Applications that use this package |
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Other classes that need this package |
Class |
Why it is needed |
Dependency |
Auto-Responder |
Read data from the specified url |
Required |
Pages that reference this package |
grab!! Ada hal lain yang ingin gw sampaikan, beberapa search engine masih meng-crawl site: ezie.spunge.org… ya gak salah sih.. soalnya emang tadinya gw masih di sana. Skr kan dah pindah... |
Grabing the URL Grab class is meant to fetch a page of a given URL and send it by e-mail as HTML message... |
Hasil Konsultasi DP2 (SSK) 1 April 2008 Tanya jawab dan kritik dari Bu Suning:... |
Latest pages that reference packages