PHP Classes

DB Cart Class: Manage a shopping cart stored in a MySQL database

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2005-09-16 (14 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 72%Total: 9,792 This week: 1All time: 143 This week: 404Down
Version License Categories
db_cart 1.0.0BSD LicenseDatabases, E-Commerce
Description Author

This class can manage a shopping cart with the details stored in a MySQL database.

It can be integrated with existing MySQL databases that contain the information about the products and customers. The cart can also be used without any existing customer information.

Currently it can perform several operations on shopping carts like adding items, display the cart contents, the VAT amount and the order totals, updating quantities or empty the cart.

It can all take care of the checkout process tasks like setting or updating the shipping address and send an order confirmation message to the customer.

It's possible recover the last "open" order for an existing customer during a limited time periode.

Since version 1.10 its possible to use this class with product data where the stock value is variable.

  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file add2cart.gif Icon the add to cart image used by an example file
Plain text file db_cart_4stock.php Class this extenstion is used to handle carts where the "on stock" amount is important
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_changes.txt Doc. log file about bug fixes and updates
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_checkout_example.php Example DB_cart "checkout" expample
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_checkout_stock_example.php Appl. example file to check out an order with stock values (products)
Plain text file db_cart_class.php Class The class file with all methods an variables
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_confirm.php Example DB_cart "confirmation" expample
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_example.php Example DB_cart expample (order form)
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_example.sql Data Example tabels (products and customer)
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_example_btn_only.php Example A more simple example product list
Accessible without login HTML file db_cart_readme.htm Doc. Readme and usage information
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_required.sql Data Database structure
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_stock_confirm.php Appl. an example that shows a confirmation and updates the stock value
Accessible without login Plain text file db_cart_stock_example.php Appl. example file to build an order page with products and stock values
Accessible without login Plain text file db_config.php Conf. Database and application variables

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:1
All time:143
This week:404Down
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