PHP Classes

Typer PHP Type Casting Class: Assure that array entry values have a given types

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2024-03-23 (6 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 22 This week: 22All time: 11,153 This week: 2Up
Version License PHP version Categories
typer 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...7.1Data types, PHP 7


This package can ensure that array entry values have a given type.

It provides a class with functions that can take values of different types and convert them to specific types.

The functions can also take default values if the parameter values are null.

It can cast integer, string, float, bool, and array types.

Picture of Andrey Iatsenko
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x




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This is a simple helper package that helps make the code cleaner. Often, when working with data from third-party sources, such as website parsing, you need to write hundreds of lines of code to check for a particular property.

Most likely, you write a lot of if or ternary operators, and your code looks something like this:

$user = new User();
$user->id = isset($dynamicArray['id']) ? (int)$dynamicArray['id'] : null;
$user->email = isset($dynamicArray['email']) ? (string)$dynamicArray['email'] : null;
$user->balance = isset($dynamicArray['balance']) ? (float)$dynamicArray['balance'] : null;
$user->blocked = isset($dynamicArray['blocked']) ? ($dynamicArray['blocked'] === 'true' ? true : false) : null;

When using Typer, you don't need to worry about a lot of checks and transformations. Simply wrap the code in the typer method:

$user = new User();
$user->id = Typer::int($dynamicArray, 'id');
$user->email = Typer::string($dynamicArray, 'email');
$user->balance = Typer::float($dynamicArray, 'balance');
$user->blocked = Typer::bool($dynamicArray, 'blocked');

If, in the absence of a parameter, you need to specify a default value other than "null", you can simply pass it as the second argument:

$user->balance = Typer::float($dynamicArray, 'balance', 10.0);


The package can be installed via composer:

composer require

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