PHP Classes

MySQL utility: Multiple purpose MySQL database utility

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StarStarStar 43%Total: 6,603 All time: 316 This week: 50Up
Version License Categories
mysqlutility 1.0GNU General Publi...HTML, Databases


This is a class meant to execute tasks for multiple purposes of accessing a MySQL database.

It can:
* Take a backup and restore a database using MySQL dump files
* Execute the most common types SQL queries passing lists of parameters
* Perform controlled rollback to undo the last executed SQL query whenever possible
* Copy a database from a local server to a remote MySQL server
* Lock and unlock tables.
* Optimize and analize tables.
* Display the data from a table in a Tabloid type listing that can be sorted by ascending or descending order.
* Generate an HTML user interface to list, add, edit and delete table rows.

The comments in the code are in Spanish.

Picture of Andres Dario Gutierrez Poveda
Name: Andres Dario Gutierrez ... <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: Colombia Colombia
Age: 46
All time rank: 972 in Colombia Colombia
Week rank: 206 Down2 in Colombia Colombia Equal
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Winner: 1x

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Plain text file MySQL.class.php Class MySQL management

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