PHP Classes

Does what it's supposed to do.

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Subject:Does what it's supposed to do.
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:F Philip DeGeorge
Date:2009-03-30 21:47:06
Update:2009-03-31 07:46:18


F Philip DeGeorge rated this package as follows:

Utility: Sufficient
Consistency: Good
Documentation: Good
Examples: Good

  1. Does what it's supposed to do.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of F Philip DeGeorge F Philip DeGeorge - 2009-03-30 21:47:06
Does what it's supposed to do. I like it.

  2. Re: Does what it's supposed to do.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Er. Rochak Chauhan Er. Rochak Chauhan - 2009-03-31 07:46:18 - In reply to message 1 from F Philip DeGeorge
Hi Philip,

Well this class reads the user's IP and then from the inbuild database it tells which country it is from.

Simple as that :) Although, as the IP-Country databases are sold separately, the one with the class is not up to date.
To get accurate results, try

In case of any other issue or query, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,