Create complex HTML forms

This package can be used to create complex input forms. Multiple input fields can be arranged in rows or in
several columns.
In addition to the 'usual' form elements, the package contains an element for entering color values
and a range element to which a label can be assigned, in which the current selection of the slider is
automatically displayed.
Additionaly the package contains JavaScript-based pickers for
- date fields
- time fields
- color fields
and integrated JS validation of
- date values
- time values
- numerical values (integer, floating point and currency fields).
The input formats can be configured to meet country-specific requirements.
The design can be completely adapted to your own needs using an individual stylesheet.
The form definition can be made directly in the PHP code or within a XML file (for this
purposes a XSD schema is provided with the package to make it easy to check the validation
of the XML definition).
The package also contains an element that can be used to integrate the WYSIWYG editor
'CKEditor 4' into a form. The complete configuration is done from the PHP side. A
connector to the open source file manager 'RichFilemanager' is included for selecting
graphics or to create links to other files on the server.
As this package supplies a wide range of functionality that can be configured individual,
the documentation is splitted into multiple parts:
The configuration of the package
Quickstart with a simple example form
... to be continued
In the example directory you will find sample forms that show the use of all supported
elements and currently provides two different themes.