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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/grid/header/Container.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/grid/header/Container.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ /** * Container which holds headers and is docked at the top or bottom of a TablePanel. * The HeaderContainer drives resizing/moving/hiding of columns within the TableView. * As headers are hidden, moved or resized the headercontainer is responsible for * triggering changes within the view. */ Ext.define('Ext.grid.header.Container', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.ColumnLayout', 'Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer', 'Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderReorderer' ], uses: [ 'Ext.grid.column.Column', 'Ext.grid.ColumnManager', '', '', '' ], border: true, alias: 'widget.headercontainer', baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-header-ct', dock: 'top', /** * @cfg {Number} weight * HeaderContainer overrides the default weight of 0 for all docked items to 100. * This is so that it has more priority over things like toolbars. */ weight: 100, defaultType: 'gridcolumn', detachOnRemove: false, /** * @cfg {Number} defaultWidth * Width of the header if no width or flex is specified. */ defaultWidth: 100, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [sealed=false] * Specify as `true` to constrain column dragging so that a column cannot be dragged into or out of this column. * * **Note that this config is only valid for column headers which contain child column headers, eg:** * { * sealed: true * text: 'ExtJS', * columns: [{ * text: '3.0.4', * dataIndex: 'ext304' * }, { * text: '4.1.0', * dataIndex: 'ext410' * } * } * */ //<locale> sortAscText: 'Sort Ascending', //</locale> //<locale> sortDescText: 'Sort Descending', //</locale> //<locale> sortClearText: 'Clear Sort', //</locale> //<locale> columnsText: 'Columns', //</locale> headerOpenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-open', menuSortAscCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hmenu-sort-asc', menuSortDescCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hmenu-sort-desc', menuColsIcon: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'cols-icon', // private; will probably be removed by 4.0 triStateSort: false, ddLock: false, dragging: false, /** * @property {Boolean} isGroupHeader * True if this HeaderContainer is in fact a group header which contains sub headers. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} sortable * Provides the default sortable state for all Headers within this HeaderContainer. * Also turns on or off the menus in the HeaderContainer. Note that the menu is * shared across every header and therefore turning it off will remove the menu * items for every header. */ sortable: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [enableColumnHide=true] * False to disable column hiding within this grid. */ enableColumnHide: true, initComponent: function() { var me = this; me.headerCounter = 0; me.plugins = me.plugins || []; // TODO: Pass in configurations to turn on/off dynamic // resizing and disable resizing all together // Only set up a Resizer and Reorderer for the topmost HeaderContainer. // Nested Group Headers are themselves HeaderContainers if (!me.isColumn) { if (me.enableColumnResize) { me.resizer = new Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer(); me.plugins.push(me.resizer); } if (me.enableColumnMove) { me.reorderer = new Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderReorderer(); me.plugins.push(me.reorderer); } } // If this is a leaf column header, and is NOT functioning as a container, // use Container layout with a no-op calculate method. if (me.isColumn && (!me.items || me.items.length === 0)) { me.isContainer = false; me.layout = { type: 'container', calculate: Ext.emptyFn }; } // HeaderContainer and Group header needs a gridcolumn layout. else { me.layout = Ext.apply({ type: 'gridcolumn', align: 'stretch' }, me.initialConfig.layout); // Create the owning grid's ColumnManager if (me.isRootHeader) { me.grid.columnManager = me.columnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(me); } } me.defaults = me.defaults || {}; Ext.applyIf(me.defaults, { triStateSort: me.triStateSort, sortable: me.sortable }); me.menuTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.updateMenuDisabledState, me); me.callParent(); me.addEvents( /** * @event columnresize * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {Number} width */ 'columnresize', /** * @event headerclick * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {Ext.EventObject} e * @param {HTMLElement} t */ 'headerclick', /** * @event headercontextmenu * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {Ext.EventObject} e * @param {HTMLElement} t */ 'headercontextmenu', /** * @event headertriggerclick * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {Ext.EventObject} e * @param {HTMLElement} t */ 'headertriggerclick', /** * @event columnmove * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {Number} fromIdx * @param {Number} toIdx */ 'columnmove', /** * @event columnhide * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition */ 'columnhide', /** * @event columnshow * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition */ 'columnshow', /** * @event columnschanged * Fired after the columns change in any way, when a column has been hidden or shown, or when a column * is added to or removed from this header container. * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. */ 'columnschanged', /** * @event sortchange * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} column The Column header Component which provides the column definition * @param {String} direction */ 'sortchange', /** * @event menucreate * Fired immediately after the column header menu is created. * @param {Ext.grid.header.Container} ct This instance * @param {} menu The Menu that was created */ 'menucreate' ); }, isLayoutRoot: function(){ // Since we're docked, the width is always calculated // If we're hidden, the height is explicitly 0, which // means we'll be considered a layout root. However, we // still need the view to layout to update the underlying // table to match the size. if (this.hiddenHeaders) { return false; } return this.callParent(); }, // Find the topmost HeaderContainer getOwnerHeaderCt: function() { var me = this; return me.isRootHeader ? me : me.up('[isRootHeader]'); }, onDestroy: function() { var me = this; if ( {'hide', me.onMenuHide, me); } me.menuTask.cancel(); Ext.destroy(me.resizer, me.reorderer); me.callParent(); }, applyColumnsState: function(columns) { if (!columns || !columns.length) { return; } var me = this, items = me.items.items, count = items.length, i = 0, length = columns.length, c, col, columnState, index; for (c = 0; c < length; c++) { columnState = columns[c]; for (index = count; index--; ) { col = items[index]; if (col.getStateId && col.getStateId() == { // If a column in the new grid matches up with a saved state... // Ensure that the column is restored to the state order. // i is incremented upon every column match, so all persistent // columns are ordered before any new columns. if (i !== index) { me.moveHeader(index, i); } if (col.applyColumnState) { col.applyColumnState(columnState); } ++i; break; } } } }, getColumnsState: function () { var me = this, columns = [], state; me.items.each(function (col) { state = col.getColumnState && col.getColumnState(); if (state) { columns.push(state); } }); return columns; }, // Invalidate column cache on add // We cannot refresh the View on every add because this method is called // when the HeaderDropZone moves Headers around, that will also refresh the view onAdd: function(c) { var me = this; if (!c.headerId) { c.headerId = ||, 'header-'); } // Only generate a stateId if it really needs one - ie, it cannot yield a stateId if (!c.getStateId()) { // This was the headerId generated in 4.0, so to preserve saved state, we now // assign a default stateId in that same manner. The stateId's of a column are // not global at the stateProvider, but are local to the grid state data. The // headerId should still follow our standard naming convention. c.stateId = || ('h' + (++me.headerCounter)); } //<debug warn> if ( && { if (!me._usedIDs) { me._usedIDs = {}; } if (me._usedIDs[c.headerId]) {$className, 'attempted to reuse an existing id', c.headerId); } me._usedIDs[c.headerId] = true; } //</debug> me.callParent(arguments); me.onColumnsChanged(); }, onMove: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.onColumnsChanged(); }, onShow: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.onColumnsChanged(); }, // Private // Called whenever a column is added or removed or moved. // Ensures that the gridColumns caches are cleared. onColumnsChanged: function() { var headerCt = this; // Each HeaderContainer up the chain must have its cache purged so that its getGridColumns method will return correct results. while (headerCt) { headerCt.purgeCache(); if (headerCt.isRootHeader) { break; } headerCt = headerCt.ownerCt; } if (headerCt && headerCt.rendered) { headerCt.fireEvent('columnschanged', headerCt); } }, // Invalidate column cache on remove // We cannot refresh the View on every remove because this method is called // when the HeaderDropZone moves Headers around, that will also refresh the view onRemove: function(c) { var me = this, ownerCt = me.ownerCt; me.callParent(arguments); //<debug warn> if (!me._usedIDs) { me._usedIDs = {}; } delete me._usedIDs[c.headerId]; //</debug> if (!me.destroying) { me.onColumnsChanged(); if (me.isGroupHeader && !me.items.getCount() && ownerCt) { // Detach the header from the DOM here. Since we're removing and destroying the container, // the inner DOM may get overwritten, since Container::deatchOnRemove gets processed after // onRemove. me.detachComponent(c); // If we don't have any items left and we're a group, remove ourselves. // This will cascade up if necessary Ext.suspendLayouts(); ownerCt.remove(me); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); } } }, // @private applyDefaults: function(config) { var ret; /* * Ensure header.Container defaults don't get applied to a RowNumberer * if an xtype is supplied. This isn't an ideal solution however it's * much more likely that a RowNumberer with no options will be created, * wanting to use the defaults specified on the class as opposed to * those setup on the Container. */ if (config && !config.isComponent && config.xtype == 'rownumberer') { ret = config; } else { ret = this.callParent(arguments); // Apply default width unless it's a group header (in which case it must be left to shrinkwrap), or it's flexed if (!config.isGroupHeader && !('width' in ret) && !ret.flex) { ret.width = this.defaultWidth; } } return ret; }, setSortState: function(){ var store = this.up('[store]').store, // grab the first sorter, since there may also be groupers // in this collection first = store.getFirstSorter(), hd; if (first) { hd = this.down('gridcolumn[dataIndex=' + +']'); if (hd) { hd.setSortState(first.direction, false, true); } } else { this.clearOtherSortStates(null); } }, getHeaderMenu: function(){ var menu = this.getMenu(), item; if (menu) { item = menu.child('#columnItem'); if (item) { return; } } return null; }, onHeaderVisibilityChange: function(header, visible){ var me = this, menu = me.getHeaderMenu(), item; // Invalidate column collections upon column hide/show me.purgeCache(); if (menu) { // If the header was hidden programmatically, sync the Menu state item = me.getMenuItemForHeader(menu, header); if (item) { item.setChecked(visible, true); } // delay this since the headers may fire a number of times if we're hiding/showing groups if (menu.isVisible()) { me.menuTask.delay(50); } } }, updateMenuDisabledState: function(menu) { var me = this, columns = me.query(':not([hidden])'), i, len = columns.length, item, checkItem, method; // If called from menu creation, it will be passed to avoid infinite recursion if (!menu) { menu = me.getMenu(); } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { item = columns[i]; checkItem = me.getMenuItemForHeader(menu, item); if (checkItem) { method = item.isHideable() ? 'enable' : 'disable'; if ( { method += 'CheckChange'; } checkItem[method](); } } }, getMenuItemForHeader: function(menu, header) { return header ? menu.down('menucheckitem[headerId=' + + ']') : null; }, onHeaderShow: function(header) { // Pass up to the GridSection var me = this, gridSection = me.ownerCt; if (me.forceFit) { delete me.flex; } me.onHeaderVisibilityChange(header, true); // Only update the grid UI when we are notified about base level Header shows; // Group header shows just cause a layout of the HeaderContainer if (!header.isGroupHeader) { if (gridSection) { gridSection.onHeaderShow(me, header); } } me.fireEvent('columnshow', me, header); me.fireEvent('columnschanged', this); }, onHeaderHide: function(header) { // Pass up to the GridSection var me = this, gridSection = me.ownerCt; me.onHeaderVisibilityChange(header, false); // Only update the UI when we are notified about base level Header hides; if (!header.isGroupHeader) { if (gridSection) { gridSection.onHeaderHide(me, header); } } me.fireEvent('columnhide', me, header); me.fireEvent('columnschanged', this); }, /** * Temporarily lock the headerCt. This makes it so that clicking on headers * don't trigger actions like sorting or opening of the header menu. This is * done because extraneous events may be fired on the headers after interacting * with a drag drop operation. * @private */ tempLock: function() { this.ddLock = true; Ext.Function.defer(function() { this.ddLock = false; }, 200, this); }, onHeaderResize: function(header, w, suppressFocus) { var me = this, view = me.view, gridSection = me.ownerCt; // Do not react to header sizing during initial Panel layout when there is no view content to size. if (view && view.body.dom) { me.tempLock(); if (gridSection) { gridSection.onHeaderResize(me, header, w); } } me.fireEvent('columnresize', this, header, w); }, onHeaderClick: function(header, e, t) { header.fireEvent('headerclick', this, header, e, t); this.fireEvent('headerclick', this, header, e, t); }, onHeaderContextMenu: function(header, e, t) { header.fireEvent('headercontextmenu', this, header, e, t); this.fireEvent('headercontextmenu', this, header, e, t); }, onHeaderTriggerClick: function(header, e, t) { // generate and cache menu, provide ability to cancel/etc var me = this; if (header.fireEvent('headertriggerclick', me, header, e, t) !== false && me.fireEvent('headertriggerclick', me, header, e, t) !== false) { me.showMenuBy(t, header); } }, showMenuBy: function(t, header) { var menu = this.getMenu(), ascItem = menu.down('#ascItem'), descItem = menu.down('#descItem'), sortableMth; // Use ownerButton as the upward link. Menus *must have no ownerCt* - they are global floaters. // Upward navigation is done using the up() method. menu.activeHeader = menu.ownerButton = header; header.setMenuActive(true); // enable or disable asc & desc menu items based on header being sortable sortableMth = header.sortable ? 'enable' : 'disable'; if (ascItem) { ascItem[sortableMth](); } if (descItem) { descItem[sortableMth](); } menu.showBy(t); }, // remove the trigger open class when the menu is hidden onMenuHide: function(menu) { menu.activeHeader.setMenuActive(false); }, moveHeader: function(fromIdx, toIdx) { // An automatically expiring lock this.tempLock(); this.onHeaderMoved(this.move(fromIdx, toIdx), 1, fromIdx, toIdx); }, purgeCache: function() { var me = this, menu =; // Delete column cache - column order has changed. me.gridDataColumns = me.hideableColumns = null; // ColumnManager. Only the top if (me.columnManager) { me.columnManager.invalidate(); } // Menu changes when columns are moved. It will be recreated. // Menu does not change when columns are hidden or shown (which is all that happens when menu is visible) if (menu && menu.hidden) { // Must hide before destroy so that trigger el is deactivated menu.hide(); menu.destroy(); = null; } }, onHeaderMoved: function(header, colsToMove, fromIdx, toIdx) { var me = this, gridSection = me.ownerCt; if (gridSection && gridSection.onHeaderMove) { gridSection.onHeaderMove(me, header, colsToMove, fromIdx, toIdx); } me.fireEvent("columnmove", me, header, fromIdx, toIdx); }, /** * Gets the menu (and will create it if it doesn't already exist) * @private */ getMenu: function() { var me = this; if (! { = new{ hideOnParentHide: false, // Persists when owning ColumnHeader is hidden items: me.getMenuItems(), listeners: { hide: me.onMenuHide, scope: me } }); me.fireEvent('menucreate', me,; } me.updateMenuDisabledState(; return; }, /** * Returns an array of menu items to be placed into the shared menu * across all headers in this header container. * @returns {Array} menuItems */ getMenuItems: function() { var me = this, menuItems = [], hideableColumns = me.enableColumnHide ? me.getColumnMenu(me) : null; if (me.sortable) { menuItems = [{ itemId: 'ascItem', text: me.sortAscText, cls: me.menuSortAscCls, handler: me.onSortAscClick, scope: me },{ itemId: 'descItem', text: me.sortDescText, cls: me.menuSortDescCls, handler: me.onSortDescClick, scope: me }]; } if (hideableColumns && hideableColumns.length) { if (me.sortable) { menuItems.push('-'); } menuItems.push({ itemId: 'columnItem', text: me.columnsText, cls: me.menuColsIcon, menu: hideableColumns, hideOnClick: false }); } return menuItems; }, // sort asc when clicking on item in menu onSortAscClick: function() { var menu = this.getMenu(), activeHeader = menu.activeHeader; activeHeader.setSortState('ASC'); }, // sort desc when clicking on item in menu onSortDescClick: function() { var menu = this.getMenu(), activeHeader = menu.activeHeader; activeHeader.setSortState('DESC'); }, /** * Returns an array of menu CheckItems corresponding to all immediate children * of the passed Container which have been configured as hideable. */ getColumnMenu: function(headerContainer) { var menuItems = [], i = 0, item, items = headerContainer.query('>gridcolumn[hideable]'), itemsLn = items.length, menuItem; for (; i < itemsLn; i++) { item = items[i]; menuItem = new{ text: item.menuText || item.text, checked: !item.hidden, hideOnClick: false, headerId:, menu: item.isGroupHeader ? this.getColumnMenu(item) : undefined, checkHandler: this.onColumnCheckChange, scope: this }); menuItems.push(menuItem); // If the header is ever destroyed - for instance by dragging out the last remaining sub header, // then the associated menu item must also be destroyed. item.on({ destroy: Ext.Function.bind(menuItem.destroy, menuItem) }); } return menuItems; }, onColumnCheckChange: function(checkItem, checked) { var header = Ext.getCmp(checkItem.headerId); header[checked ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }, /** * Returns the number of <b>grid columns</b> descended from this HeaderContainer. * Group Columns are HeaderContainers. All grid columns are returned, including hidden ones. */ getColumnCount: function() { return this.getGridColumns().length; }, /** * Gets the full width of all columns that are visible. */ getFullWidth: function() { var fullWidth = 0, headers = this.getVisibleGridColumns(), headersLn = headers.length, i = 0, header; for (; i < headersLn; i++) { header = headers[i]; // use headers getDesiredWidth if its there if (header.getDesiredWidth) { fullWidth += header.getDesiredWidth() || 0; // if injected a diff cmp use getWidth } else { fullWidth += header.getWidth(); } } return fullWidth; }, // invoked internally by a header when not using triStateSorting clearOtherSortStates: function(activeHeader) { var headers = this.getGridColumns(), headersLn = headers.length, i = 0; for (; i < headersLn; i++) { if (headers[i] !== activeHeader) { // unset the sortstate and dont recurse headers[i].setSortState(null, true); } } }, /** * Returns an array of the **visible** columns in the grid. This goes down to the lowest column header * level, and does not return **grouped** headers which contain sub headers. * @returns {Array} */ getVisibleGridColumns: function() { var allColumns = this.getGridColumns(), result = [], len = allColumns.length, i; // Use an inline check instead of ComponentQuery filtering for better performance for // repeated grid row rendering - as in buffered rendering. for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!allColumns[i].hidden) { result[result.length] = allColumns[i]; } } return result; }, /** * Returns an array of all columns which appear in the grid's View. This goes down to the leaf column header * level, and does not return **grouped** headers which contain sub headers. * * It includes hidden headers even though they are not rendered. This is for collection of menu items for the column hide/show menu. * * Headers which have a hidden ancestor have a `hiddenAncestor: true` property injected so that they can also be rendered at zero width without interrogating * that header's ownerCt axis for a hidden ancestor. * @returns {Array} */ getGridColumns: function(/* private - used in recursion*/inResult, hiddenAncestor) { if (!inResult && this.gridDataColumns) { return this.gridDataColumns; } var me = this, result = inResult || [], items, i, len, item, lastVisibleColumn; hiddenAncestor = hiddenAncestor || me.hidden; if (me.items) { items = me.items.items; for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; if (item.isGroupHeader) { item.getGridColumns(result, hiddenAncestor); } else { item.hiddenAncestor = hiddenAncestor; result.push(item); } } } if (!inResult) { me.gridDataColumns = result; } // If top level, correct first and last visible column flags if (!inResult && len) { // Set firstVisible and lastVisible flags for (i = 0, len = result.length; i < len; i++) { item = result[i]; item.isFirstVisible = item.isLastVisible = false; if (!(item.hidden || item.hiddenAncestor)) { if (!lastVisibleColumn) { item.isFirstVisible = true; } lastVisibleColumn = item; } } // If we haven't hidden all columns, tag the last visible one encountered if (lastVisibleColumn) { lastVisibleColumn.isLastVisible = true; } } return result; }, /** * @private * For use by column headers in determining whether there are any hideable columns when deciding whether or not * the header menu should be disabled. */ getHideableColumns: function() { var me = this, result = me.hideableColumns; if (!result) { result = me.hideableColumns = me.query('[hideable]'); } return result; }, /** * Returns the index of a leaf level header regardless of what the nesting * structure is. * * If a group header is passed, the index of the first leaf level header within it is returned. * * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} header The header to find the index of * @return {Number} The index of the specified column header */ getHeaderIndex: function(header) { return this.columnManager.getHeaderIndex(header); }, /** * Get a leaf level header by index regardless of what the nesting * structure is. * @param {Number} index The column index for which to retrieve the column. */ getHeaderAtIndex: function(index) { return this.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(index); }, /** * When passed a column index, returns the closet *visible* column to that. If the column at the passed index is visible, * that is returned. If it is hidden, either the next visible, or the previous visible column is returned. * @param {Number} index Position at which to find the closest visible column. */ getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex: function(index) { return this.columnManager.getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex(index); }, autoSizeColumn : function(header) { var view = this.view; if (view) { view.autoSizeColumn(header); } } });