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PHP Export Data: Export data in CSV, TSV, or Excel XML formats

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Version License PHP version Categories
php-export-data 1.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Files and Folders
Description Author

This class can export data in CSV, TSV, or Excel XML formats.

It can take data in arrays to be added as rows of tabular data.

The class can export the data in several output formats as the data rows are added to the tabular data stream.

The class can be exported to the formats CSV, TSV, or Excel XML (aka SpreadsheeML) either to a file or directly to the browser.

Name: Ionut-Alexandru Toma <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Romania Romania


php-export-data by Eli Dickinson

Released under the permissive MIT License:

A simple library for exporting tabular data to Excel-friendly XML, CSV, or TSV. It supports streaming exported data to a file or directly to the browser as a download so it is suitable for exporting large datasets (you won't run out of memory).

Excel XML code is based on Excel_XML by Oliver Schwarz (

How to use it


// When executed in a browser, this script will prompt for download 
// of 'test.xls' which can then be opened by Excel or OpenOffice.

require 'php-export-data.class.php';

// 'browser' tells the library to stream the data directly to the browser.
// other options are 'file' or 'string'
// 'test.xls' is the filename that the browser will use when attempting to 
// save the download
$exporter = new ExportDataExcel('browser', 'test.xls');

$exporter->initialize(); // starts streaming data to web browser

// pass addRow() an array and it converts it to Excel XML format and sends 
// it to the browser
$exporter->addRow(array("This", "is", "a", "test")); 
$exporter->addRow(array(1, 2, 3, "123-456-7890"));

// doesn't care how many columns you give it

$exporter->finalize(); // writes the footer, flushes remaining data to browser.

exit(); // all done


See the test/ directory for more examples.

Some other options for creating Excel files from PHP are listed here:

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