PHP Classes

Complex Heart PHP Domain Driven Design Model: Value objects, entities and aggregates with traits

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2024-01-30 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 57 This week: 3All time: 10,517 This week: 30Up
Version License PHP version Categories
ch-domain-model 1.0Custom (specified...8.1Data types, Design Patterns, PHP 8


This package allows the implementation of value objects, entities, and aggregates using traits.

It provides classes and traits to implement domain-driven, design-based applications.

Currently, it also provides a set of traits that can be used to define the classes:

- HasAttributes

- HasDomainEvents

- HasEquality

- HasIdentity

- HasImmutability

- HasInvariants

- HasTypeCheck

It also provides classes to implement common types of value objects that use the traits above:

- ArrayValue

- BooleanValue

- EnumValue

- FloatValue

- IntegerValue

- StringValue

- UUIDValue

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2024
Domain-driven design is a software design approach that aims to match the domain of the problems that the applications should solve based on the input of the experts who understand the domain of the issues.

For instance, if a software project aims to solve e-commerce problems using domain-driven design, developers should model the implementation of the product using the experience of the e-commerce experts.

This package helps implement projects that use the domain-driven design to develop value objects, entities, and aggregates using value object classes and traits provided within this package.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Unay Santisteban
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x



Domain Model

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Modeling Aggregates, Entities and Value Objects

Complex Heart allows you to model your domain Aggregates, Entities, and Value Objects using a set of traits. Great, but why traits and not classes? Well, sometimes you have some kind of inheritance in your classes. Being forced to use a certain base class is too invasive and personally, I don't like it. By using a set of traits and interfaces you have all the functionality you need without compromising the essence of your own domain.

The available traits are:

  • `HasAttributes` Provide some functionality to manage attributes.
  • `HasEquality` Provide functionality to handle equality between objects.
  • `HasInvariants` Allow invariant checking on instantiation (Guard Clause).
  • `HasIdentity` Define the Entity/Aggregate identity.
  • `HasDomainEvents` Provide domain event management.

On top of those base traits Complex Heart provide ready to use compositions:

  • `IsModel` composed by `HasAttributes` and `HasInvariants`.
  • `IsValueObject` composed by `IsModel` and `HasEquality`.
  • `IsEntity` composed by `IsModel`, `HasIdentity`, `HasEquality`.
  • `IsAggregate` composed by `IsEntity`, `HasDomainEvents`.

For more information please check the wiki.

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