string addr - Recipient e-mail address.
string subject - Mail subject.
bool is_html - Is message html or plain text?
string msg - Message text or html body.
array attachments - Array of attached file paths.
string to - Recipient name.
string from_addr - Sender e-mail address.
string from_name - Sender name.
string cc - Carbon copies.
string bcc - Blind carbon copies.
string mailer - Name of mailing program.
string reply_to - Reply e-mail address.
string date - Message date, use FormatMsgDate() to set this value.
int priority - Message priority: PRIORITY_LOW, PRIORITY_NORMAL or PRIORITY_HIGH.
string extra_headers - Any custom headers.
string cp_base - Base charset of message or template.
string tpl_containers - Associative array of template containers.
void XPhpMailer ( ) - Class constructor.
void ClearFields ( ) - Sets class properties to default values.
void FormatMsgDate ( $tm ) - Sets the value to date property in correct format.
The parameter is UNIX timestamp.
int GetAttachedSize ( ) - Returns total size of attached files in bytes.
void ProcessTemplate ( $tpl_file ) - Processes email template.
bool SendMail ( $encoding = '' ) - Sends the message. The parameter is target
encoding of sending message. Predefined charset constants are: KOI8_R,
WINDOWS_1251, ISO8859_5, X_CP866, X_MAC_CYRILLIC and TRANSLIT. Cyrillic
characters will convert to english equivalents if TRANSLIT charset is used.
Following sample demonstrates how to send koi8 encoded russian message with two
$xmailer = new XPhpMailer ( );
$xmailer->addr = 'ivanov@mail.ru';
$xmailer->to = 'Èâàíîâ Ñåðãåé';
$xmailer->subject = 'Çäðàâñòâóéòå!';
$xmailer->from_addr = 'petrov@myhost.com';
$xmailer->from_name = 'Ïåòðîâ À.';
$xmailer->attachments = array ( 'docs/project.zip', 'images/misc/me.jpg' );
$xmailer->msg = '<b>Òåêñò ñîîáùåíèÿ...</b>';
$xmailer->is_html = TRUE;
$xmailer->cp_base = WINDOWS_1251;
//$xmailer->SendMail ( TRANSLIT );
$xmailer->SendMail ( KOI8_R );
Next sample shows how to process e-mail templates:
$xmailer = new XPhpMailer ( );
$xmailer->addr = 'john@email.com';
$xmailer->to = 'John';
$xmailer->subject = 'Hello, John!';
$xmailer->from_addr = 'webmaster@myhost.com';
$xmailer->tpl_containers = array ( '{%NAME%}'=>'John',
'{%SIGNATURE%}'=>'Admin' );
$xmailer->ProcessTemplate ( 'msg.txt' );
$xmailer->SendMail ( );
File "msg.txt"
Dear {%NAME%},
Here is your new Member Account Username and Temporary Password:
Username: myuser
Password: a5928b0d6jb5
Best wishes,
Please, contact the author to get any kind of additional information or to
report bugs: vagh@armdex.com