCheckboxChange, scope: me } }); }, afterComponentLayout: function() { this.callParent(arguments); var stretcher = this.stretcher; if (stretcher) { stretcher.setWidth((this.getWidth() - Ext.getScrollbarSize().width)); } }, processUIEvent: function(e) { // If the clicked node is part of an animation, ignore the click. // This is because during a collapse animation, the associated Records // will already have been removed from the Store, and the event is not processable. if (e.getTarget('.' + this.nodeAnimWrapCls, this.el)) { return false; } return this.callParent(arguments); }, onClear: function() {; }, setRootNode: function(node) { var me = this;; me.node = node; }, onCheckboxChange: function(e, t) { var me = this, item = e.getTarget(me.getItemSelector(), me.getTargetEl()); if (item) { me.onCheckChange(me.getRecord(item)); } }, onCheckChange: function(record) { var checked = record.get('checked'); if (Ext.isBoolean(checked)) { checked = !checked; record.set('checked', checked); this.fireEvent('checkchange', record, checked); } }, getChecked: function() { var checked = []; this.node.cascadeBy(function(rec){ if (rec.get('checked')) { checked.push(rec); } }); return checked; }, isItemChecked: function(rec) { return rec.get('checked'); }, /** * @private */ createAnimWrap: function(record, index) { var me = this, node = me.getNode(record), tmpEl, nodeEl, columnSizer = []; me.renderColumnSizer(columnSizer); nodeEl = Ext.get(node); tmpEl = nodeEl.insertSibling({ tag: 'tr', html: [ '<td colspan="' + me.panel.headerCt.getColumnCount() + '">', '<div class="' + me.nodeAnimWrapCls + '">', // Table has to have correct classes to get sized by the dynamic CSS rules '<table class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + + '-table ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-table" style="border:0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">', columnSizer.join(''), '<tbody></tbody></table>', '</div>', '</td>' ].join('') }, 'after'); return { record: record, node: node, el: tmpEl, expanding: false, collapsing: false, animating: false, animateEl: tmpEl.down('div'), targetEl: tmpEl.down('tbody') }; }, /** * @private * Returns the animation wrapper element for the specified parent node, used to wrap the child nodes as * they slide up or down during expand/collapse. * * @param parent The parent node to be expanded or collapsed * * @param [bubble=true] If the passed parent node does not already have a wrap element created, by default * this function will bubble up to each parent node looking for a valid wrap element to reuse, returning * the first one it finds. This is the appropriate behavior, e.g., for the collapse direction, so that the * entire expanded set of branch nodes can collapse as a single unit. * * However for expanding each parent node should instead always create its own animation wrap if one * doesn't exist, so that its children can expand independently of any other nodes -- this is crucial * when executing the "expand all" behavior. If multiple nodes attempt to reuse the same ancestor wrap * element concurrently during expansion it will lead to problems as the first animation to complete will * delete the wrap el out from under other running animations. For that reason, when expanding you should * always pass `bubble: false` to be on the safe side. * * If the passed parent has no wrap (or there is no valid ancestor wrap after bubbling), this function * will return null and the calling code should then call {@link #createAnimWrap} if needed. * * @return {Ext.Element} The wrapping element as created in {@link #createAnimWrap}, or null */ getAnimWrap: function(parent, bubble) { if (!this.animate) { return null; } var wraps = this.animWraps, wrap = wraps[parent.internalId]; if (bubble !== false) { while (!wrap && parent) { parent = parent.parentNode; if (parent) { wrap = wraps[parent.internalId]; } } } return wrap; }, doAdd: function(records, index) { // If we are adding records which have a parent that is currently expanding // lets add them to the animation wrap var me = this, nodes = me.bufferRender(records, index, true), record = records[0], parent = record.parentNode, all = me.all, relativeIndex, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent), targetEl, children, len; if (!animWrap || !animWrap.expanding) { return me.callParent(arguments); } // We need the parent that has the animWrap, not the node's parent parent = animWrap.record; // If there is an anim wrap we do our special magic logic targetEl = animWrap.targetEl; children = targetEl.dom.childNodes; len = children.length; // The relative index is the index in the full flat collection minus the index of the wraps parent relativeIndex = index - me.indexInStore(parent) - 1; // If we are adding records to the wrap that have a higher relative index then there are currently children // it means we have to append the nodes to the wrap if (!len || relativeIndex >= len) { targetEl.appendChild(nodes); } // If there are already more children then the relative index it means we are adding child nodes of // some expanded node in the anim wrap. In this case we have to insert the nodes in the right location else {[relativeIndex]).insertSibling(nodes, 'before', true); } // We also have to update the node cache of the DataView all.insert(index, nodes); // If we were in an animation we need to now change the animation // because the targetEl just got higher. if (animWrap.isAnimating) { me.onExpand(parent); } }, onRemove : function(ds, records, indexes) { var me = this, empty, i; if (me.viewReady) { empty = === 0; // Nothing left, just refresh the view. if (empty) { me.refresh(); } else { // Remove in reverse order so that indices remain correct for (i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { me.doRemove(records[i], indexes[i]); } } // Only loop through firing the event if there's anyone listening if (me.hasListeners.itemremove) { for (i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { me.fireEvent('itemremove', records[i], indexes[i]); } } } }, doRemove: function(record, index) { // If we are adding records which have a parent that is currently expanding // lets add them to the animation wrap var me = this, all = me.all, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(record), item = all.item(index), node = item ? item.dom : null; if (!node || !animWrap || !animWrap.collapsing) { return me.callParent(arguments); } // Insert the item at the beginning of the animate el - child nodes are removed // in reverse order so that the index can be used. animWrap.targetEl.dom.insertBefore(node, animWrap.targetEl.dom.firstChild); all.removeElement(index); }, onBeforeExpand: function(parent, records, index) { var me = this, animWrap; if (me.rendered && me.all.getCount() && me.animate) { if (me.getNode(parent)) { animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent, false); if (!animWrap) { animWrap = me.animWraps[parent.internalId] = me.createAnimWrap(parent); animWrap.animateEl.setHeight(0); } else if (animWrap.collapsing) { // If we expand this node while it is still expanding then we // have to remove the nodes from the animWrap.; } animWrap.expanding = true; animWrap.collapsing = false; } } }, onExpand: function(parent) { var me = this, queue = me.animQueue, id = parent.getId(), node = me.getNode(parent), index = node ? me.indexOf(node) : -1, animWrap, animateEl, targetEl, fromHeight = Ext.isIEQuirks ? 1 : 0 // Quirks mode on IE seems to have issues with 0; if (me.singleExpand) { me.ensureSingleExpand(parent); } // The item is not visible yet if (index === -1) { return; } animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent, false); if (!animWrap) { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemexpand', parent, index, node); me.refreshSize(); return; } animateEl = animWrap.animateEl; targetEl = animWrap.targetEl; animateEl.stopAnimation(); queue[id] = true; // Must set element height because animation does not set initial condition until first tick has elapsed = fromHeight + 'px'; animateEl.animate({ from: { height: fromHeight }, to: { height: targetEl.getHeight() }, duration: me.expandDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function() { // Move all the nodes out of the anim wrap to their proper location // Must do this in afteranimate because lastframe does not fire if the // animation is stopped. var items = targetEl.query(me.itemSelector); if (items.length) { animWrap.el.insertSibling(items, 'before', true); } animWrap.el.remove(); me.refreshSize(); delete me.animWraps[animWrap.record.internalId]; delete queue[id]; } }, callback: function() { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemexpand', parent, index, node); } }); animWrap.isAnimating = true; }, // Triggered by the NodeStore's onNodeCollapse event. onBeforeCollapse: function(parent, records, index, callback, scope) { var me = this, animWrap; if (me.rendered && me.all.getCount()) { if (me.animate) { // Only process if the collapsing node is in the UI. // A node may be collapsed as part of a recursive ancestor collapse, and if it // has already been removed from the UI by virtue of an ancestor being collapsed, we should not do anything. if (Ext.Array.contains(parent.stores, { animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent); if (!animWrap) { animWrap = me.animWraps[parent.internalId] = me.createAnimWrap(parent, index); } else if (animWrap.expanding) { // If we collapse this node while it is still expanding then we // have to remove the nodes from the animWrap.; } animWrap.expanding = false; animWrap.collapsing = true; animWrap.callback = callback; animWrap.scope = scope; } } else { // Cache any passed callback for use in the onCollapse post collapse handler non-animated codepath me.onCollapseCallback = callback; me.onCollapseScope = scope; } } }, onCollapse: function(parent) { var me = this, queue = me.animQueue, id = parent.getId(), node = me.getNode(parent), index = node ? me.indexOf(node) : -1, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent), animateEl; // If the collapsed node is already removed from the UI // by virtue of being a descendant of a collapsed node, then // we have nothing to do here. if (!me.all.getCount() || !Ext.Array.contains(parent.stores, { return; } // Not animating, all items will have been added, so updateLayout and resume layouts if (!animWrap) { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemcollapse', parent, index, node); me.refreshSize(); // Call any collapse callback cached in the onBeforeCollapse handler Ext.callback(me.onCollapseCallback, me.onCollapseScope); me.onCollapseCallback = me.onCollapseScope = null; return; } animateEl = animWrap.animateEl; queue[id] = true; animateEl.stopAnimation(); animateEl.animate({ to: { height: Ext.isIEQuirks ? 1 : 0 // Quirks mode on IE seems to have issues with 0 }, duration: me.collapseDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function() { // In case lastframe did not fire because the animation was stopped. animWrap.el.remove(); me.refreshSize(); delete me.animWraps[animWrap.record.internalId]; delete queue[id]; } }, callback: function() { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemcollapse', parent, index, node); // Call any collapse callback cached in the onBeforeCollapse handler Ext.callback(animWrap.callback, animWrap.scope); animWrap.callback = animWrap.scope = null; } }); animWrap.isAnimating = true; }, /** * Checks if a node is currently undergoing animation * @private * @param {} node The node * @return {Boolean} True if the node is animating */ isAnimating: function(node) { return !!this.animQueue[node.getId()]; }, /** * Expands a record that is loaded in the view. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {} record The record to expand * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to expand nodes all the way down the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the expand is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ expand: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { var me = this, doAnimate = !!me.animate, result; // Block toggling if we are already animating an expand or collapse operation. if (!doAnimate || !record.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!record.isLeaf()) { record.isExpandingOrCollapsing = doAnimate; } // Need to suspend layouts because the expand process makes multiple changes to the UI // in addition to inserting new nodes. Folder and elbow images have to change, so we // need to coalesce all resulting layouts. Ext.suspendLayouts(); result = record.expand(deep, callback, scope); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return result; } }, /** * Collapses a record that is loaded in the view. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {} record The record to collapse * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to collapse nodes all the way up the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the collapse is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ collapse: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { var me = this, doAnimate = !!me.animate; // Block toggling if we are already animating an expand or collapse operation. if (!doAnimate || !record.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!record.isLeaf()) { record.isExpandingOrCollapsing = doAnimate; } return record.collapse(deep, callback, scope); } }, /** * Toggles a record between expanded and collapsed. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {} record * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to collapse nodes all the way up the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the expand/collapse is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ toggle: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { if (record.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(record, deep, callback, scope); } else { this.expand(record, deep, callback, scope); } }, onItemDblClick: function(record, item, index) { var me = this, editingPlugin = me.editingPlugin; me.callParent(arguments); if (me.toggleOnDblClick && record.isExpandable() && !(editingPlugin && editingPlugin.clicksToEdit === 2)) { me.toggle(record); } }, onBeforeItemMouseDown: function(record, item, index, e) { if (e.getTarget(this.expanderSelector, item)) { return false; } return this.callParent(arguments); }, onItemClick: function(record, item, index, e) { if (e.getTarget(this.expanderSelector, item) && record.isExpandable()) { this.toggle(record, e.ctrlKey); return false; } return this.callParent(arguments); }, onExpanderMouseOver: function(e, t) { e.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10, true).addCls(this.expanderIconOverCls); }, onExpanderMouseOut: function(e, t) { e.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10, true).removeCls(this.expanderIconOverCls); }, getStoreListeners: function(){ var me = this, listeners = me.callParent(arguments); return Ext.apply(listeners, { beforeexpand: me.onBeforeExpand, expand: me.onExpand, beforecollapse: me.onBeforeCollapse, collapse: me.onCollapse, write: me.onStoreWrite, datachanged: me.onStoreDataChanged }); }, onBindStore: function(){ var me = this, treeStore = me.getTreeStore(); me.callParent(arguments); me.mon(treeStore, { scope: me, beforefill: me.onBeforeFill, fillcomplete: me.onFillComplete }); if (!treeStore.remoteSort) { // If we're local sorting, we don't want the view to be // continually updated during the sort process me.mon(treeStore, { scope: me, beforesort: me.onBeforeSort, sort: me.onSort }); } }, onUnbindStore: function(){ var me = this, treeStore = me.getTreeStore(); me.callParent(arguments); me.mun(treeStore, { scope: me, beforefill: me.onBeforeFill, fillcomplete: me.onFillComplete }); if (!treeStore.remoteSort) { me.mun(treeStore, { scope: me, beforesort: me.onBeforeSort, sort: me.onSort }); } }, /** * Gets the base TreeStore from the bound TreePanel. */ getTreeStore: function() { return; }, ensureSingleExpand: function(node) { var parent = node.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.eachChild(function(child) { if (child !== node && child.isExpanded()) { child.collapse(); } }); } }, shouldUpdateCell: function(record, column, changedFieldNames){ if (changedFieldNames) { var i = 0, len = changedFieldNames.length; for (; i < len; ++i) { if (Ext.Array.contains(this.uiFields, changedFieldNames[i])) { return true; } } } return this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * Re-fires the NodeStore's "write" event as a TreeStore event * @private * @param {} store * @param {} operation */ onStoreWrite: function(store, operation) { var treeStore =; treeStore.fireEvent('write', treeStore, operation); }, /** * Re-fires the NodeStore's "datachanged" event as a TreeStore event * @private * @param {} store * @param {} operation */ onStoreDataChanged: function(store, operation) { var treeStore =; treeStore.fireEvent('datachanged', treeStore); } });